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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. I"m impressed with your local shop. Outstanding collection of Gibby Acoustics. Is it a Mom and Pop ? I assume some of these were 'previously owned' ? All in GOOD shape ? So, you bought the H'Bird standard ?
  2. $600 for G-10 scales/handles ? Ivory? Nah - off white hi-tech plastic. Steel is important and S35vn is good, but you can get a Spyderco folder for half that price. Also American made, same steel. And $360 for Richlite on the 110 !! I saw a Buck folder in Walmart this week - a standard 110 and it was $70. This site has it for the same price. Ebony handles. That was the knife 90% of the sailors on ships carried in leather pouches on their belts in the Navy 50 years ago. I don't think there were as many choices as there are now. I've carried a 'pocket knife' since then, but would guess only 10% of the male population does. The other 90% use their teef to open their Twinkie packages.
  3. This is why vehicles have more than doubled in price in the past 20 years. Electronic gee-whiz crap. And, then there's the increase on auto insurance something like this will cause.
  4. Spent a lot of time and effort creating a nice collection of stickers for the inside, underside of my pickup truck tool box. Then foolishly gave it away to the estranged father of my daughter in law.
  5. I'm thinking half of everything posted here is PURE BS. (incl. this thread). The other half - Chinese/Mexican Imported BS.
  6. Previous guidance I've received on The Internet just said 'use Loctite to hold that screw '. Only here, on THE GIBSON FORUM do we get 'the rest of the story'.
  7. Apparently the red requires being heated to 500 degrees to loosen the bond. I didn't know that. I'm afraid to go out in the garage to see which one I grabbed of the shelf at Wally World.
  8. Guitar Blues- your problem isn't the tuner per se - it is that your guitar is brand new. Conventional Wisdom says nitro takes a year to harden or cure. (Yeah, I know 'cure' isn't the scientifically correct term). So you need to be careful of anything that might put pressure on the finish - strap on top with case lid closed, etc. And, color can bleed in from unwashed Sears Garanimals jeans. Especially the red ones.
  9. Peter - Nice to have the perspective of someone who looks at the actual sound in an actual studio situation. My ears prefer the blend of my voice and my H'Bird - over the J45 of SJ200.
  10. Yep. Martin doesn't use nitro or have issues with bindings.
  11. Surprised to hear that... I though Walmart denim jeans were Rustler and believe they were made by Wrangler. Try Virtuoso polish cleaner.
  12. Another one out of the ballpark, Buc. You have, in addition to talent playing and singing - a unique ability to pick out great songs and make them greater ! Thanks.
  13. Case looks real and in excellent shape/ Unlikely a 'faker' is going to get a primo case to further his ruse. Gibson Southern Jumbos always hold their value. if you are in the market for a J45, or similar - this would be a step up and you would NOT be disappointed. Could be a keeper for you, even though ti was not for someone else. Whoops - Sorry, you missed out. "The one that got away." !
  14. I've always been treated well at GC. I think one way of looking at them is - what would the Retail Guitar Market be like if they didn't exist? It became popular to trash 'big box stores' back when Walmart started putting Mom & Pops out of business. And, it was popular here to trash Gibson for their marketing strategy of requiring authorized dealers to stock a minimum number of guitars - which Mom and Pops could not afford, thereby shutting them out. Sam Ash isn't a whole lot different than GC - smaller I guess - but is generally off the radar when it comes to discussions like this. Our city is lucky - we have a GC, a SA and a good sized, 2 location Mom&Pop. But if you live in a small town - you can expect less. Might not even have a Walmart. I'm guessing some GCs have good managers, and some don't.
  15. Sorry you decided to let it go after getting it back a month a go.... are you going to list it on Reverb ?
  16. It was a bit more 'intense" in Miami during The Cuban Missile Crisis.
  17. Googled his nemesis at Fantasy Records - Saul Zaentz. Guy was an exec who took advantage of a supremely talented teenager who worked in the warehouse there. Mis-managed the money he let CCR keep, losing them more millions. But he was able to parlay the millions he himself got into switching from music to films: Amadeus, Cuckoos Nest, Lord of the Rings, Mosquito Coast, etc. He mostly 'purchased the rights' to things. For example, Lord or the Rings - he purchased certain rights from United Artists who had just purchased them from Tolkien. He went on to make a trilogy and got Oscars for various things. In total, films his company was directing, producing, whatever - have won approximately 22 Oscars. Some probably for "Best Costumes' etc. But 3 "Best Picture" One, "The English Patient", he bought the rights to when it was an unpublished novel. Shortly after his death in 2014, his company and foundation started disolving. Two years after his death - they gave $35M to Harvard. Graduate School of Early Childhood Education. Largest gift ever to a Harvard Graduate School. So, the guy wielded a lot of power. His home base was in Berkley. Fogerty had an uphill battle.
  18. Our son worked at Home Depot - 20+ years ago. I think he was 'front end supervisor' or something. One day a thug was strolling out with a couple of expensive power tools. He tackled him and got punched and bit. Thief ran off. It was around that time they started to tell their managers to just let the thieves take what they want. Flash forward - now we have people in the justice and law and order system who do the same. I guess a little bit of violence goes a long way. Especially when you can find an ambulance chaser to sue the deep pockets corporations.
  19. Looked like if he was getting the bums rush to the door and grabbed a cheapo on the way out. Probably on drugs or mental issues and should not be allowed out in public. But, I guess Society feels it's better than having them in places that are safer for them and safer for society. Prices go up ... part of our inflation. Bet the guy does't even know which end of the pick is up.
  20. You know you're getting old when the examples of getting old start getting old.
  21. Yep, of simply " -1 SP" as my 5th grade teacher use to deal with my spelling errors. Probably in this case "-2 Proper Name" As far as the rest - Since you noted Segovia didn't need a pickup for his classical guitar, (and QM pointed out that Willie did) - I thought I'd add a few others you might not have heard of and could look up on Google while checking my spelling. Bet you were surprised to learn Charo studied under your Segovia.
  22. or jazz - I hate it when people do this - don't answer your question and suggest a completely different 'solution'. BUT ... research a bit the cost of doing this, considering if you can do it yourself or will need to pay a tech .... and then look at Used Classical Guitars on line to see if you can find a decent, inexpensive one that has the amp and electronics that were installed at the factory. I had a really nice Cordoba GK that came that way. Relatively inexpensive. You'd be getting another guitar, not just a pickup ! https://www.guitarcenter.com/Used/Cordoba/C5CE-Classical-Acoustic-Electric-Guitar.gc $280 While a pickup - without installation labor will cost approximately $100.
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