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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Yep. Orange TORTEX is 60mm. I too used that one for a few years and then went to the thicker yellow one 73mm. I put a strip of clear medical 'bandaid' tape on them to make gripping easier, but finally moved on to Dunlop's Ultex and finally to GrafTech TUSQ picks.
  2. gear basher, that rib cooking process is basically the same as one I used this weekend which I found in the manual than came with a Pellet Grill/Smoker I'd just bought. Assembly Instructions included gratuitously pandering recipes for a half dozen commonly grilled favorites.
  3. Punxxatawney Phil just predicted 6 more weeks of winter. DeBlasio wanted to drop him on his head.
  4. you know you're getting old when you have to stop to think about that one ...
  5. If I were me, I'd find a pice of wood in your scrap lumber pile to practice once or twice on. Though, as KSD detailed the process - it' not rocket surgery.
  6. Yep. Taking up fully half the 'news coverage' on my tv station for over the past hour. Less interesting than ... well, the commercials for starters. People must shop for insurance more often than hamburgers.
  7. Could be partly the shock of going from strings that could’ve been on there 10 years to brightly annoying zingy ones. Play them in, but Yeah- it may have been tweaked by some one incompetent or other wise mishandled. It’s a great model and timeframe from Bozeman so it should sound stellar. Get thee to a Lutherie. Or a good ACOUSTIC guitar tech. GLuck.
  8. This from a guy self identifying as Saturn. Oh the irony.
  9. I do that on fancy knife handles. Using a scrap of wood off the original. I use epoxy though. Works great - even w bone.
  10. Looks like GC let another one slip under the radar - Congrats !
  11. Bending, sliding, hammering on, pulling off ... all easier. A full step down on all 3 of my guitars gives me more range for my voice and it's easy to put a capo on if needed. Having said that - I realize it is not really accepted in many conventional settings.
  12. Obviously, they aren’t really J45s.
  13. Yep. Same people who use to use the excuse “My dog ate my homework. “. Are they thinking of charging you more than what the price was when you put in your order ? Sounds like extortion!
  14. Glad you've had great success with your j45. I got my sj200 before my j45 , but they both complement each other beautifully. No tuning issues with either. Tweaks when the humidity fluctuates. Dealer set up J45 for me and it's been perfect since then, 5 years or so. Also tune it a full step down - with 12 lights. Can't speak to the Guild though. The sj200 is not an overly loud guitar. In fact the j45 seems to 'project' more. The sj200 is broader, deeper or 'fuller'. G'Luck !
  15. The only BALDWIN I like - is the Piano. (See what I did there?)
  16. Really nice. What music should ultimately do, after it makes us feel - make us think. And then feel some more. Your guitar work is excellent, your writing - superb. And MP gave you the highest praise when he compare your singing to Eva Cassidy. Thanks for posting.
  17. I can't answer your question honestly, because I hadn't actually looked to compare the two. But, I would think, if you are using it to gig - no one else would notice either. Does the knock off say "Gibson" on the headstock? That's as far as 99% of the people in the crowd would notice.
  18. CongratuFreakinLations! Looks comfortable to play, can't imagine how sweet it'll sound. And that burst is perfect for mahogany. A keeper for sure !
  19. I'll let you have the last word on that one again, Sarge.
  20. As an erstwhile banjoist , I was going to suggest Kazoo and Jaw Harp before the 'bagpipe / banjo' throw down cockroach came up again.
  21. Of course - Blue Ridge Mountain Home is a classic and you all elevated it. I love Bluegrass - so that was the most enjoyable - but in terms of the context of this thread - The H'Bird on "Nova Scotia" stole the show.
  22. TPBill, those were all amazing. The H'Bird was great on John B, but extremely impressive on Nova Scotia. Might be the sound I have in my head for 'the ultimate acoustic guitar'. Thanks.
  23. Can't believe people are so depraved as to steel the 'badges' / hood ornaments off cars. I guess their parents don't ask them "where did you get that?" . Had a yellow p/u truck for 5 years and got lazy remembering where I parked, since I could find it anywhere. Sold it and got a new 4 door black Ford Taurus. Now I have to have a 'special' place I park at the grocery store (across from the left entrance and diagonal with the gas station car wash) or I wander around the parking lot while my ice cream melts and eggs hatch. Read somewhere here in the US that Beemer Drivers were voted the least ... 'courteous'. Daughter in Law has one. Another survey/poll I never got asked for my opinion on.
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