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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. In the video the logo is awful.
  2. Why do they all look so pissed their Beatles for f sake. Oh that's right they all had to endure Yoko. I used to have Let It Be on 8-track. I have a Capitol and Apple vinyl LP of it and the 2009 Remastered CD and the CD from when they first got released on CD.
  3. Could be lots of stuff. I helped a friend locate the noise in her LP. Once we tuned the florescent lights off in the up stairs bedroom, noise gone.
  4. The wife did ours we are getting a refund too for state and federal. Last year we got a state refund but owed the feds. More went to the feds so we owed.
  5. Yeah they come and go. When they come the price goes up like a dealer selling to a strung out junkie.
  6. Ask him to take a picture of the back of the headstock where it meets the neck to see if it has the custom logo there. It might have been made in the Custom Shop. My BB King was not a custom, but I think built there.
  7. I think you have to go to a dealer and it is called Made To Measure, if they are still doing that. Gibson I am sure are willing to build you a guitar, but your gonna pay?
  8. Aren't there modeling amp that you can sound like Jimi circa Woodstock with a flip of a switch?
  9. Do you have it and does it have the pots that split coils?
  10. I think you can report a fake directly to Gibson. What it does, or what they do is anybody's guess.
  11. After all that, they sound like strings on a guitar.
  12. Then there is your sign. Run away and let it go. I would demand pictures with the truss rod cover off. I would demand pictures of the control cavity opened to make sure it has Gibson pots. If he is unwilling to do that, then no.
  13. Polishing it up then on go the cryogenically enhanced strings.
  14. We are testing in the Wind Tunnel I work at and when we test I go to nights. Should be might last night of nights for this week. I hope so cause The Wood Brother are playing in Richmond Wednesday and I want to go. So just got up, gonna get a few gulps of coffee in me and the strings are coming off. Gonna rock the frets one more time as I lowered the action last time. I did it and did not go back a second time to double check to see if I have a fret of two that need more attention. Its not like the frets are steak knives on the ends like some Gibbys I've owned. Yes the D-41 is new. Yes rct sometimes I just want to look at it, but its an instrument and I play mine. Just cause it cost a pretty penny doesn't mean it ain't getting played. Leave the house, no way, put played, oh h-ell yes. Results in a few hours. I should have taken pics after I dipped them, but I left my phone at my desk.
  15. Never seen. A LP with custom shop on the head stock like that. I'm going with fake.
  16. I listened to Fair Warning the other day. The intro to Mean Street is still bad @ss to this day.
  17. My BB King seemed heavier than any LP I ever owned.
  18. I know Gibson Cryogenically enhanced there frets a few years back and Dean Markley dips there Blue Steels (used to use them when I was an electric guy) in Liquid Nitrogen(LN2). I work at a place that makes it on site and today I brought in a set of Martin SP strings and I dipped them in LN2. Tomorrow I have a few frets to take care of on my D-41 and I am going to put the ones I dipped on to see if it actually does anything or its just Snake Oil. I'm thinking Snake Oil personally.
  19. I'm going into the vintage case buisness. 1st customer rct. I like the Martin thermoplastic cases better than Geib ones. Guess I'm weird that way.
  20. Get a Duesenberg Les Trem I think it goes where your tail stop is with no mods.
  21. Your right about that. That is why I sucked it up and did 20 in the military. Health care costs me $50 a month.
  22. Personally I could care less about the original case. I know people go insane about their case csuse it has the pink original fluff in it. As long as it comes with a decent one. I don't play cases I play guitars. A case is something I put a guitar in to get from point A to point B. But for resale value maybe.
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