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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. SA and GC are over an hour away from Newport News. One GC in Virginia Beach and SA and GC in Richmond. The mom and pop store I like is 20 mins away. Most of the employees look like they are Maroon 5 fans. And so helpful. Zoe is another story. She can help me all day long. But she is in N Myrtle.
  2. Cher circa 1973 would cheer me up too.
  3. Yeah I heard Genesis is going to tour again. Saw them in '84 and it was bad. Light show was good. And if I'm gonna see a band it wont be a fake pretend one.
  4. Feet are not sexy. I'm a hi-nee guy. A nice booty is magical. Yoga pants are one of the greatest inventions ever.
  5. Stickers are for cases. If a sticker comes near my 41 I'll gut em.
  6. No but if I try to spell the actual word the filter will block it out. Cause its a bad word. Its a way of spelling it a different way and getting away with it.
  7. Once again that is K rap. And people wonder why they get slagged on. I guess by now you know only a Gibson neck is twisted enough.
  8. I hope his jacket stayed on. He's dead sexy in it. Like asking the Pro to leave the thigh high boots on when its business time.
  9. The mom and pop shop I go to have a better selection of Martins that any GC I have been in in the past 5 years. Case in point my new 2019 D-41 I got a few months back. Right now in that store is a Martin D-28 Modern, HD-28V, D-18, and a few other nice standard models I can't remember and a few but not many Mex Martins. My D-41 new before tax was 3899. Look up and see what CG wants for one. Here is the link. But I do agree with you. Sam Ash is huge and a few others. https://www.guitarcenter.com/Martin/D-41-Standard-Dreadnought-Acoustic-Guitar-Ambertone-1500000202940.gc?rNtt=martin d-41&index=1
  10. It is cool that GC kicked down some stuff for someone who lost so much. And I agree with you they are Beelzebub.
  11. Nice ask him were he gets his cool jackets from. I want one just like he has.
  12. How does it make that sound with no one playing it. Looks killer. Is it cracked by the pickguard?
  13. Even the crowded areas aren't crowed to me due to living in the Hampton Road Area of VA. Hate this area its a dump. I am sure whatever the next 3 day weekend is my wife and I will be headed down to LR. It still kills me all the old fogies driving around in their supped up golf carts. I know Southside Johnny is coming but I do not think I will be down there. I think Johnny Lang came, I'm not a fan of the young blues gunslingers. They are good players, seen K W Shepard, but I would rather listen to the masters. Seen BB and Buddy Guy a few times. Last time I was down I was in a store and the sales lady (in her late 60's or early 70's) told me the night before she saw Three Dog Night at the Alabama Theater. Man I had no idea they were still around. We can thank The Rolling Stones for bands that need to give it up that just never go away.
  14. I started learning Ripple by The Grateful Dead last night.
  15. There is an associate that works at the one in N. Myrtle maybe in her mid 30's I talk to every time. She is easy on the eyes. I get her to unlock the guitars in the acoustic room for me and not the ugly guy with long hair or the skinny girl who dresses like its Halloween every day of the year.
  16. Call Mark he is Head of Brand (I think that is his title) he will sort it all out with his leather jacket on.
  17. I know you have been though a lot, but GC is what it is. They will low ball you when you sell to them and try to get every cent out of you when you buy. It was that way when I was 16 going to CG is San Jose, CA when I lived there when I grew up there and the same at the CG in Virginia Beach which is the closest one to my current house. You can find a deal now and then, but I just go in there to noodle and not buy. Most if not have the same models in every store. One J-45, and H'bird Studio, A G-45, a J-15, a Martin D-28, 000-15, a D-15, Mexican stuff, a heap ton of Taylor's, Yamaha's, Epi's, 2 nice 2k Gibson LP's, 2 nice American Strats and Teles all way up high on the 3rd row about 20 feet up, a ton on Mex Teles, and Strats, Epi Electrics ect ect. You know the drill you have been there. Every once and a while something cool that is used, and if you like it, it is gone in seconds. Rarely a Dove or J-200 or H'bird. Maybe in Atlanta or NY or LA. And if they do its behind glass under lock and key. Can't remember the last time I saw a nice high end acoustic in the humidified room. Last time I was there a 3 or 4 year old kid knock over the same acoustic twice and the sales rep told the dad it was okay they will just put it up higher on the hangers to hide the dings. Everything in GC is used unless you see it with your own eyes come out of the shipping box off the truck.
  18. Yeah, I am sure in Austin you have guitar stores that make GC look like a dollar store. Love Austin there once. Wanna go back bad.
  19. Comparable to when you bought it or current day price of that model?
  20. Looks nice. I have 3 capos. One Shubb, and 2 Kysers (6 and 12), 2 Straps, a heap ton of nice pics (V, Blue Chip, Red Bear and Gravity) and 4 acoustics (all CFM), pining for a Bird or Dove. No amps as I'm all acoustic.
  21. Yes. If one wire of the humbucker wires didn't go to ground it would not work. It is grounded in the circuitry. Check your 5 wire set up and you will see 2 are grounded. The bare one and one other must be. Do you have a meter? See how one side of the winding goes to ground and one is hot. Your 4 and 5 wire hum gives you choice for coil splitting. http://
  22. Does historic plastic make it sound better. Marketing guys are the best.
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