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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Thanks for cleaning up the embarrassment. Damage Control 101 !
  2. When we moved here - to Texas - it was legal to have an open beer in a brown paper bag in your hand while driving. People also had rifles in their pickup truck gun racks. Now - you would go to jail for having one beer, and someone would steal your rifle and never get caught. This is progress.
  3. Here we go. Maybe we should change the thread title to “Why we can’t laugh at stuff anymore “
  4. and not just 'friends' but friends with benefits...
  5. 1/1000" spread over 6 strings. I would not say that qualifies in a "change in specs" unless the bridge pin holes were proportionately reduced.
  6. friend had something to hold on to ..... reminds me of a joke, I can't post here.
  7. El Camino - just an Avalanche ahead of it's time. I can identify...
  8. Sorry - thought I'd read you has gotten a TV. Otherwise - as I said - specs change all the time, especially on this model.
  9. OR - as I opined earlier - it is an abrasion that occurred AFTER it left Bozeman.
  10. In a word, yes. I think you got a True Vintage, a model they retired and replaced with 'Vintage'. Standards are different. Modern Classic, etc. Go to the section above "Acoustic Guitars" and lookup 'round shouldered' and you'll see a dozen versions. Half are just 'color and cosmetic' differences - not what's under the hood. And that's just for this year, not the past five.
  11. Remind us how many Gibson acoustics you have?
  12. Wonder how many purchasers of those brand new Gibson acoustics will come here to complain about Gibson’s Quality, QC and prices?
  13. A ukulele is just a mandolin with half as many strings.
  14. Photos magnified 10X to see something not visible to the naked eye ... Issues that may have been caused after the guitar left Bozeman... And - not knowing what we're actually looking at ... Nitro there, but no stain? Is it the stain gone as well as the nitro? Scraped off ? Both never applied seems far-fetched. ? Polishing compound a possibility. Abrasion damage another possibility: where might it have happened? At Bozeman, at the retailers, or even by the new owner, not realizing it? The location is one where that could happen. To assume Gibson is somehow not applying stain and nitro to an edge there, is farfetched. And if they did ...Thousands of new Gibson acoustics being purchased every week. And this forum is where we hear about the 'defects' . Probably one or two a week: "is this normal?" Yes! This particular 'issue' is not sufficient to label Gibson's QA 'sub-par'.
  15. Jaw Harp? cause of 52% of chipped front teeth below the Mason Dixon Line. Point is - a ukulele is not in the same class as a flat top, arch top... Every time I pick my uke up, I put it down frustrated after 10 minutes, and grab a guitar. Or course, there are always exceptions: Iz Kamakawiwo'ole was one in a hundred million in his mastery of the uke to complement his equally unique voice.
  16. Spoons. Empty Jug. Washboard... VS a $3K MARTIN guitar ?
  17. I'm guessing it was there when it left the factory. Probably on a Monday when the "Fan Reflection QC Test" guy called in sick.
  18. I need to find out where to become that tactful. 'Dale Carnegie' didn't take I guess.
  19. Basic Electricity & Electronics ?? Squeeked through. "Sitting on the Dock of The Bay" was the signature song when I was there. And that headache maker - "Hey Jude". Nah, nah, nah nahnanana.......Weekends drinking non-luxury beer in Kenosha.
  20. I apologize. I mis-interpreted what I read. The press release from BMG called it a "strategic label partnership'. Obviously, I have no idea what that means ! Thanks for the clarification.
  21. Yep. Gibson Records 'label' under BMG. Three years ago. First artist. Common knowledge. Why? Was that inappropriate?
  22. Sgt. Pepper has a history of liking to lock horns with anyone and everyone. He regularly detracts from all things 'Gibson'. I am sure he would like nothing more than to have the entire Gibson Forum shut down: since Martin doesn't have one - Gibson shouldn't.
  23. If you don't look, your mind won't be numb.
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