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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Electronic ??? Geez. I didn't know there'd be a test this late in the game.
  2. He lives up the road 10 miles from me. I have a better chance of seeing him in the grocery store than in concert.
  3. Yeah = we need a sub-forum for electrical guitars.
  4. It was to scare us sufficiently to not take the backs off the transmitters or receivers when the little shiny thingys didn't light up.
  5. The only BM piping I recall is "Turn to, commence ship's work." 2x a day for 4 years.... but, no - I passed the BE&E course and was promoted to Radioman, the Boatswain's Mate thing was a self-depreciating attempt at humor. I apologize to myself.
  6. Thread topic reminds me of one of many David Letterman's 'apologies' after people pushed back on one of his more outrageous bits: "I apologize if my comments offended those of you who have thin skins, questionable affection for the target of my attack, or no sense of humor. I regret all those things from the bottom of my heart." I paraphrased - but that was the gist of all his apologies.n n n The older I get, the more definitions of words I thought I knew change.
  7. Nope. Took the Basic Electricity and Electronics course in the Navy in Great Lakes. Got a Special Recognition award - they wanted to transfer me to Boatswains Mate ! Wife Stuff: old George Strait song: 'if they know half the stuff I did, they'll never let me in'.
  8. Sgt Pepper's Wife : Why are you insulate? Sgt. Pepper: Watts it to you? I'm ohm aren't I ?
  9. Yep. If you skip over that stuff you’ll live a longer, happier life. Cat pictures are more distracting than dog pictures though.
  10. When you can't HEAR it if you don't put in your hearing aids first !
  11. Had good tickets, small venue, to see Rodrigo y Gabriela the Day The World Stood Still. (And started revolving backwards.)
  12. Art, Beauty, Mojo.... what am I leaving out ?? (I think Gibson severely restricts picture posting so we don't take up space on their 'server' or 'cloud' or whatever. Otherwise we'd be posting pictures of Martins. Oh, wait.
  13. The white porcelain wonder By E-minor7, November 8 in Gibson Acoustic
  14. You're really lucky to live within 'a day trip' of such a great 'intimate' venue. We have one here that use to be - but it's tripled in size and now is a bit too .... crazy. Or maybe I've gotten three times older than when I enjoyed having beer spilled on me, etc. People are super nice and friendly though. I don't think any of the top draws live close by - they arrive in their tour busses.
  15. As I recall from something I read years ago - Roy Rogers (not his real name) was a semi-cowboy from Oklahoma and played and sang before he went to Hollywould. George Strait too. Of course, Rascal Flats and Florida Georgia Line don't even pretend - no "Big Hat, No Cattle" for them.
  16. We were watching the tube - a National Geographic show - and our recently acquired 3 y/o German Shepherd Dog was laying there watching it on and off with us. I'm pretty sure his previous owner kept him in a kennel (trying to make a 'guard dog' out of a teddy bear) so TV was new to him. As were stairs, fire hydrants, etc. A segment came on - the standard "lion stalking a wildebeest and killing it". Our GSD heard the bleating of the wildebeest as the lion was killing it and JUMPED up and put his two front paws on the entertainment center and his nose 6'' from the TV and started whining. The gratuitous scene ended in less than a minute and he got down and calmed down. We explained to him it was 'just TV', wasn't really happening, tapped on the glass/plastic screen, etc. He's never watched TV since.
  17. Agree. Sort of like that old wives cliche - I you sat 100 monkeys down with 100 typewriters for 100 years - they couldn't reproduce one Shakespearean Sonnet. The Beatles! were more than a phenomena.
  18. Even brought in strings and horns for Carry That Weight !!!
  19. Outstanding Tribute Band ! Even the cricket at 4:20 ! "She Came In Through The Bathroom Window" - great !
  20. A Classical Guitar. Twice. Couldn't bond with the fingerboard.
  21. I googled "Bros". This guy had a shirt on that said "Paco". He's the owners' son. Husband and wife started it around 70 years ago after gaining experience separately at other Classical/Flamenco guitar makers in Spain. They have a good assortment of guitars and will build to order. Seem to run around $7K USD. My first 'real' guitar (after a Stella) was a Gibson Classical CO. So, I have a soft spot for them, although I can't play that genre to save my arse, Had a relapse several years ago and bought a Cordoba Gypsy King. Gave it to my son after a couple of years. Light as a feather.
  22. Having our daughter and her three kids (17- 21) here. First court date for divorce on Monday. They're vegan and gluten free. Our 3 sons are with their in-laws. Otherwise, we would have had 20 also. Or, I guess 19 !
  23. Thought I'd just give it a quick look. Until seeing this artist's first step - 'clamping' the bookmarked spruce face pieces together using thick cotton twine, and tightening the windings by tapping in a couple of triangular wedged shape shims. Then I was hooked ! He then went on to whittle out the inlay space for the roseate with a hand chisel only going down 1/8" in a circle !!! This guy is amazing ! At 14:53, after seeing the time consuming process of just getting to the attachment of the neck to the face, while he's gluing the sides onto the face somehow... you see he has over a dozen guitars in the background lined up that he has 'clamped' with that twine - back, sides and face. At 17:00 he uses a couple of dozen CLOTHES PINS to hold the glued kerfing on to the Sides getting ready to attach the back. And while that dries - glues in 3 or 4 dozen little right angle pieces to brace the sides to the face. I'LL NEVER COMPLAIN ABOUT GLUE DROPS AGAIN. Or a roughly sanded brace ! He scores and Hand Chisels out the small channels on the face and side to insert the binding, which he then 'clamps' with his ubiquitous thick cotton twine/rope. Then repeats the same time/labor intensive process after it's dried - to place the back binding. He hand chisels and carves the neck heel. Perfectly symmetrical ! And then hand carves the neck! Almost seems like the craftsman could place the bridge and frets from memory - eyeballing them. Nice to see him deliver it to his customer and hear it played. Thanks BluesKing. This should be a "Required Reading" for us on the Acoustic sub-forum.
  24. Shoulders look a little too round and the pick guard looks a little too small.
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