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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Back to the OP? - We have been watching the National Rodeo Finals from Las Vegas for the past week. Wife loves it, watches 'regular' rodeos during the year: High Schoolers, Veterans, and mostly guys (and gals - they have 2 events) who seem to do it for fun with little hope of making the hundreds of thousands if you are #1 for the year in the Finals. Bull Riding - the last event (they always follow the same sequence) is the one that gets the most attention. Some of those bulls remind me of my mother in law. God Rest Her Soul.
  2. So, you need a TV Viewing license, even if you don't watch, or even OWN a tv... Sounds like a tax. We have a similar situation with our Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and our National Public Radio - but more smoke and mirror: they get their $ after it's been laundered by the Federal Govt. So we can't claim "Taxation without a Television Station is Tyranny,"
  3. Is the license like a 'drivers license' ? Or is it just paying once a year to have the satellite or cable turned on for your household?
  4. Apparently the J45 can also be used for Blues. Who knew ?
  5. Parents thought naming him Homer would be the icing on the cake.
  6. If I recall from the last time we had a thread on this, Old English lemon oil doesn’t have any “lemon” in it. Just”oil”, as in petroleum derivatives.
  7. Is part of the initiation spending the night in a Goat Locker ?
  8. Virgin Coconut Oil. Doesn't 'harden', prevents bacteria, also cleans. I've been using it for years on my fretboards. (and cutting boards).
  9. DD, of course - if you ask our resident Martin Consultant, he'll suggest you get a guitar made in Nazareth. And not just because it's Christamastime.
  10. This thread has great promise... Are squirrels 'luthiers' since they are proficient with nuts, wood and are not crazy? Is a 'Chief always a Chief' in the Fire Dept? In an Indian owned casino ?
  11. Our family doctor use to smoke during our visits - in his Exam Room while he was seeing us kids. I guess the Medical Community believed what the Tobacco Community was telling them. His office was in a wing of his home. Appointment only, because his 'waiting room' was maybe 5 seats. He had no nurse, receptionist, biller, etc. He did it all - from taking our Blood Pressure to collecting the cash payment. I think it was $5. This was before the Health Insurance Community came into being. Yes, the Good Old Days.
  12. Lars, thanks for that video ! Shows the balance between the two octaves clearly. DavieD, I think you might get more 'coverage' with the range of different types of playing with a J45. A jack of all trades.
  13. If is were 'fishyn' for something - like a luthier, I'd include the reason, or some context. Otherwise, you have no idea what would come next.... "How often should I change the strings on my First Act?" or "What is the optimum weight ratio formula for tuners on a 12 string?" Like the OP's 'location' though.
  14. Nearly 40 years of someone picking on that Dove .... No telling what happened, but I would not for a minute think it had anything to do with off gassing. Someone put some kind of crazy chemical on there. Napalm ?
  15. Without a s/n you are really at a disadvantage. You can't ask anyone who happens to open this thread, who happened to purchase a '68 BlueRidge in the past 4 years to check for that s/n. There are 2 on Reverb and 2 on Guitar Center - you could call the 4 sellers and describe the anomaly on the neck to see if their's is the one stolen 4 years ago. Assuming they aren't the thief - they'd send you a photo to confirm so you could buy it. Bottom line - if it isn't on the internet For Sale, you'll not be able to find it. You can leave info at Pawn Shops in your area offering a 'reward'. After 4 years, this otherwise would not be on their Be On the Look Out list. Christmas - the thief may need cash and might pawn it. But you're chances there are slim. You might consider just buying a replacement for your husband. Best of Luck.
  16. Worst imho is the Michael Jackson "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus". Anyone who actually LIKES that song needs to be put on a "Watch List".
  17. They sneak some 'songs in on those serious stations that are RAP CHRISTMAS songs. I guess they leave out the 'f' bombs.
  18. Yeah. we remember when rubbers, coke, crack all had happier, Norman Rockwell types of meanings !
  19. In grade school, in the mid-50s, up in NY - kids would all wear 'galoshes' over our good leather shoes when it snowed. Black rubber 15" high with clasp buckles. Pants tucked in. We'd take them off in the hall and line them up outside of our classroom. Inevitably, when the bell rang at 3 pm, in the scramble to get gone - we'd all grab the wrong boots. Have to wear them again until next time it snowed. Don't remember if I ever got my own back after 5 years.
  20. The guy on the left looked like he was playing a banjuitar. Six string guitar neck attached to a banjo body. Think I'll go listen to "Jingle Bell Rock" a dozen times to cleanse my palate.
  21. In response to your OP, original question - No. It would not be appropriate for your kids to learn on. Get them a used Epiphone or student sized guitar. You can string it with light strings or even nylon at first to make it easier on their fingers. Someone thought enough of this guitar to protect and care for it for decades, and thought enough of your wife to leave it to her. If you let kids at it - they will treat it like crap. I am teaching my 11 y/o granddaughter once a week on an old, nice Harmony my wife gave her. EVERY LESSON she bangs it on something at least once. If your kid(s) persevere and get through 2 or 3 years of lessons - and progress to the point they treat whichever guitar they have very carefully - they will then respect this Old Gibson enough. But, of course, your question called for an opinion, not something factual like year, value, serial number or tone wood. Congrats on a getting a great Closet Keeper.
  22. 95% of all ELECTRIC cars are still on the road. The other 5% made it home.
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