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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. Mine are in stands for easy access. I mostly sit and play on my futon and do not need a strap much. I have a D'addario Kiss Rock And Roll Over strap my wife bought me years ago for Xmas and a Levy's one with a lightning bolt on it. Ages ago when I had about 12 guitars I damn near had a strap for every one, and left them on when I was standing to play. Never affected one guitar and they were about 50/50 Gibsons to Fenders.
  2. I tried to get a Dove last week, but the deal fell through. The guy wanted to trade and wanted me to mail him the 2 guitars I was going to trade and not mail his till after he inspected them and approved. He tried to set my mind at ease and tell me he had a reputable shop. And I'm hung like a porn star. I even went to the mirror in the bathroom to look and stupid was not written on my forehead anywhere. Every time I play a J-45 I can understand what all the fuss is about. I will say one thing Martin they have no business finishing tops on guitars, they look awful. Gibson kills them in that department. I love Doves and HBirds. One day I'll get one. Or Both.
  3. He sued FM after he got booted for the money he would have gotten for the tour. I think they settled out of court. So yes and maybe no. Every time FM tours it's just a cash grab anyway so he's losing that.
  4. I know I change it every month or so. Thinking about my next one.
  5. I have no idea how people sing and play at the same time. When I try to sing out loud while playing I f-up and forget what I'm doing.
  6. What a d!ck. And he got some to boot. Did you do 20 in the Navy or just one hitch. I did 4 then joined the CG and life got better. Got out as an E-8. Maybe I should change my name to Senior Chief Pepper, but I have never been of of those guys who still live in the past and can't talk about anything else. Like when all you have to cling to is your college days.
  7. Cause it was really an Epi? And before you get all uptight its a joke.
  8. I've never heard that song. As a matter of fact I just stared learning it last week. Got my 12'er out and everything. The Beatles liked to capo a lot. So at the end of the song did he burn her furniture or just lite a fire in the fire place? He b0ned her that's for sure, but had to crash in the tub. I guess she had no couch.
  9. https://reverb.com/p/gibson-es-125-1950-1970 Look here.
  10. I got the big cut on both my man tubes, so condoms are a thing of the past.
  11. Sorry for your loss. I lost my mother last March. Not sure what guitar it is, but go on Reverb and see what the same make model year and condition are selling for.
  12. I think the only place there is more wood is the center block. I think the upper and lower bouts are the same as the rest of the sides.
  13. It's it a Gibson guitar and doesn't the strap say Gibson on it or am I reading it wrong? Or did it happen with a different strap?
  14. Unless I'm dumb or wrong both are different in every way. I've seen the ones that raise up like the one above, but the first one with the huge letters, never.
  15. You can do what you want its yours. It might improve the balance, but the weight of the guitar will not change. I need another hole in my guitars like I need another wife.
  16. Put a shirt on or get a room you two. Nowadays that would be considered kiddie porn.
  17. Man I can't stand that guy and the band he fronts.
  18. The grain on my 000 seems uniform across the whole top, my D-41 is tighter at the center and wider at the edges and the 12er, J12-16GT is tighter at the center and wider at the edged and the D-15M is at another house. That is all I got and I ain't got no more. I strum them they sound good, I finger pick them they sound good. Like I said I think we as guitarist tend to over analyze stuff to the n'th degree.
  19. I know. The only FM songs I like once Stevie and Lindsey joined are Lindsey's and Songbird. The Welsh era was okay and people go gaga for Peter Green. They were good back then English Blues is just not my thing.
  20. Yeah I know but that is the reason I am on the forum to learn from others. I could look up anything all day long, but then what is the point of being of the forum I'll look it up myself.
  21. I picked out my own clothes today without Beato's help, but I'm probably dressed wrong.
  22. Yeah but its not a real court of law, just a bunch of old windbags with each side having their own agenda (ok enough depression). Not sure what grain I have. They look really close. Can someone explain the difference to me how tight is tight and how wide is wide? Any one?
  23. So Gibson's own products react with their own guitars. Nice. So Steve there goes your theory out the window. I guess if its gonna happen its gonna happen. No matter if the strap is on for an entire gig or 5 mins. I think all my Martins have nitro finishes and I leave them in my Hercules stands whenever they are not in my hands with no barrier between the guitar and the stand like a lot of people do. I know the issue is a strap, but nitro supposedly reacts to any and everything. Never had a ill effect. You obviously did and I've heard of it happening and it comes up all the time. I guess you can call Gibson and talk to them. I'm sure they are just gonna tell you "it happens its nitro". Bummer. Plus Gibson fans are unwilling to give up their nitro finished guitars and they tout it as the best lacquer.
  24. It's belt worn. Yeah if it came out of the factory like that it would cost at least $500 more. But seriously. It happens. I guess you could have some spray some nitro over to get it back, but it is on the back and chances are you are going to put another ding in it anyway. Haven't dinged my D-41 yet but on that day I will cry like a girl.
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