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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Looks sketchy to me. I'd pass. Something hokey about the fret markers. Case too.
  2. Yes, but my dogs now have set a feeding deadline to eat at 4 instead of 5. Who is “right” ?
  3. Your life can flitter by while you wait for a sure thing.
  4. https://www.google.com/search?source=univ&tbm=isch&q=porcelain+bridge&hl=en-us&client=safari&fir=ur-LKL_JyP9HoM%2Cio-HxCsqJlgBOM%2C_%3Bv6kAZm2U5Ts2YM%2CDFEZ6M5mM2bpuM%2C_%3BdSWGjPpjJAQszM%2CrokpNTBaW6ftQM%2C_%3BRuOThBEUhUVANM%2ClJqSb6PtGEC8WM%2C_%3BN6b9jWHYiKwiXM%2CxjrxMkJAHVdpHM%2C_%3B6uFs0K6j5mzP_M%2C5RX_ACrOed9IBM%2C_%3BJCEWzS0OpqC4QM%2Cdfsrki63Cfd4KM%2C_%3BT2uHgKGkhjrudM%2CJNhZNICeiLR0xM%2C_%3BDESmlh3wx55xvM%2C-Bj4OklF_ge2YM%2C_%3BfiuxlbXlWswhlM%2CKF1bnPLWgAYAEM%2C_%3BYB8HcFZpBa81qM%2C372Vm6c1WGy0fM%2C_%3Bnqw9-uJqkZjRpM%2CjPltASZ1vb97MM%2C_&usg=AI4_-kTpaCnn9uwUb8mN6Wiqyd2FsfmmwA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwihuvK07Z_7AhUikWoFHbi1AVcQjJkEegQIDBAC&biw=1121&bih=796&dpr=2
  5. Cry and whine ... and contribute to threads like "Least Favorite" and "Complaint Department" ! Existential Spiritualists believe 'time' is an artificial construct that has no real meaning.
  6. I stopped paying attention to Wiki - I read people can submit info to the content. Charro may have submitted that '71' herself. Though - she could easily pass for 39. The top of the age range I find acceptable.
  7. It's not for the farmers - it's for their roosters. We go to bed at 11pm. Now after the change - we still go to bed at 11pm, stay up to watch the end of the same TV show. Turn off the lights.... The 3 dogs however, see the sky turning light outside at 6 am now instead of 7am. So - they get us up an hour earlier based on real time.
  8. My porch light timer, which is set to "Sunrise/Sunset", takes a week to adjust.
  9. I get 'Jet Lag Lite' for a week or so.
  10. Completely irrelevant info - arch top acoustics during the War (World War II) had wooden trapeze tailpieces. I'd guess ebony for the pictures I've seen.
  11. With the virtually limitless choice of names and numbers - I would hope Gibson would never call a guitar that resembles a J45 but that has been dumbed down significantly a J45 anything. A J45 Studio has Walnut back and sides and fretboard and bridge - but also a thinner body and flatter radius on the fretboard. I know we've had that ongoing, growing list that OneWileyFool started years back - probably with 100 different variations of the J45 - and there've been a lot more since then. But, I think they all were in the general Model 'Territory'. Most significant differences were b/s using RW or Koa or face using Mahogany. Of course, bracing, cutaway entered into the equation. And some were pink and somewhere green. But I think Marketing should have zero input in the decisions they make at Bozeman in deciding if a variation still fits within the "J45 Family". Just echoing what KsDaddy said using the SJ200 as an iconic model that should be kept recognizable. They need to maintain the definition of what a J45, an SJ200 , etc. are and not re-define those age-old war horses. Sort of like calling a golf cart a sports car.
  12. Thanks EM7 - this has been one of the most informative 'which strang do you all use?' threads. (Even Sgt.Pepper has been converted ! )
  13. Up until 4 or 5 years ago - some stores, WalMart was the most notorious - would have St.Patrick's Day teeshirts for $10. Some were OK, just a "Kiss Me I'm Irish" type - but the great majority were MEANt to be "humor based on stereotypes". And, the only one - a cliche - they seemed to focus on was of the "Drink, Drank, Drunk" variety. I'm 60% Irish and was never offended. But, as we seemed to become "A Nation of Victims" and some folks became offended over Blonde Jokes, even if they were Brunette - a guy decided he'd had enough of the Walmart - Drunk Irish t-shirts. The Indian Logos were being removed from sports teams, etc. So - he went to all the Walmarts in his city and bought out all their "Drunk Irish" t-shirts several weeks before March 17th. Then, on March 18th - he returned them all. Obviously WalMart had to lose a lot of money on that 'joke'. A final note - a couple of years ago I read the LGBTQ 'Community' (which means a gaggle of activists) sued the people who put on the NYC St.Patricks Day parade to let them have a float. I don't know how it turned out. I've found I try to avoid following up on stories more and more. But I realized - nothing is safe anymore.
  14. Chief - obviously you've never worked in Marketing - "This guitar does not suck." is not selling the sizzle or the steak ! Though, I think, when you get to the cheap-os, Rouge, Mitchell, Ibanez, it might be a good Disclaimer to put on the hang tag.
  15. "He fixed up the planet as best as He could .... and then in come the people and gum it up good." (Paint Your Wagon/"The First Thing You Know"
  16. Sgt. Pepper could sell Snow Making Machines to Eskimos. Well, maybe Eskimos living in the mountains who could build ski resorts.
  17. Interesting comment to article: "Of the last 10 Martin guitars I bought this year, for the last 4 i searched out variegated ebony." Sounds like he's not found The Hoy Grail yet ! One wonders how much competition for Grade A wood, be it Sitka, Adirondack, Koa, Ebony, Rosewood or Ebony, etc. comes from makers in China, Japan, Mexico, etc. Are US makers like Taylor and now Martin going to 'alternative woods' as good stewards - while the rest of the world does not - widening the 'competition gap' ? Labor costs are already a big difference. Tonewood would be as big.
  18. Wan Hang Lo - with or without egg roll !
  19. Technically, at some point in the past 2 billion years, all water was snow at one time. So, while the plastic shavings in 'Snow Globes' is not snow - the water was at one point. (Thought I'd beat WhiteFang on pointing out this obvious error on your part.)
  20. Never took French in school - but sort of got the gist of your post. If you purchased a Real Gibson Hummingbird New from an Authorized Dealer, it would have been required to have a genuine, signature, iconic, engraved pick guard. If it did not - demand your money back, or threaten to contact Gibson directly. If not - you were ripped off. If you bought a used one, or a knock-off - then all you can do is hope you can get your money back because you should have realized - Caveat Emptor ! If you want to buy a replacement - look on EBay. Gibson might sell you one, but it would be outrageously priced. I just realized - you probably do not understand what I wrote anymore than I understood what you did. G'Luck.
  21. The GM vs Packard timing ?? I think local politicians are just HOA Board Members on steroids.
  22. I'm giving my granddaughter (11 in December) weekly lessons. You must have a great grand daughter. Ours has my wife's 50 year old Harmony and bangs it once or twice each lesson. I'm hoping, as she begins to actually ENJOY playing the guitar, she'll be more careful. Clearly - these guitars from the 40s in almost perfect shape were never loaned out to a tween.
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