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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. That was fantastic ! Time to quit your Day Job !!!
  2. Yes. If you badger your Honey enough.
  3. They should have reported their parents to Child Protective Services !
  4. Gotcha! Hyperbole and sarcasm - my two favorite things !
  5. Some people (I doubt many) believe you can come back as an animal, given how well you handled being a human. Some of these spend a lot of human time thinking about which animal they'd like to come back as. I don't think it's an easy choice - because most animals get eaten by other animals. Tigers are a popular choice. Some people believe they have an animal spirit guide - a totem. Coyote is popular. Wolf. But, as you suggest with Gender - we may get 'assigned' an animal, or we'll all be wearing Tiger and Wolf t-shirts. I hope I don't get assigned as a wildebeest. They seem to always get eaten first.
  6. I noticed yesterday one of the spammers sign on name was Harry Peter. So, I am guessing he's not a disgruntled airline employee, but an 14 year old schmuk.
  7. Please excuse my naïveté and the digression - but what do you mean it costs you $3 to open your mailbox? I know SF has some unique approaches to daily living but I thought mailboxes were directly 'linked' to the USPS and Feds.
  8. Aaaaah ! Shoot ! that reminds me... what happened to DEW POINT ??!! That crapoloa excuse for a replacement for HUMIDITY?! It was a feeble attempt by the LEFT to pave the way to get us to go back on the METRIC SYSTEM permanently, I bet. None of the 'meteorologists' could explain what a DewPoint represented. But they stopped reporting Humidity and started using this vague concoction. Here we were, centuries long comfortable with understanding HUMIDITY - how it felt, inside and out - and 'THEY' tried to do a switcheroo. Like I'm going to measure the DEWPOINT in my guitar cases. Cats wouldn't stand for it. Oh - Little Feet - my preferred strings by far - Elixir Nanoweb 80/20 Bronze 12s. Oh - and Murph since WhiteFang hasn't chimed in and it's been 2 hours - its spelled 'indices'. Fancy replacement for 'indexes'.
  9. Guitar? Case?? I thought these were Cat Beds .
  10. KSD, I'm pretty sure many models in addition to the LGO, LG1 and LG2 in the 60s had those hollow plastic bridges and that many were replaced.
  11. One other consideration - if you have your Grandma's original case... it should be a brown chipboard/cardboardy thing with a plastic handle and a faux alligator pattern... probably in bad shape even if sitting under the bed: They can sell for enough to buy a half decent case that will protect your guitar. AND, if you don't have the wherewithal to get a new, solid one before your trip home - if you use that case - the flight crew might be more considerate of taking care of it than if you have it in a new looking vinyl gig bag. FWIW. Congrats! They are great guitars.
  12. The Spell Checker on EVERY forum is always so easy to identify. A morsel of cheese and SNAP !
  13. Reminds me of that cliche from the last century: Don't fee the trolls.
  14. I can't disagree. Although it was a couple of centuries ago = stealing the Irish farms, selling their crops and produce to Europe during the entire continent's potato blight, and then blaming the famine that killed 4 million on the 'potato', was, in my opinion, what caused the British Empire to slowly wither and die. When you lose your moral compass ...
  15. I can't find the button on the floorboard of my car to turn the brights on.
  16. As usual, RBSinTO beat me to the punch line. Was it Murph who last month asked "Show me your neckwear?" ?
  17. I remember my grandmother sitting in a straight back chair watching Elizabeth’s coronation when I was 6. She immigrated from England 40 years earlier. i remember watching Diana’s funeral. I watched Charles’ coronation because it symbolizes the traditions of a once great world empire.
  18. Wife had just gotten a new '69 Nova when we got married. We left it behind when we moved from Miami to Hartford. Foolish, of course, since we were then car-less. Careless? Then, a '71 Monte Carlo with a 350. Then a 75 'vette with a 350. After which, I decided cars were for transportation, and not fun. (IE. Transporting kids and dogs - not 'watching the submarine races'. )
  19. Agree. I'm not sharp enough to notice a difference in weight, not technical enough to ream out a hole, and too lazy to find conversion bushings. I use the excuse that I want my guitars to remain 'all original'. And, I'm not sensitive enough to notice a difference in how they work - if they don't slip... why chance it? "If it's not broken, don't fix it." My motto.
  20. I brought it up as a counterpoint to J185cat’s dilemma: having meticulously applied enamel model paint wipe off his pg when wiped with guitar polish. There must have been something in that polish. Panzer jet fuel?
  21. Some people protest in front of Supreme Court justice’s homes, some boycott beer brands. No need to get your panties in a twist. It’s still free speech, ain’t it?
  22. Didn’t a member suggest Gibson needed to use Panzer Paint on their Pickguards?
  23. Was the 'Vintage' model available in '99? I thought later on.
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