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Everything posted by Larsongs

  1. Fantastic Score! I dig it! Is that the Ltd Edition? I’ve been looking for one too.. I believe they came with Gibson USA P90’s originally… Beautiful Guitar!
  2. I’ve yet to have a Nitro finish check & I’ve owned Gibsons & Epiphone’s for 30+ years.. Usually 3-4 or more at a time.. Most of them have been out of the Case on Stands or hung on the wall in my Studios over the years.. I take good care of them but I’m not a fanatic… But, I live in So Cal so I can’t say they are exposed to super extreme Weather conditions.. Curious how you all fare when traveling to Gigs in the Cold climates? You don’t have hours & hours to let them climatize in the Case.. You gotta Set up & play…
  3. You’re probably right about 6 & 10. But, I wouldn’t hesitate making the Call.. You never know.. Most 45 day Return Exchange Policies by most Sellers are for any reason… You can always ask for a substantial Discount.. The OP can always sell it.. This is the best time! Then buy another… Good luck!
  4. Most Retailers today have a 45 day Return or Exchange Policy… If you’re within the time Return or Exchange it… If not “Call” Gibson Customer Service & tell them your story & you want them to repair or replace it under Warranty.. One of the above should resolve your issue.. If not, Sell it… There’s never been a better time. Then buy another Guitar….
  5. I did things when I was young, wild & crazy that I won’t do now.. Learned a few lessons on the way…
  6. Thanks everyone… Too bad there aren’t Musician Swap Meets…… I don’t mean Guitar & Amp Shows that cost $$$ Hundreds to get a 5x8 booth..
  7. Things used to be different.. The way I used to do personal Business was different.. But, this ain’t the same World anymore…. Have you had $50,000.00 worth of Recording Equipment, Guitars, Amps etc stolen from you? I guess because I have I’m sensitive about it. I’ve never heard of Selling your Gear at POLICE STATION, FIRE STATION, MUNICIPAL BUILDING before… That’s all new to me… Just trying to find a new & better way… You don’t have to be a Jerk…
  8. I don’t want Strangers coming to my home…. I have my reasons…. I’d rather meet somewhere that is safe that the buyer can do an Electric Guitar demo on a Battery Amp. If it’s a deal, hand me the Cash & done… Thanks
  9. That’s great.. Most of us don’t have a Brick & Mortar Store though…. You’re very lucky. I’ve had an entire Recording Studio + all my Guitars & Amps stolen from my Home while we were away on a weekend… Unfortunately after that experience I’m not as trusting as you..
  10. I own a .45 & am Ex Military.. In these times others carrying Weapons is common.. I don’t want to get in a fight or a shoot out.. I don’t have Dogs anymore… I’d just like to find a simple way to meet a potential Buyer locally & sell my Electric Guitars & Amps.. But not at my Home… Is it legitimate to take your Electric Guitar or Amp & meet up with a Buyer at a GC & do business there? Same question for a Police Station..
  11. Reverb, EBay & Craigslist are too expensive.. By the time you pay Sipping costs & their Fees it’s almost not worth it.. Unless you’re selling really expensive Gear.. But even then the Fee is substantially higher… I’d really like to figure out a way more local…. If you’re the Seller of an Electric Guitar or Amp where would you meet up with a Craig’s List Buyer? How would you handle the expected Demo?
  12. There was no intent to be rude. My apologies. Knowing how far Threads can drift off track is why I asked, politely, if we could stay on topic.. As for lack of trust.. Yeah! Based on the past experience I shared..
  13. Not talking about Cameras or Acoustic Guitars.. Please stay on topic. I’d like to use CL if I can figure out a good way… Reverb, EBay & GBase are too expensive… I can’t take an Electric Guitar & Amp to a Coffee Shop, Police Station for a Buyer to try out.. I’ve had an entire Studio full of Gear stolen in the past.. I don’t trust any stranger.. Might be fine while you’re there but could be a disaster sometime when you’re not home…. I do have Electric Guitars & Amps I’d like to sell.. I’m looking for a better way to…..
  14. You’ll meet a Stranger in a Parking lot with your Guitar?
  15. If you’re the Seller of an Electric Guitar or Amp where would you meet up with a Craig’s List Buyer? How would you handle the expected Demo?
  16. I’ll have to count.. I don’t know… I do need to take inventory… I know I’ve got several Guitars, not only Gibsons, that don’t get played that I should sell & replace them with some that would..
  17. First one…. Satisfaction… I thought if I can play that Lick I can be a Rock Star… LMAO!
  18. Beautiful Grain! After 2 years sitting it’s your go to Guitar! LOL!
  19. I’m embarrassed to say that I don’t know how many Guitars I have right now.. I need to take inventory.. I know I have several I don't plamuch if at all. Those need to be sold.. I need to get off my duff & do it.. As for the question, I do rotate about 10 Guitars.. All are different.. The one I play most is my Gibson Bozeman Masterbilt J-160E.. Besides The Beatle connection, IMO, it is the Top of the Line J Series Guitar… Definitely the best sounding & best looking of the dozens of J Series Guitars I’ve played & considered buying…
  20. The Gibson Les Paul Std is a Pro Grade Guitar that will do everything a Guitar Player needs it to do… Various LP models have different Pickups & Neck Radius.. Some versions are more Custom Shop built with other fine details.. Still the Guitar you’ve got is a fine Instrument with unlimited capabilities…. Congrats on your first LP.. Enjoy..
  21. What kind of Guitar was it? It’s not that hard to tune a 12 string? Especially if you're using a Tuner? How would they know it was in C Tuning if they don’t know how to Tune a Guitar? Maybe you could’ve told them it had something wrong with it & if the deal was right you’d buy it..
  22. America runs on Consumerism.. And has for a long long long time. Every day is Sale Day for a Birthday, Anniversary or some kind of holiday.. I don’t get the anger against Christmas…. Unless……… no, I better not go there….
  23. By dialing in the Volume & Tone Controls on almost any Amp & Guitar you should be able to get just about any Tone you want.. Rock, Blues & Jazz…
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