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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. They do that here. Tear down 10 year old buildings and put up ones on the same site that look identical, or "Ugly-Modern". I'm guessing the $1.7M the city is paying out of taxpayers pockets for the demo will wind up costing more. And the guy in Peru who bought the property for $450K will never pay anything. Best they can hope for it to put up a 'green' area - plant grass and trees. No one is going to invest $5M in a sketchy area. Unless the city gets a bond approved by low information voters for a 'public use' area like a stadium, and dips deeper into the taxpayers pockets. Hey, WhiteFang - do they still celebrate Halloween with the "Devils Night" arson sprees? Doesn't look like there's any fire hazard in this plant - only opportunities for film makers to stage drug deals and shoot-outs ! 😀 Still it's obvious that dangerous eye-sore should have been torn down decades ago.
  2. A really tempting little diversion from what I do. Thanks for the gas ! Upon further investigation - could go as high as $900 !!
  3. Out of idle curiosity - never having owned an arch top - how much would one like that go for, fixed up ?
  4. He would know - but wouldn't care. Reminds me of when my father in law put his house on the market in Tallahassee. People coming to look at it would put up their noses and criticize the furnishings. And then there'd the people who leave reviews on Amazon who buy an item clearly described as being 12" long, and give it one star because it doesn't fit in their whatever. I just keep reminding myself - half the population is below average in intelligence.
  5. "Please respond kindly" !? !? We here are the epitome of kindliness, dammit ! FWIW - I have a J45 I bought new in 2013 and would never consider trading it for any pre-69 model. I did have a '64 LG1 I bought new and had for 4 decades and loved it, but believe that Bozeman's guitars are as good as, or better than Kalamazoos. But that's not based on anything close to scientific - just "feelings". I'd just rather not have to deal with potential issues that might occur with 50 years of age and prior owners. But many here think the opposite. Some prefer even older, pre-war models. A few even like brand new models beat with a bicycle chain to look 'reliced'. I prefer less risk, and if possible, a Gibson Warranty to the difference in tone.
  6. It is confusing. If you stick around here for a couple of years - you'll appreciate the differences between vintage and "Vintage". Marketing can't come up with any new old words !
  7. Wow- Tom, your book collection has got to be better than the New York Public Library. I couldn't help but notice that you had one on the 2nd shelf up that looked like it was in Korean? I assume you bought it for the pictures. (Sort of the opposite of why we use to buy Penthouse). Nice to see Carl Sandburg's classic there. Also good to see a few on banjos. And Alan Lomax - the man who many credit for the folk music revival of the 60s. And it looks like there is another full bookshelf on the side of the one you photographed. Wow !
  8. I have 4 grandchildren who’ve gotten old enough to drive in the past couple of years. None of them are. “ What have I done wrong, Dr Phil?”
  9. With a tip of the hat to FishCrumpet - "Honky Tonk Women" helped me through a few rough patches. Something "Blackbird" never did.
  10. Ghost FL - thanks for the BTS. Living in a vacuum under a rock, I never heard of them. Forced myself to watch/listen all the way through. Reminded me of a time when I witnessed the musical appreciation develop in a teenage girl from BTS type of Sugary Sweet Pop Music to Rock and Roll and beyond. I guess there are within each genre - 'levels'. Jazz, C&W, Rock, maybe even, if you think it qualifies as 'music- "Rap". You start out with what is 'Pop" in whichever genre you're attracted to - move up to stuff with an actual beat, syncopation, etc. Then, up another level to where the words have 'meaning'. And you realize words like 'lyrics' and 'melody', have different meanings. What's a 'backbeat' ? Then you find out your idol was influenced by Chuck Berry or Leadbelly - and go dabble there for awhile. Soon, you have 'an acquired taste' and are more self -directed than pushed by radio stations who are pushed by music companies. So, there will always be 'starter' music for the Bubble Gum Music entry level kids. And levels going up. Like Shreck said - Layers, like onions. Or was it the talking Donkey?
  11. Agree - In addition to Epstein's genius - I think it was 'The Perfect Storm". Baby Boomers hitting the market, many interested in dabbling in guitars due to the folk music revival, the phenomenon of Elvis, Other bands, I think, rode on the wave - the Stones, ABBA .... Ed Sullivan had LOTS of acts on his Sunday evening show over the decades - I don't think any came close to the 'buzz' of the Beatles.
