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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. You must be in the UK, you spell color with a "u" in the word.
  2. All Things Must Pass. Ok I just have no idea what his question means, so how am I supposed to take it and it seems he is not explaining it. That's all. I can talk all day about The Beatles, but don't you guys want to get back to J-45's
  3. Spray some clear poly over it. I kid I kid. Yeah you should have had him sign in a place you rarely touch like take the pickguard off and sign on the bottom, or under the control cavity cover, or back of the headstock.
  4. That thing is killer. If it had a nice paint job it would be pimpin'.
  5. I'm an American, what does that sigh mean with the people and the 4 arrows pointing at them?
  6. I'm not sure what you are referring to with your question. If it is supposed to be funny I don't get it, if its supposed to be an insult once again I don't get it.
  7. Mediums maybe. I can't remember fret sizes. Yes it won't but it might pay for the repair.
  8. I had a 498 in an Explorer and ripped it out. That is how much I liked it. People love 57 classics. I think I had a set in an ES-335. I liked those. I'll post a pic when I get on a computer. Its easier to post on there than my phone.
  9. When was it built? Maybe if really dark ebony or even on uber expensive guitars Gibson did Richlite aka resin and cardboard. Pups no clue. Take one out and look at the back. Best bet call Gibson.
  10. I to this day rarely if ever listen to Rev 9 and The White Album is my all time favorite album and not just by them. Of all time. It is an Acid fueled POS in my opinion. I even love Wild Honey Pie and Ob-la- di OB-la-da. But 9 is poo stacked on garbage that is in a pile of vomit. As far as John goes he tried to do some good with his political activism but he was also became nothing more than rich a-hole whose solo music I like the first 2 and not much more. Pauls early stuff till about Back to the Egg I like and he's solo stuff I play the most. George I usually listen to only ATMP, and Ringo to me is a drummer. A good one and the one that was a fit for the Beatles, but his career is silly. I'm real about music and do not tolerate musicians resting on their laurels. If its garbage I'll call it such. Now we tuned this into a Fab 4 thread. Now back you you J-45 guys telling some one not to worry about a mark on his $2500 guitar.
  11. If you do play and want to keep it, I would change the metal nut to a bone one, change the boost or phase switch whatever it is and put in the other tone pot yank off that ridiculous tuner put some different machine tuners on there and you got a rock and roll machine. Or sell it.
  12. Try Reverb screw the bay. 3% vice 10% fees. In the past 2 weeks I've sold 2 guitars. In about less than 10 days of listing. If its priced right and its clean it will sell.
  13. I think he took the quote from when he made How I Won The War and used it in one of the biggest wastes of 6 minutes The Beatles ever recorded, but not positive.
  14. Its the example I used, but I'm sure you get the point. The quote is from Revolution #9 in case you didn't know Side 4 of The Beatles aka The White Album the second to last track on the album. The fact of the matter is the guitar is going out of the shop before the finish is cured. Many people know it, but many don't. Many people also don't know that breathing near a nitro guitar can disturb the finish (I'm kidding there) but you also know what I'm alluding to, leaving a guitar in a stand, leaving on a tuner for more that the time it takes to tune up ect ect can stain and leave marks on it. The guy has a problem with and expensive guitar, and he may not know how nitro reacts with everything in the world, and all you guy want to do is cut him down and tell him he's being silly. I'm sot sure what ex-Winston is supposed to mean? An insult of some kind I'm sure.
  15. How about this would any of you guys buy a new car and accept the fact that your paint needed to cure for another 6 months while you drove it around?
  16. Not sure how much you charged the guy for what you built for him but new those probably went for close to maybe $1700 to 2 grand. Even if you didn't play it it still considered used maybe you could get 60% of that. I know that Les Paul 100 scroll looks like a three-year-old did it but that guitar is the real deal. That is one of the things people loathed about that year, that and the metal nut.
  17. The foreign-made Texans were about $699 and the USA made ones are going to be $2699. There up on Sweetwaters site. Foreign-made casinos are about $499 so I would believe the usa-made ones are going to be over two grand. They are not yet up on Sweetwater site.
  18. Yeah Civil Wars broke up a few years back.
  19. I've seen her live twice. Fruits Of My Labor is my favorite song of her's. She played Joy both times. I have to admit I am not a fan of that song.
  20. Got a wild hair last night and started looking at Dove's on Reverb and the Bay. I think the cheapest one I saw in the US was $2500 in good condition. How many damn Doves are in Japan and are any of them real or are they all fakes.
  21. They made those for about a year with the extra switch and 3 knobs with the metal nut thing. I'm going all in and saying real deal. So you traded for this guitar and back then, and you did not know if it was real? It that right.
  22. Time to fiddle with some knobs. Nice.
  23. Just make '59 bursts replicas. Its all people want, except for Steve who whats Firebirds.
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