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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Funny - in OP's link to the article it gives another link to click on for more info. And that just brings you to Gibson's Home Page - where you go to shop basically. No sub section to click on for 'News', let alone the article or a reference to leadership. Who knows what goes on behind the scenes? Maybe JC got an offer he couldn't refuse from M&M to rescue them from their decision to get rid of their animated spokescandypeople. I do't think you have to have a guitar guru as CEO. That's not his job - though I certainly think it should be someone who plays and loves guitars ! Wouldn't want the head of the FAA to dislike planes and only travel by train.
  2. Yep. And how to pour beer out of a boot when the instructions are written on the heel.
  3. Ekchewally, the reason given by the school district was not a dearth of students wanting to join the band or choir, And it wasn't money. It was simply a 'value judgement'. We here are beginning the week+ celebration called "FIESTA". Sort of like Mardi Gras, I guess. Kicked off on Friday with a big parade. San Antonio is 7th largest US city and we have tons of high schools. Every one had a band marching and playing: tens of thousands of kids. 'Cheer' and 'Spirit' groups too. All happy - a highlight of their lives - "I got on TV!" So, while there are fewer kids wanting to play instruments (or sports) because of THE INTERNET ... I would think it would make more sense to take THAT away, rather than music. And I think most parents would agree. Hopefully they'll pushback and this won't become the next New Normal.
  4. Is it 'feat' or 'feet' ? (Asking for a friend.)
  5. I miss the good old days - when there were only Fords, Chevies and Chrysler (Plymouth/Dodge) vehicles on the road and they only had a dozen models each - so you could tell what people were driving. Today - I can't tell a Kia from a Mercedes. They all look the same.
  6. $14 for a 12 pack of 16 oz cans here. Those fancy aluminum bottles are nice though.
  7. Some reports from his family surprised earlier generations to learn lovable Bing Crosby was a horrible person. So - who knows what really lurks beneath ??
  8. More news - that is musically related - some school district (Seattle, I think) is eliminating all music programs. No more marching bands, etc.
  9. it's my understanding that the H'Bird guards (I assume also SJ200s and Doves have similar issues) have had different re-incarnations. The originals from the 60s? Probably used heavy duty paint. (We had a member here a few years ago who was a descendant of the guy who designed the artwork and created the prototypes. ) I think the more recent pick guards with the disappearing bird trick - are due to wear and not time. On many, the plastic is lightly etched and then painted - I assume by hand. Some here have suggested it's possible to re-apply the paint. I assume it would be thinned, lightly applied and wiped off trying to leave a smidgeon in the engraved lines. Depending on how adventurous and handy you are and whether the engraving isn't worn down - it might be worth a shot. Some like the worn look, most feel the engraving is part of the charm. I have two rules that have guided me safely through life: "If it's not broken, don't fix it." and "If it's broken beyond repair - go for it." The problem is, the things are somewhere in between.
  10. I was planning on being buried with my favorite guitar. Wonder if that'll affect the re-sale value?
  11. At the risk of being labelled a 'Grammar Nazi', I couldn't resist pointing out the circularity of this statement. Other than that, I think we should stick a fork in this thread. There are two camps of thought: keep being a major pain in the axe calling Gibson, or drop it off at Guitar Center. Either might work, since the crack is probably not covered, based on the exclusions clearly stated in the copy RCT posted a week or so ago. And, quite frankly ...
  12. As BadBluesPlayer noted in a thread over in The Lounge…. The line for complaints forms over on the left.
  13. Some manufacturers put specific instructions in their product packaging - “do not return product to your retailer”. Some include specific toll free numbers at their plants for you to call if you’re missing a screw, etc. they know if you bring that partly assembled mess of a bbq grill back, they and /or the retailer will lose $ as well as the customer’s loyalty. An 8 year old musical instrument with an issue regarding a part made by Mother Nature… I don’t think photos are going to be useful in determining the cause of the failure. Certainly not here ! A sworn statement by a “luthier” neither. Like it or not, Gibson has a network of people they trust to evaluate returns for issues not easily resolved with a phone call or email to Nashville. But, having stated the obvious, I’d be curious how this crack showed up? Was it just a quarter inch crack by the sound hole that grew over the years, or a full face 8” crack that appeared overnight?
  14. As far as risk of damage - depends. Installers skill, tools and location. Like Murf suggested - absolutely pre-drill a much smaller ‘pilot hole’. Measure the length of the screw that came with the button, add an 1/8” for lick, and mark the drill bit so you don’t drill too deep. As far as “Location, location, location ‘, each has its fans. I have an SJ200 with a hole in location 2,. Bought new by a preacher who immediately turned it around for a less ostentatious Martin. I never put on a button, fearing it would become a pressure point when closed up in the case. I’d go with #5 thinking the strap would lay flatter. Full disclosure - I still use the headstock strap attachment loop with the button you can attach your strap too. G’Luck.
  15. TPB, always amazed and in awe when I see slices and glimpses of your stringed instruments. Guitars and more! I’m curious, do you use some type of program/app/ spreadsheet software to “manage your inventory”? Not just what it is, but provenance, cost, value, tonal characteristics, strings!!? It’s got to be daunting.
  16. Finally made the time to watch this. A really great video. (it's not only about jumbos as the title suggests) Thanks Larsongs. (I was surprised at the end after all the superlatives he heaped upon Gibson Acoustics (except for the Norlin Era!) and the inspirational clips from Billy Strings, Molly Tuttle, etc. to hear him state at the end - he's never owned a Gibson Acoustic !
  17. WF - that's a couple steps past 'not having a favorable opinion'. OP did post it was 'something a bit different'. My favorite guidance, from someone no longer here, a long time ago was: "If you don't like what someone has written - don't read it." I'm still working on that one.
  18. We’ve had 3 Great Danes. Fabulous dogs. Their only problem is being so short lived. But as far as a soft wood, less than 1/4” thick , 8 years old, subjected to unknown variations and possible extremes in humidity and string tension, I’m guessing the EXCEPTIONS to the Gibson warranty would exclude a split of this nature. It is, of course, hard to accept when you see guitars in pawn shops that were only $100 when new, 50 years ago- and they have no cracks.
  19. I keep my 3 hanging on the wall 24/7 with the humidity kept between 40% and 60%. Never a problem, (Knock on wood.) Never play out on the back porch unless the weather is the same as inside. My guess here - wood is a natural product. The top face is extremely thin. If they pulled a 'bad' piece, or one not fully seasoned - and it experienced an 'event' - one small separation could easily grow into a longer split. I understand the reason Gibson would not feel obligated to warrant an 'old' guitar. People can mistreat them, or their ex-wives can. Leave 'em on the back porch overnight. But - the idea of a Lifetime Warranty is pretty self-explanatory. Very disappointing for Gibson. When it's the Original Purchaser, who paid his own big bucks, they should assume he'd take reasonable care. Problem of course - if you sell ten thousand guitars - 1% will have defects like this, but 1% of the owners will have caused defects like this - and it's hard to know which is which. I guess when you're 75, you start to question the intrinsic value of a 'Lifetime Warranty' ? G'Luck !
  20. Nah. He knows I have bigger issues than alleged prudishness.
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