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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. I don't mind an occasional 'profanity' in the lyrics. But there are shades of gray. If it's "Lite" and just adds context - I'm ok. But - if it's stuck in there to create an emotional response - I'm not. To shift gears = COMEDY. Some of it seems to be not just 'profane' but 'obscene'. I wouldn't pay to listen to someones attempt to 'shock me'. But different people are at different places at different times - so I'm glad they get to go. Not for me: I'm not a 'prude' - but I guess that's one of those words that has a "Definition Subject to Interpretation". A lot of those floating around today.
  2. I never fully appreciated either my mother, or father, until they were gone. It is the only thing I hope I don't pass on to my children. I am sure your mother knew how much you appreciated her support and loved her. My parents never opened that conversation with me, but I do with my kids. So, another thing I have to thank my parents for. And, for believing we will all be re-united.
  3. Great Playlist - not familiar with Ishereen ... I'll give it a listen. Another vote for the - J45TV .
  4. C.V. - was understood to be synonymous with resume, at least 10 years ago. (Now, I'm guessing the HR Weenies just surf the net looking for applicants Social Media posts to decide if they would fit in to the 'culture' they want to re-imagine. ) I'm guessing a Director in a position to hire 'professionals' shouldn't be if he doesn't know what a 'Curriculum Vitae' is.
  5. MoPicker - Well said. "Every Day is Saturday" ! I almost feel like I'm a different person than I was for the 40 years I was 'working for the man'. Wake up. Get ready for work. Drive to work. Work. Drive home from work. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. And it wasn't until the last 4 or 5 years that I realized I didn't have to worry about work when I wasn't there. I don't think I enjoyed a cup of coffee as much until I retired. Never heard the buzz of a Hummingbird on my porch. Wouldn't trade retirement for extra money in the bank. But - that's a 'value judgement' !
  6. OP - What's the story on the loose E tuner apparatus? Is it the button or the shaft it's attached to that wiggles? Lot's of different types of tuners, assume yours is original equipment. Does it have any screws anywhere that can be tweak/tightened? But, no - it should not wiggle. Might it have gotten banged? Most important, obviously, is that the post is secure and holds the string good and tight without slipping or loosening.
  7. Very cool tribute. I often wonder how many of my childhood friend, High School classmates are gone. Makes you realize you had better squeeze as much lemonade out oft day as you can. "Life's a *****, and then you die." As we use to say in the '80s.
  8. Good to see she keeps her nails trimmed nice and short. That's a tell.
  9. I've got an H'Bird version of the True Vintage series. I've never heard anything bad about this run - I believe they also made some SJ200s. Hold on to it. Like Will Rogers said - "Buy land, they're not making anymore of it."
  10. Only good thing about this clip was the reference to the ZZ Top classic. Oh, and that, once he started up his Dremmel = you could hear him anymore. COULDN'T her him anymore. sorry - typo...
  11. The quintessential "Get Off My Lawn" movie ! A cheap sign does it for me: "Achtung: Land Mines" ! Now that I think of it - my Ford Sedan is probably the closest thing to a Grand Torino Ford has made since then. Time for some introspection. And a beer.
  12. I have been retired for over 10 years now. My job was high-pressure and I had to ease into doing nothing. Not worrying about 'customers' ambushing me in committee meetings, telling my bosses tall tales in the halls. Like RCT said - I was almost home with my cardboard box when I got over it. Did some stuff to wind down - volunteered at the zoo for a year. But, it soon became too 'work like'. "We're not paying you but you have to act and function like we are.' Also volunteered at a Horse Rescue Ranch - much more laid back. Stayed for 4 years - but it was a 50 mile round trip with dirt roads involved, with me supplying the 20lbs of carrots every week, so I 'quit'. Former employer hinted at hiring me as a 'contractor'. I said I'd be interested - at 'contractor rates'. Crickets. Never looked back. Never bored. I just remind myself of the thousands of times I hummed that tune "Take this job and ..." at work...
  13. Yep - those little slots ramping up out of the pin holes are normal. And yep - the little white knob on the tuning key should not wiggle. See if there's a tiny screw at the end of it and try tightening it. As with anything - don't over-tighten it.
  14. I think I'd put one of those Apple Air Tags hidden in the lining if I sprung for one of these. Maybe two.
  15. Maybe consider a J45 in Rosewood. Will give you a little more oomph.
  16. If you have rentals, your tenants will want things that break fixed ASAP. So I’m guessing you need a “handyman” on call or retainer! Or you’ll be the one going out. Some people don’t even know how to reset a breaker. Son has a few like that. Also has some who got Covid $ from the gubmint to help them pay their rent, and bought cars Instead. Takes months to evict them. You show up in court and they don’t. Some bad ones, when finally evicted, trash the place the night they leave. Not a business for the feint of heart.
  17. Yep. I go through phases, randomly affected by unrelated things. Started reading more over the winter, for sample. But, I realized a week or so ago that I've been a slacker for months and need to stop noodling and start actually PLAYING.
  18. I think that's a stretch. You screw up and then sign your cover-up ?
  19. I'd never keep a guitar you couldn't fit a pick in that gap. Having to select string gauge so the obvious design error doesn't cause problems - isn't cool. Sideways pressure on the Low E post which already has the normal pressure downwards is another issue. Going against the grain. There is ample room, as Jinder noted, for them to have properly located the hole. It all comes down to money and time. How much would you pay for a flawed guitar and how much time would you spend to make accommodations? For me the answer is easy - none and none. It's sorry of amusing - I can remember not that long ago here, members saying they would never buy a Gibson where the pick guard was 'improperly' positioned to cover the the rosette.
  20. Agree - it is absolutely unacceptable. Even a beginning player would be put off by this - and if it were their first and only guitar, they'd switch to the banjo !
  21. Another supporter of LG1s specifically and ladder braced faces in general here ! A '64 LG1 I bought new was my one and only for approximately 40 years and I never had any issues with it, including how it sounded. Mostly fingerpicked. Of course, I was not nearly as sophisticated in discerning tone then as I am now. Now that my hearing is half as good.
  22. Only thing 'planned' for today by the Corporate Planner - is to go to JoAnn's Fabric store. Wife has made quilts for each of our 9 grandchildren. #9 is 4 y/o, jealous of his sister's and wants his asap. I'm struggling with a 'Fish or Cut Bait' problem with our 11 y/o only child granddaughter. Been giving her music lessons (uke for 1 year - now guitar for a year) and she is either very cooperative, or very uncooperative. Son trying to give her an alternative to her computer. So I'm between a rock and a hard place.
  23. I guess all the good numbers were taken when they hired this inspector. Gibson doesn't make their own cases - tag probably came with the case from TKL or wherever. Now I'm going to start wondering if my last new Gibson Acoustic case was inspected, let alone passed inspection. OP - FWIW, You mentioned the pick guard had some light scratches in your other post. Normally new guitars come with a thin plastic film protecting the p/g. Strange yours was removed.
  24. And from your more recent post - apparently there was some sort of a tag on the case certifying it had been inspected by "Inspector #2'. Strange series of events...
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