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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. I saw the in 92 or 93 when they toured The Black Album and in 17 for Hardwired.
  2. Explores are rock machines. They are balanced like no other guitar. Saw Metallica twice live once in Hawaii and once in Seattle.
  3. People will tell you this wood is better with 80/20 or PB or Monels. Just try them all. I switch back an forth all the time and use 80/20 or PB. Never cared for Monel, but people do like them. Right now I've got 80/20 Martins on my guitars.
  4. That is unacceptable. I guess it got dropped or the strings were not slacked before shipping. I had a ES-335 I bought came with the neck cracked. It was brand new and went back the next day. You had better be able to get a replacement. I live in the USA and even I have heard of that store. I thought the Germans were all about efficiency? Or it was cracked before it went out and no one QA'ed it. But that is unlikely.
  5. Yep. Where do you live The Sun? I have heard of lifting on the corners, But just fell off. Either the worker got so baked at lunch he forgot to put glue on it or that is the absolute worst QA ever.
  6. Where did it come from The US or was it already in Europe and it came form a store over there. I owned an Explorer they are great guitars. Is it brand new or used?
  7. It's broken. Return it ASAP. It must have been dropped in shipment. No that is not normal. The tension on the strings are holding the headstock in place. It doesn't look cracked through but its trash. That is a huge bummer.
  8. I've owned a few acoustics and never has one fallen off. My Guild was 30+ years old when I got it and it has shrunk a bit, but fallen off, never.
  9. Nice pair. Owned a few Strats. Congrats.
  10. When at Grateful Dead shows trips are for kids.
  11. I will be her domina-tor any time any day any hour.
  12. Ah bootlegs. Nothing like music that sounded like it was recorded in a pillow.
  13. I don't see why not, as long as it fits.
  14. My acoustics have a ton of wood removed. But on to the topic at hand. I have owned full chiropractor special no relief LP's, the Swiss Cheese ones and the modern relief ones. Never could tell the difference in tone. Maybe a little in weight. LP's don't neck dive. There bodies are heavy even WR ones.
  15. Listen to early Nugent. That's a Byrdland. 335s are played by a ton of people.
  16. Get one in your price range and in a color you like. You can always change pickups and then its a different guitar.
  17. Maybe like Keef, he's tuned open G and a full barre is a chord. Those behind the capo chords sound the best.
  18. It didn't but you gotta let your ears and wallet determine what sounds good to you and what you can afford. Everyone on this forum can chime and give their own interpretation of how it sounds.
  19. I'm sure like most people cause she likes the way it sounds. That is usually my criteria.
  20. Damn I looked up pics the Savannah is huge.
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