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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. The more 'popular' popular music becomes - the more I appreciate the music these guys (and gals) produced.
  2. 2 of my 3 daughters in law are Swifties. Bring their pre-teen daughters to her concerts when she is within a few hundred miles. I suppose I didn't understand the screaming girls at Elvis and Beatles concerts - so I'm not going to bother trying to understand, let alone empathize with, that phenomena. I would go so far as to say I would NOT buy a signature model of hers, if there were one. Sheryl Crow ... I would have until she went political again. But, to be fair - I'm not actively looking for another guitar. So... a big nothing burger for me too, WF.
  3. Em7 - Yep, would love to hear with older strings. I'd guess a more clear, pronounce Gibson "Thump" on the 5th and 6th strings. I agree with what you sort of suggested there are certainly guitars more affordable, made in this century, that sound as good - at least to an untrained ear like mine.
  4. I'd switch out the saddle - compensated VS non-compensated. As far as you hearing it and your daughter not - we all have slightly different hearing. Highs, Lows, Middles. Did you have her hold the guitar and pluck the B string, while you sat in front of it ?
  5. Not any cruise ships sunk by icebergs since global warming started. Just sayin'.
  6. I wonder if the Canadian Smoke is causing the Heat Wave most of the US is experiencing? Blocking out the sun prevents the plants from cooling off the atmosphere? Good thing the smoke isn't drifting towards the Polar Ice Cap.
  7. K'sD - Sorry to hear of your loss. That is often how they go. Suddenly. We had an old Lab and a middle aged German Shepherd go within a week of each other two years back... The GSD was 100% fine but in 2 days went south: Blood in urine. Wouldn't eat, hardly wanted to move, etc. Vet said it wouldn't be fair to bring her back home - cancer and it would only be a couple of days. I felt guilty for not realizing it sooner, for taking her for walks she might not have wanted to go on. I have come to the belief that they are happy and fine until they tell you otherwise. We have 2 GSDs and also a 12 y/o mixed breed terrier/poodle that looks like your Daisy. A week ago on Sunday he stopped eating and drinking for 2 days. Had to carry him outside, but no other symptoms. Started drinking again on 3rd day, still wouldn't get out of bed. 4th day we hit on the right combination of food to get him to nibble a bit. By this Sunday he was almost back to normal. Just a little unsteady on his feet at times. We had been sure we were going to lose him. So - the old cliche applies to our relationships with dogs as well as people - Live in the moment and enjoy each one..
  8. Spent 10 hours in the backyard with another guy staining our new 6' cedar picket privacy fence. 104 - 'feels like was' probably at least 110. Took longer to recover than it would have if I were half my age. This year also, for the first time cutting lawns for 50 years (my parents, then mine) I turned it over to a 'professional'. The going rate here is $50 a pop - twice a month. I missed it the first couple of times - but as WhiteFang said - mostly I miss being able to do it.
  9. Looks like the whole right half of the headstock is a different shade of black. Not just the logo. To answer your question - No, this is not normal. Not on a 3 year old guitar.
  10. "guys- would it bother you if the back strip on a new Gibson is off a bit - not centered on the heel- everything else is good....plays well and sounds very nice" "It's off only by 1/8" I think.............I think the sound and feel overrides the cosmetic element...........but wanted too get some opinions......I do think any concerns would fade over time " That is all we had/have to go on. Boxes of faulty headstocks - as opposed to firing QA supervisors for mountains of returns aside - Without a good photo from the OP, we only have his description of a "back strip being "off a bit ...only by 1/8" I think" ? is hard to answer. I assume it is a visual ("only by 1/8 inch I think") not actually 'measured' and then in line with the centered on the heel. Maybe they're both 'off by 1/16th in different directions.?! Those pre-disposed to dislike Gibsons but come here anyway will interpret the question one way, and those pre-disposed to like Gibsons will interpret it a different way. In all my visits to guitar stores, I've never seen anyone with a measuring tape or a straight edge. Everyone seems more interested in how they play. I'd be curious to know though - the percentage of returns retailers get with the reason being what the OP described. Again - a few here would claim it is mountains, and the rest of us would assume it is negligible. Maybe a more balanced and unbiased answer would have been forthcoming if OP had asked the question on the AGF and not named the brand/model.
