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Everything posted by Larsongs

  1. John & George both had J-160E's. I've read it's the only one of their Guitar's to appear on every Beatle Album. John played one before Hard Days Night & thru their Beatle a Career..
  2. My Solid Top Bozeman Masterbilt J-160E sounds great plugged or unplugged.. I play it unplugged a lot & also quite a lot plugged in through Vox & Fender Amps as a rule so I use Electric Strings.. I went through many different kinds of Strings in all price ranges trying to find some that sound great plugged in or unplugged.. Currently I'm using & liking Martin Retro Monel Round XL' s.. I really wanted a reissue CF-100E but they were gone by the time I found out they had been reissued.. I'd love to see Gibson reissue Solid Top versions of them...
  3. I bought a Bozeman Masterbilt Solid Top J-160E new 11 years ago.. Mahogany Back & Sides with Spruce Top. Of all my Guitars it is the most Played. Including my Martin's which are also great... I seldom hear these Guitars discussed here? Lots of J-45's though.. Which are also great Guitars... But, after playing a variety of J-45's my conclusion was this particular version of the J-160E was the one for me... Any other J-160E players here?
  4. Judging from Reverb there isn't any shortage of new or used SG's... You just need to negotiate... 15-20% discounts should be doable all day long.....
  5. Larsongs


    What's your budget? What kind of music do you play? What kind of Amp do you have? IMO a great 1st Electric Guitar would be an Epiphone Casino.. (The lesser cost version of a Gibsonn ES330). Even the ones made in China... Super versatile. Great Necks.. Great Players.. Inexpensive... Beatles, Stones & tons of other Artists play them & appear on too many Hit songs to list..
  6. If I can't get 15-20% off on a new Guitar I'll try a few more places.. If I still can't I'll usually pass unless it's a super special limited production bucket list Guitar... Even then 99% of the time I pass.. I'm in no hurry & I'm not distressed to buy any Guitar... There have only been 2 Guitars in the past 10 years I sorta wished I'd bought. But, I know they'll pop up in the used market & at some point I'll buy them if they're a great deal.... If I don't I've got plenty of great Guitars to play... SG's should be available at 15%+ discounts all day long... Even in this market...
  7. Should be playing & sounding as good as she looks! Rock n Roll! LL
  8. Wow! I had no idea how many Offshore Factories have built & build Epiphones! Thanks for that.. LL
  9. How do you tell which Factory an Epiphone was built? Thanks, LL
  10. Why not Gibson? I've played several Heritage over the past few years.. They are excellent Guitars if you want an alternative...
  11. Good luck on making it come true... I have most of the Electric Guitars of my dreams.. My Wife says too many! But, I'm waiting for the new Inspired by Gibson USA Epiphone Casino.. In Royal Tan with Chrome Nickel Dogear Covers. I'll add a Bigsby. I have 3 Casinos now. A Sunburst 50th Anniv. 1961 with Tremotone, a Natural Finish IBJL Revolution & a Sunburst Peerless with Bigsby.. All are great but have been wanting a USA Casino for a long time.. Like 20 years..
  12. Aaahhh... Thanks so much.. I couldn't find any good Pics.. I recently got the Chrome Covers.. I may have to get the higher heat rated Soldering Iron.. I've got one but not sure if it will do the job..
  13. I have a 50th Anniversary 1961 RI Epi Casino w/ Tremotone. It has black Dogear P90's. I would like to put Chrome Dogear Covers on it. I want it to be reversible in case I want to change it back at some point. Is complete removal of the Pickup necessary? Or can it be done without taking the whole thing apart? I can't find any YouTubes for this... Thanks LL
  14. Do you think that also applies to installing Chrome Dogear Covers?
  15. Very nice! Congrats & Enjoy!
  16. Looks awesome! You should record something & post it here...
  17. I'd like to try this myself. It sounds like removing the Pickups are required in order to do the soldering... Does anyone know if there's a YouTube How To for this? Thanks LL
  18. If you have Plastic & want Chrome what is the Procedure?
  19. Are the chrome Covers soldered to the mounting tabs?
  20. Yeah, I know.... I'm weird.... I just have this quirk.. LOL..
  21. Guitars are like Classic Cars.. Picture a really cool 57 Chevy... Now Picture it with a big Plastic Gas Tank mounted on top of the Hood.. That's what Clip on Tuners on Guitar Headstocks remind me of..... Some really ugly thing that makes that really cool looking Guitar lose its Classic Cool Look.... I know that's weird but that's what I see......
  22. How do these 9 year old Posts get to the top if they aren't pertinent? Or is this forum that slow? LOL!
  23. While I like the idea of an onboard Tuner I abhor the look of Snarks & the like.. I do use them at home but never when Performing... They are also cheap plastic & break easily... I'd love something less visible & built like a Tank....
  24. I bought one a few years ago... I love this Guitar & the P90's as much as my other 2 way more expensive LP's with HB's... You can't go wrong with a Special with P90's... TV Yellow is cool too....
  25. Sounds like you already have remorse.. Cancel the Listing... You can always sell it at a later time....
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