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Everything posted by sparquelito

  1. I'M A GIBSON GUY (a poem) I'm a Gibson guy, to the bone. I'm a Fender guy also, have been all along. I love me some Ibanez, and some Yamaha too. Can you be a Christian, and also a Jew? So what's the point of all this? Are we supposed to pledge allegiance? And pray to the Gods of brand caprice? What if I put my Les Paul down for some other company's emergence? You know, I think I am just a guitar player. A musician with no specific devotion. I record track after track, layer upon layer And great music is great music, and I feel emotion About the notion that I have been a Gibson guy ever since KISS albums declared it And I love Fenders too as much as Buddy Guy But please know that we compared it For any man to declare that this is IT and I'll never play another company's guitar Is folly for sure, isn't it? And an Explorer is just as sexy as a Jaguar So, thank you for your understanding And your very kind indulgence I'm off to bed now, and that is most outstanding 'Till tomorrow's post-slumber emergence Maybe in the morning I'll want to sell off all my Fenders I think it's only fair warning that I'm in the middle of a bourbon bender So anything can happen And no guarantees on my reply But come tomorrow morning when the milk man comes a rappin' I'll still be a Gibson guy fin 🤔
  2. They lost me at 'gold hardware'. I do not like gold hardware. 😐
  3. So, the earlier two simple lines took off today, and the first draft of song lyrics came out of me. I sussed out a melody and chords, but only for the Chorus. I can't make magic with the verses and the rest of the song, but it's going to happen this week. I changed the 'disco' reference, even though it was the notion I woke up with. It's dance hall now. And I'll be damned if I didn't somehow write a Christian Rock song, of all things. But I'm loving how it's developing. DON’T NEED NO CHURCH Verse 1 You don’t need no church if you wanna pray You don’t need a dance hall if you want to get down I used to pray at work, any time of the day And with a living room record player you could really go to town Verse 2 I ain’t no baby daddy, but I can be a father That young man’s dad left him, and split from his mom Dude’s out there running, and can’t be bothered To spend some time with his child at an after school program Bridge I’m glad to be there for this boy, and his mommy too and to say grace at the supper table Help with the dishes when the meal is through I’ll step up as long as I am able Chorus A To be the man this young one might just grow up to be G#m To show him love and some stability A To be the man his mom can count on when the going is rough G#m D A And to demonstrate my love, and that love is enough Verse 3 You don’t need no ring if you wanna get married Can’t afford a proper one anyway My job, it’s a workload, one that I have always carried I’m setting money aside, and I can get her one someday Verse 4 She said you fool you don’t need no church if you wanna pray Don’t need no dance hall if you want to get down I’ll marry you, if you ask me today I don’t need a ring, because I’m wearing your crown Bridge You make me feel like a queen, and my son is a prince When you say grace at our little supper table You’re my King, and have been ever since I have known that you will always be able Chorus To be the man my young son might just grow up to be To show him love and some stability To be the man I can count on when the going is rough And to demonstrate your love, and that love is enough The Lord brought me your love, and that love is enough Refrain Spent my whole life looking for that storybook ending Thinking life was like what we saw on TV I missed the blessings that the Lord was steadily sending I got caught up in expectations, and too blind to see And here it’s all come down an unexpected turn two people I love at this dinner table Damn near forty, and I’ve finally learned that I know I’ll always be able Chorus To be the man this young man might just grow up to be To show him love and some stability To be the man his mom can count on when the going is rough And to demonstrate my love, and that love is enough Demonstrating my love, and that love is enough God blessed us with love, and that love is enough 😗 Okay, I'm gonna shut up now.