  11. Being a GUITAR forum - the answer is obvious. All of it.
  12. You are 100% correct on the steak thing. Rare vs Well Done is a big difference though. I was talking more about minor cosmetic differences on a guitar that is not stamped out in a cookie cutter manufacturing process. My frame of reference was the current thread on the Acoustic forum where someone purchased a guitar where "the back strip appears to be mis-aligned 1/8th inch where it meets the heel". New poster asking for opinions on whether it would bother us. You noted there that it is only HIS opinion that matters in the final analysis. Of course, I agree with that 100% too. But, without a decent picture, since he said he otherwise loves the J45, he got some quick and dirty opinions. One member confessed he has to keep a window shade down so he doesn't have to look at a neighbors mis-aligned downspout. So - I guess we all have different tolerances. But, I agree - they would go up quickly if it were $2,500 of our own money.
  13. Repeating 'QC needs to improve' because people come here expressly to complain about things 98% of those who buy Gibsons don't notice - is like calling for World Peace or bigger watermelons. Those who DON'T have problems DON'T sign up to the forum and come here to NOT complain.
  14. I stand corrected - after looking at the center stripe on the back of my SJ200 = it's clear it could NOT appear mis-aligned due to 'sanding'. Stupid assumption on my part. It is, however, approximately 1/8" out of alignment with the stripe on the neck. But the heel cap is in between the two, and makes it harder to see.
  15. I don't recall, in the US, there ever having been a case of cocaine being found in the White House. And, even if there were, the fact it happened Before does not make it any less serious Today. Would you not like to know if your Prime Minister was a crack head? His Chief of Staff ? Suppose it were some bio-weapon. "So what" is the type of reaction people who break the law hope for.
  16. An 1/8" misalignment of a straight line can easily occur from a heavy hand in sanding. I'd want to see if the whole center strip is mis-aligned or just at the end by the heel. "A picture is worth a thousand words." If Gibson trashed every acoustic that had 1/8" variances in - what might be a purely cosmetic area on the back - 'the money they charge' would have to be substantially higher. Like Murph said - I'll have to look at mine: two with center strips and one without. I sure hope the later doesn't have an issue. But, after 10 years, I guess I'll live with it if it does.
  17. "There once was a hermit named Dave... Who kept a dead ho in his cave.. "There once was a First Son named Hunter ....
  18. Retired - the person who tweaked the trigger mechanism should have his license revoked. (I know, no 'license'). And the person who sold it to you - refunded your $. That's like selling someone a hot dog laced with fetanyl.
  19. I'd wonder if the center seam and joiner strip inside were 100% right. I suspect the two back pieces are straight as is the joiner, and that the center strip that shows on the make is less of a a structural integrity thing which may have been SANDED a little bit crookedly when finishing the outside of the back. . In other words, if everything underneath is put together right, it would not cause me to return it. And, therefore, I would 'accept' it and never give it a thought again. BUT - I'm not a luthier and it's your money.
  20. I’m embarrassingly pedestrian. Keurig. One cup in the AM.
  21. Salt guns - we have a few in our families. Flies never know what hit them. Little buggers. But for head lice, most gun freaks prefer a nice ball peen hammer. Not efficient, but effective!
  22. Crow - Sorry, I was pushing too far, I suppose. On a guitar forum, when you hear the term 'BAN' it usually refers to Rosewood or Ivory. And 'clip' is the word people mistakingly use instead of 'magazine'. As Sgt.Pepper implied - you should get to your doctor. Probably an easy fix. G'Luck.
  23. I wonder ... if you put on a set you liked, played it for, say, 6 months - then you get a new set of the SAME STRINGS and leave three of old ones on and put three new ones on of the same gauge - you would immediately be able to compare them. For example, leave the G,B and E on the normal 3rd, 2nd and 1st string positions but put new G and B and E stings on the 4th, 5th and 6th strings positions. Then you could compare one against the other. I guess you don't need to do this if you've had several years of replacing old strings with new ones. But it would be a quick and easy way to confirm what your audio memory thinks it remembers.
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