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Everything posted by LarryUK

  1. I ask because I've seen an mint 89 Les Paul for sale. It has thin neck binding etc so looks like an old one. I hesitated over it and now someone else is seeing it before me. So I may not get it. I've been after a donor Les Paul as I want a red top with a natural back. Preferably with P90's. But this has come along and is nice.
  2. So. When did the Custom shop open and were the guitars before then better than the USA ones that followed? For example.. Were the Pre 90’s model better than post ones?
  3. You watch a porn film and think ‘that bed looks comfy’. Or think ‘dont throw your clothes down like that, they'll crease’.
  4. PRS..A guitar maker and loves the instrument. Henry Juszkiewicz ..Businessman. Profit, profit, profit. Has anyone here done factory tours of both Gibson and PRS? If so, what was the mentality of the staff?
  5. I've only just seen this thread. I've not read it all, but the original post made me think that it was the maple top showing. I've jumped to the last page and yes it is. It's not a fault and the shop should have known that (Minimum wage staff again?). The OP clearly doesn't know Les Pauls and doesn't want to know them. https://worldguitars.co.uk/shop/prs-guitars-mccarty-594-mccarty-sunburst-with-solid-rosewood-neck-239600/ This is the PRS McCarty. Look at the cutaway. Same as the Gibson, but no moulding. Look how the cap is wider in the cutaway. My conclusion. Troll, Gibson hater.
  6. I'm not a bigot. Why am I judged as one for telling the truth? I see the same on here all the time. Anything that isn't American is inferior. I know it's just my opinion, but we live in free countries and are all entitled to our view of things.
  7. You only have to look at the factory tours on YouTube. Gibson staff look lethargic and full of "we're American, which makes us the best" attitude. Then look at the factory tours for ESP or Chapman guitars. Most are the same factory, but there is so much pride. Then there is the corporate greed. More and more profit for less product.
  8. I lost the love of my life two years ago. It makes me want to cry when I look at her photos. She was a stray that I rehomed and whether it was the fact that I saved her, but she was my soulmate. I have two others now, but they don't come close. I do hope that we meet again one day. My Ellie (jellybean). R.I.P with a tear in my eye.
  9. This is very graphic, but an amazing ending. The people are good souls and are true animal lovers.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcfUdNfb808
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEGEXZOmEsQ The new Winery Dogs album.
  11. I remember things like this. Plus. I've got three brothers and we loved Aurora monster kits. I still love them now. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=aurora+monster+toys&espv=2&biw=1242&bih=545&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CCAQsARqFQoTCPuW382A3ccCFSab2wodGbUGkA
  12. I've been listening to Javier Vinas. Great album. Great style. I've ordered it off Amazon now.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D896I4nfWzk Doug Rappaport. Ripp Rapp. I love his playing. If you don't know who he is, he's Edgar Winter's guitarist plus other stuff.
  14. The first giveaway for me was the rosewood fretboard.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5SjB9pwV98 The new Steve Lukather cd, Transition.
  16. Even this. Both talented. He's a legend in his own lifetime. She's super talented, but getting too big for her boots. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPAmDULCVrU
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXQDc7Xv8Sc This and this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUCSB8xZDCE You must listen to a variety.....as long as it's good.
  18. I read a test review of one and the player loved it. I personally see Collings as a niche make. I don't think you see one in a rock band. More Jazz and session musician stuff. They're nice though. I'd probably buy a Hamer Newport semi over either if wanted one.
  19. I use the tuner all the time.
  20. Looking at the pic, it doesn't look like the nib is the problem. It looks like the fret has a step. Is that right? If so, the set up is wrong. The fret and nib should be the same height and there shouldn't be a noticeable 'edge'. I'd change the guitar for another one.
  21. "Pre-Road Downs" - Crosby, Stills & Nash White Christmas.....Bing Crosby.
  22. "Westering Home" - Hugh S. Roberton. 'Reach for the stars' S Club 7
  23. I think that unless you play just straight clean, the pickup thing is in the mind. If you use effects it negates the pickup. Most amps will adjust to make the difference. I just plug in and play. It's in the fingers. Do you think you could make EVH's Frankenstein strat sound like him? No chance.
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