  4. I'm sensing a basic 4/4 rock drum beat, provided that the second line of verse follows the first quickly, there is a pause in the singing after the word, "take", and then the forth line of verse follows the third again quickly. 4/4. 🙂
  5. I have written songs that started with a guitar or keyboard riff. Also wrote songs that began with a turn of a phrase, or a certain combination of words that turned into a stream-of-consciousness explosion of song lyrics. I have a song brewing in my head that will include the following lines that I woke up with over my morning coffee yesterday; YOU DON'T NEED NO CHURCH IF YOU WANT TO PRAY DON'T NEED A DISCO IF YOU WANT TO DISCO DOWN The lines sound absurd, but sometimes absurd is what it takes to craft a good and interesting song. 🤔
  6. I'm just guessing, the cable company would be liable. But if it were me, that cable company would be paying thru the nose for that repair! (If I even watched TV, but just for the sake of conversation...) 😃
  7. Wait; My fluorescent lights tell me that electricians are the devil. I'm getting mixed signals here. 🙁
  8. Oh man. Prayers to his family. 🙁
  9. This entire story strikes me as fishy. 🤔
  10. You're a damned fine looking man, Sarge. Tommy too. That guy at the register, eh, not so much. 🙂
  11. I wish the OP would adopt me. I have always wanted to be taken care of by a rich step-daddy. 😐
  12. I'm just curious about your own experience with the new LED light bulbs, versus the old incandescent bulbs. Some people swear that the new ones last many times longer than the old conventional ones, but that has not been my experience. I find that the LED bulbs crap out just as frequently as the incandescent ones. For the record, I have had my house checked out from top to bottom by a qualified electrician, and everything here is up to code. Thanks in advance. 😐
  13. I am with you on not flying anymore. I don't care if these two feet never leave the ground again. Re; the white gravy for chicken fried steak, I can PM you a nice, easy recipe. You will love it. 🙂
  14. I have heard the name Dale Carnegie before, but I must admit I know nothing about him, or the classes you speak of. I'm just a lucky guy, with a fairly guarded but vaguely optimistic viewpoint and life philosophy. This is it in a nut-shell: High hopes but low expectations. When you apply that philosophy to your dealings with other humans, especially coworkers, then you will never be hurt or let down by sorry behavior. Instead, you will be ready for the nonsense perpetrated by the larger population, the whole while delighted and happy about the truly good people you meet and encounter along the way. 🙂
  15. I have been lucky I guess. I did work in a toxic environment many years ago. 2004 to 2007. Left that place eventually because the entire shop suffered from a lack of integrity. The work was Foreign Military Sales (FMS) case management. It was mostly lethargic Government Servants drawing a fat paycheck for doing nothing, to be quite honest. And the handful of us who did all the work around that place were expected to look the other way (and not discuss) the rampant time-keeping fraud, laziness, and double-billing the foreign customers. I dutifully reported, in writing, everything that was going on there, and was retaliated against. Put those people in my rear-view mirror, and never looked back. The last 15 years of my working life I was having a blast. 2007 till the end of 2022. I worked with a great team of guys and gals who operated with integrity, energy, and good humor. The mission was Aviation Flight Test and test support. Company parties and gatherings were a blast, especially since I was the musical director for the place, on top of my Operations duties. We always put together a live band to play the annual sports-fest on the river, the after-work team-building beer-drinking gatherings at the pub, or the big Christmas party in the large hangar. There was no competition, except among the junior engineers I guess, because we all had our unique jobs and skill sets. I made a lot of lifelong friends there, and even though I am retired now, we get together for lunch all the time. Sometimes life hands you lemons, and you have to figure out how to make lemonade. Other times life hands you peaches and cream, and life is great. Luck of the draw, I guess. 😐
  16. I was born on an Army base in Alabama, and spent many pivotal and important years of my life all across the State of Alabama, but I can hardly lay claim to being a Southerner. * I was an Army Brat, and traveled all over the globe * I never hung around long enough to acquire a Southern accent of any sort That said, I do love grits. And white sausage gravy over biscuits. But when it comes to the stereotypical attributes that we assign to Southerners, I sadly come up short. * I have never had sex with my cousin * I never once burned a cross on anyone's lawn * I have played banjo a number of times, but I really suck at it and, * I still have all of my original teeth, and they look pretty good. It's complicated, I guess that's what I am saying. 😐
  17. Very good point!! Yes, he was a pioneer of the early American rock and roll, as we came to know rock and roll. He and Chuck Berry certainly. Buddy Holly, Bo Diddley, Jerry Lee Lewis. But you are right. His music after the Army was mainly film scores and pop nonsense. Now. In The Ghetto? And Suspicious Minds as well? Powerful songs. But not rockers. So we are in agreement, sir. 😐
  18. Allow me to explain what American gravy is all about. Well. Jeff Foxworthy and friends will technically explain it to our friends from across the pond. 😐
  19. Such an interesting, talented guy. Very expressive face! 😐
  20. Rest in peace, Mr. Garcia. Funny, but I never once thought of the Grateful Dead as a rock band. Extended jam/ country shuffle/ boogie / psychedelic music combo, yes. But not 'rock' as in how I came to know rock. But what do I know? 😐
  21. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY thinks that what happened in 2020 came from a wet market. 😐
  22. Brits, the ones I worked with anyway, were fond of the term, "barbeque" when it came to describing a cook out or grilling of meats. But I'll stand by for the definitive answer from the real experts over there across the pond. 🤔
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