  12. Well, then ... I'll try again... he was RUMORED to have said: "First prize was a week in Philadelphia. Second prize was two weeks." and "I spent a week in Philadelphia once. I think it was a Sunday." and on his tombstone: "All things considered, I'd rather be in Philadelphia."
  13. Reminds me of that W.C Fields quote" "Rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated."
  14. Sounds like a raised streak running part of the seam, not a trench. I doubt very much it left the factory that way: Sanding, finishing would surely bring the two or 3 pieces of wood completely flush and smooth as a baby's butt. Then the nitro sprayed on top. If a section raised up - I'd have to guess it was over-humidified somewhere in its early life. I believer the nitrocellulose is 'flexible' enough for a year or so to raise without crazing. Two coming from the same place with the same issue - might be the dealer has over humidified. If I were me, and I loved the guitar otherwise, I would keep it and register your warranty card w/ Bozeman and note somewhere clearly in writing that you have this issue and will monitor it for a reasonable amount of time.
  15. And also making that noise by blowing into certain empty candy boxes. Boston Baked Beans' boxes made the best sound. I found the Good & Plenty Boxes worked better. The Boston Baked Beans boxes sounded like a wet fart.
  16. Halloween took a big hit in the late 70s when the media decided to scare the crap out of parents with false stories of razor blades in apples. Within 2 years - the kids were relegated to going to malls or churches for paltry handouts. The scare gradually wore off, like most do, and kids went back to the streets. But it immediately became commercialized - expensive costumes, skulls and spiders made in China, special pumpkin carving kits. Last week - we went to get our candy for the kids coming to the door. $25 a bag. I'm sure the little kids today enjoy it as much as we did 60 years ago in our home made costumes. I do, however, have a problem with adults who go around, without kids or costumes, looking for Jello Shots. Yeah - 'Get Off My Lawn".
  17. Dental care was more or less affordable before the insurance companies invented insurance for it. For years, dentists would ask when deciding which fee schedule to use when you were checking out - "Do you have insurance?" If you did, they charged more. Now, of course, they have gotten rid of the lower fee schedule. I'm guessing 'Pet Insurance' is going the same way, but we've never dabbled. I've not gotten any spam calls telling me the warranty is up on my 11 year old car and recommending I get "Repair Insurance". Wonder if Shade Tree Mechanics are going to have 2 fee schedules? If there are any left.
  18. For some reason, reminds me of Simon & Garfunkel. In a good way.
  19. I once read Emmylou talking about guitars said the most beautiful sound she ever heard was an "A" chord on an SJ200 barred at the 5th fret. I was smitten.
  20. I would not be able to think about it, let alone write about it. Hope your sons have been able to 'process' it. For me, the only 'peace' I'd be able to find would be to hear in the News they captured tried and dealt with the criminal appropriately.
  21. Some folks confuse emojis. Can't tell the difference between sad sympathetic faces, confused faces, angry faces, or constipated faces. It is best to ignore them 🤡!
  22. May not be spelling it right - but there is a law - "Paretto's Law" which, not legal but statistical, indicates that almost always -80% of an occurrence is found in 20% of a population. So, for example - 80% of the ice cream is eaten by 20% of the kids at a party. 80% of the jello shots are consumed by 20% of your guests. (mostly your brother in law).. In healthcare - they've found basically the same thing - 80% of your healthcare occurs in the last 20% of your life. From age 20 - 60, you might consume $4k on average (what it costs the providers, not what your out of pocket or premiums are). But that amount triples when you go from 65 - 75. People who like to dabble - question whether it is logical to spend $100K in the last year of every Medicare recipient's life on healthcare. These dabblers would like to see that amount of tax money going to Medicare go somewhere else. Especially as the Baby Boomers get older. Usually these pundits are millennials. Growing old is not for the faint of heart.
  23. I think Shakespeare got a little too flamboyantly pyrotechnical too. And then there's Picasso. I'm guessing Billy Strings is at the point in his career where he plays to have fun, not impress. (That is the ONLY thing I have in common with him! That and being 21 in '69)) . Well, maybe he sticks in an extra bluegrass lick to impress Molly now and then after all.
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