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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Mine lost their scent, to my nose, after a year or so: It might just be that yours is used, and was kept out of the case. Conversely, you might have lost some of your sense of smell temporarily due to a cold or sinus infection. Hamlet said - "The plays the thing..." .
  2. What everyone said before me: you don't turn the rod itself - just the nut. TR is fixed at the south end - turning the NUT on the north end (above the nut) increases or lessens pressure on the neck to cause the fingerboard to bow slightly or straighten out. While the intent is to adjust the amount of curve or bow in the fingerboard - it is possible to put a 'back bow' on it. - so the hi point of the curve is not on the back of the neck, but on the front of the fingerboard. String tension helps the neck move. You should only move the nut 1/4 max as gear basher noted - to avoid damage. So a slow process, that requires your measuring and recording string height at each step. Since your nut its 'off' - I'd agree with all the above - bring it in.
  3. Yeah. I'm pretty sure if you go to a website for Brand X parachutes - no one there would say they'd rather go without one rather that use a Brand Y. Would be like: "If you don't like me, you hate Chevys. If you hate Chevys, your a miso-gymnist ! " Anyone who looks at the Taylor catalogue and doesn't get GAS - isn't human !
  4. RCT, I think your soulful post touched all here who are commenting. We all carry a small hole in our hearts where a beloved pet - friend - family member once lived. We had to put down our Lab and German Shepherd in the same week 2+ years ago and it still hurts. Not as much, and not as often. You'll be fine. For me - the best thing we did was, after 6 months - get a rescue dog. He opened up new places in our hearts that put a halo around the holes left by our other dogs.
  5. Body is thinner on the studio, compared to the actual standard. This is directly from Gibson's description on this site: A Canon of Warm Tone Hand-built using beautiful Sitka spruce and rosewood, this SJ-200 Studio is sure to please the eye and the ear. Utilizing our Advanced Response neck profile and slim body depth body design this is the most comfortable Super Jumbo we've ever built, without any sacrifice in tone. Outfitted with an active under-saddle piezo pickup for easy plug and play anywhere you perform.
  6. Better safe than sorry with something that may not be cosmetic. G'Luck !
  7. Don't know more than I remember hearing here about the studio, but have a 'real' standard SJ200. I'm certain the body is thinner as Murph said. I believe a 'V" shaped neck. Mostly made in Walnut and RW on the B&S, but use to be maples available. I believe the angle you position it under your right shoulder and how high or low - are factors that can make it as comfortable as a dreadnaught. Not sure which you played and liked - but the tone on the SJ200 makes it worth the $ and any ergonomic adjustments.
  8. I question whether half the revelers on South Beach are actually college students. As far as more days behind me than in front ... agree. I don't think man is mentally prepared to physically live more than 80 or 90 years. The older I get - the more stupidity (and worse) I become aware of. When I was a teenager, I thought there were no really evil people. Or stupid, or lazy, etc. Now that our daughter is going thru a divorce, I can see all those qualities can actually exist in only one person !
  9. Doc Watson's son Merle died when his tractor did something similar. If memory recalls.
  10. When I was in the Navy - in our 'department' of approx. 2 dozen enlisted we had one of those. Would become completely irrational - pick fights with a group of a half a dozen guys walking down the street. And, on my second ship - another one. Would even call out - challenging people on other docked ships standing at the rails while he staggering down the pier drunk as a skunk returning to his own ship. I assume this must be medical/chemical - because both guys when sober were very laid back and agreeable. Jekyll and Hyde - they didn't just get touchy - they went looking for fights. If they didn't give up getting plastered - they are most certainly not still breathing. Not merely dead, but most sincerely dead!
  11. "We knew you when..." Bet you were the headliner that night!
  12. When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail, Murph. Predictable as the sun rise on threads like this. Tent Cities ?! They exist in all large cities. Texas is Red - our city, San Antonio 7th largest in the US population wise , is not - has a few tent cities. Weather comparable to Jacksonville, where I've also lived. Jacksonville is large. Use to be the largest in terms of acreage of any US city. 'How bail works' ?! No one knows how it works !!! Because it has been intentionally broken - to the point of almost being eliminated.
  13. DailyMail link - - provides a lot of info. Good article . Even a photo of the criminal and his Mom. Words do not suffice.
  14. I was thinking the same thing.
  15. I've stopped caring to hear the excuses and apologies of people who are violent criminals. They can go on Jerry Springer or start their own blog to whine and try to blame 'society'. All I care about is the Justice System working and giving them the maximum penalty allowed by law.
  16. God created whiskey to prevent the Irish from ruling the world.
  17. Tman will be on his way to his close-up by now. Our neighbor/good friend across the street called Tuesday to tell us they found cancer in her colonoscopy. Getting a Barium MRI next. She and her husband are in their mid-80s and have been hit especially hard in the past months. Just when they are seeing daylight at the end of the tunnel - WHAM ! Another one. Each has 2 or 3 other major issues going on. Amazingly good spirits though - upbeat and happy. We are 10 years 'younger' but internalize it. 2 years ago they were very active. He did all his own yard work, etc. Yes - "Growing old is not for the feint of heart." The best you can hope for, is to die in your sleep. The day after you ran out of money. On a happy note - I finally figured out the way to make beer green is to add BLUE food dye. They should at least teach THAT is science class !
  18. May the road rise up to meet you May the wind always be at your back May the sun shine warm upon your face And the rains fall soft upon your fields And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
  19. Nice looking guitars WF. Coincidence? No sunbursts? Maybe THAT'S a fad !!!
  20. I guess I took the OP query as "If you were banished to a deserted island and could only bring one of These Three Guitars with you ..." I've already got an SJ200, but I picked the SJ200 from the 3 in the photo - because ... I know I love the sound. I would not kick the other two out of bed for cracker crumbs, of course. And, one last cliche, I would grab all three if my house were on fire. BUT - I think the more relevant question is - if you were banished to a deserted island, would you pick Ginger or MaryAnn ?
  21. Another vote for the King of the Flatops. Funny thing - when I see these - I don't see 'bling'. I see TONE !
  22. Pretty much says it all. Glue will probably 'move' (expand/contract) at a different rate than wood. That's why houses creak in the middle of the night. Some here have declared they wouldn't want a black guitar - because of all the fingerprints, smudges, dings and dongs that color shows. On my J45 face with the sunburst - I notice those things all the time, but rarely anything on the golden part of the top.
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