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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. I get up at 5:45, shake the dew, brush my fangs, throw on clothes and get out of the house. Have to be in my seat at 6:45 for our daily morning meeting. Guitar's come when I get home form the grind. Hopefully only a year or two left and when we can sell the house we're outta VA and off the SC. I wont even look back to flip VA off. Haven't touched the 000 in two days. I'll give it a go tonight. The strings just got changed on the 12er on Sunday, and are not going out of tune anymore. So far the strings on the D-41 I dipped in liquid nitrogen still sound good.
  2. He played it every time I saw him live. I just listened to R & L Thompson - Shoot Out The Lights last night.
  3. Lindy's stuff is tight. I installed many a Lindy pup after ripping out the stock stuff.
  4. Anything by that guy. Saw him 3 times. He is beyond good.
  5. Get it now if you can afford it. I just sold a D-35, D-28 and D-18 to get a D-41. No regrets. All were guitars I would buy again in half a heartbeat, but the D-41 is super pimpin. Kinkda like a D-45 but 5k less.
  6. Man you just can do much better.
  7. We buried the hatchet and made nice. It sucks when a guitar gets jacked up and the warranty is not worth the paper its written on.
  8. Damn you scored. I would keep it. Every bass player need a guitar just like every guitarist needs a bass. I play guitar but own one bass. You got a nice axe there.
  9. He was one of those angry kind of new wavers like Elvis Costello and Joe Jackson when they started out.
  10. These guys got cheesy but their first few album were great.
  11. Don't bother with the local girls. Don't bother with them, they don't bother me. Love that album.
  12. I saw Mac's other band Portastatic a few times at the Cat's Cradle open for Guided By Voices and Robert Pollard. I've got some Superchunk on cd. No Pocky For Kitty is killer.
  13. Is tool smelling really a thing? I never go to work and go ya know what I should smell my channel locks.
  14. Buy a new one and show em . Vintage in one thing, but a Made In China model is still that Made In China.
  15. That can be fixed. Almost anything can. Your story is one most of us dream of. I bought a house and there is a 60's Gibson in it. Life must be rough.
  16. My first Rush show was Moving Pictures the last was the last tour and 5 or 6 others in between. Great band, great album, sad ending.
  17. Only played on ES-175 at a place called Alpha Music. There nice but at 5k back when Gibson was making them, they can keep em. Steve is one of the reasons I play. Saw him 3 times. One time with GTR and twice with Asia. Never got to see him with Yes (who are one of my favorite bands). I was too young to see them when they were good, now the stuff they do, to me is garbage.
  18. I would take it to a pro for it that bothers you. Super Glue your guitar. Well its yours, I wouldn't.
  19. If its a real '67 you gotta find out what was in them back then. If it was PAF's they ain't gonna be cheap.
  20. 335's are one of the best electrics Gibson makes. I would rather have one than a LP.
  21. My D-35 was all that an a bag of chips, but a D-41 is all that and 2 bags of chips. D-35's are not just a D-28 with a 3 piece back. I know I owned both. I would own both again in a heartbeat.
  22. Well Yes and No. I love my small body 000 -28 and any D's I've owned. There just different beasts. I've played a few M-36's and would own one in a heartbeat. It's like a 000 small bodied D-35's but one better. A three piece back is something special. No one makes an production acoustic like Martin. Yes I know 5 minuets after I get it home it needs a neck reset and the binding comes unglued.
  23. M-36 is a pimpin machine. Small body Martins are the business. I beat the p!ss out of my 000-28. Miss my D-35 and 28 an 18, but then I look at and play my D-41 and then not so much.
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