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Everything posted by sparquelito

  1. God, how I love fried spam with eggs and white sticky rice. πŸ™‚
  2. I love chilled pickled beets, on the side of a good salad. And Brussels Sprouts are fantastic, if prepared properly. Love them. πŸ™‚
  3. I have to deal with the Japanese Beetles this time of year. They are indeed a pest, by the very definition of the word. But I feel sort of sorry for them. The Japanese beetle has a one year life cycle, 10 months as a white grub and 2 months as an adult. It emerges from the soil as an adult in late June and is active through July and August. The peak period is July. So. Two months alive as a beetle, to do whatever it is that they are gonna do. Tragic. πŸ€”
  4. Thanks, CROWB8. It's funny you mention the comparison test. I just this morning set about it, with the last of the sauces in place, and a really nice hunk of leftover steak and fried potatoes from yesterday's lunch. It's pretty simple, and there were no losers as far as I'm concerned. Daddies - Wonderful. A little sweeter than I had anticipated, and less savory than the HP Sauce. But still wonderful, and just might be best on the side of some fried chicken. HP Sauce - Excellent. I have had it on the side of a few different dishes this week. All around excellent, and darned if it doesn't taste more and more (to me anyway) like a combination of A1 Steak Sauce and Heinz 57 Sauces. A1 Steak Sauce - I grew up with this stuff, and I can recall having it next to grilled steak and/or hamburgers as far back as the late 1960's. I first had it in a restaurant back then in Kansas City. A tender rare steak (in my world today) only needs a tiny splash of quality soy sauce on the side. (Aloha Shoyu is my favorite.) But a tougher cut of steak, one that was grilled medium or worse, gets A1. Heinz 57 Sauce - A very strong tinge of mustard is the hallmark of this sauce, and that's why it goes on the occasional hot dog, especially when I'm too lazy to grab both the ketchup and the mustard. Goes well with sauerkraut in that regard. Thanks again to all my brethren from the UK for turning me on to HP Sauce and Daddies. I love it that I can find new flavors and explore new culinary horizons, well now into my 60's! πŸ™‚
  5. Ketchup is a funny one. Sparingly, on the side of home fries (Bratkartoffeln)? Yes. All over eggs? God no. I once prepared a really five star meal for my wife and one her friends from work one evening. Filet Mignon, medium rare, bow tie pasta, gently stir-fried garden-fresh squash, and a German cucumber salad. I mean, it was fantastic in every way, and sauced/seasoned to perfection. We got seated, and my wife offered a brief prayer, "God bless our troops overseas and our sailors on the seas. Now let's eat!" Everyone started to dig in, and then our guest politely asked if we had any ketchup. I warily responded, "Yes, in the fridge?" I did not offer to go get it. She cheerfully got up and said, "Great, thank you. You stay put, and I'll go get it." She came back, doused everything down with about a half bottle of ketchup, and chirped, "Fantastic! Just right!" My left eye began to twitch, and I contemplated diving across the table and stabbing my wife's friend in the throat with my fork. But I held my composure, and quietly enjoyed my meal with a nice glass of Black Opal Shiraz. The things I put up with in the name of polite gentility and (of course) avoiding prison time. 😞
  6. Five years ago, I was at work on the airfield, going about routine business. My cell phone rang. *brrriiing* "Hello?" "Hey, Mr. Sparkman. Are you here yet?" "Where is here? And who is this?" "MAJ Jones. I'm at the Flight Simulator at Fort Campbell. You're giving me my Instrument Check Ride today?" $#1T. I was scheduled to give a guy his check ride in the sim. Today. At Fort Campbell. 178 miles away, or 3 hours by car. I had forgotten. "Oh crap. How many hours do you have the device scheduled for?" (Our Staff Officers normally schedule six or eight hour blocks in the simulator at a time, to catch up on all their training minimums.) "I need six hours to make my time. Wait, are you not here??" "I'm on my way. Just continue to log time and practice your maneuvers. I'll be there in two and a half hours." "You forgot me???" "I'm on my way. Keep flying!" I hopped in the Subaru Baja, and began hauling-*** up the highway. I made it there in two hours and thirty eight minutes flat. I was doing 85 miles per hour the whole way, and Nashville traffic was kind to me. I got there, delivered some lunch and a drink to my Staff Major examinee, and sat down at the Instructor Console. The Major flew his instrument mission brilliantly, and passed the check ride with flying colors. He laughed about it, I laughed about it, was all had a good laugh about it. I was still laughing as I drove the 3 hours home again that afternoon. At an admittedly more leisurely pace. πŸ˜”
  7. She was a unique song writer, and a very tortured soul. I do hope she's at peace now. πŸ˜”
  8. Another thumbs up on the Roland cables. Bullet-proof. πŸ™‚
  9. I got a Russian bride off of Reverbinski.communist one time. Had to send her back. Russian girls apparently aren't fans of small penises. They can't tell if it is Putin or not. πŸ˜”
  10. I'm turning 64 tomorrow. Am hoping to have sex while playing guitar. πŸ˜—
  11. I like this video to explain in layman's terms what's going on.
  12. Holy moly. She must be related to my ex-wife! Mine called me the same thing. And many other terrible and well-deserved names. I earned 'em. πŸ˜‘
  13. I was just being a smart-aleck. No offense intended. (But I do keep all my guitars hanging on the walls. And the cases stay in a special earthquake-proof closet. ) This is my rationale; I have found that any impediment to my playing the guitar will lessen the odds of me playing and enjoying the guitar. When the guitars hang on the wall in easy reach, they end up being grabbed and played more often. It's that simple, sir. πŸ˜ƒ
  14. Just hang the guitars on the wall, and keep the cases in a closet. And break the cases out for whenever you go out to a gig or an open mic night kind of thing. Problem solved. πŸ™‚
  15. Bit by the guitar bug because of these guys, and this album in particular. πŸ™‚
  16. Born on Fort McClellan, Alabama. Army family. Moved a lot over the years. Fort Bragg, NC. Fort Rucker, Alabama. Atchison, Kansas. Frankfurt, Germany. Fulda, Germany. Back and forth. Some places two or three times, in between our dad's tours in Vietnam. To answer the original question, I was raised somewhere in between hither and yon. And I never really grew up anywhere. Never plan to grow up, period. (Growing up is the first step in an insidious process known as "growing old", and I would rather avoid that, if at all possible.) πŸ€”
  17. Here's the space above my washer and dryer. I don't want to keep my coat hangers organized by type and by colour spectrum, but I can't help myself. πŸ˜”
  18. Fabulous, and I agree with the black switch tip as well. AND it would match your computer mouse, so there's that too. πŸ˜€
  19. I really don't like the labels that society might throw on me. I'm an exceptionally-tidy person, set in my ways. And I would happily be a serial killer, if the consequences for living out such notions didn't include death in the electric chair. Let's just leave it at that. πŸ˜”
  20. I don't know about the fit and function of the Historic pickup rings, but the cream coloured ones seem to match the aesthetic of the guitar as it is. Especially with that existing guitar strap. Now. If the headstock is black-faced, and you allow me to mail you a nice black leather strap, then I think the black pickup rings would balance out. (I have far too many guitar straps around here. Most of them brand new. It's gotten out of hand.) 🫠
  21. Oh man, awesome!! I see that I can get a bottle of Daddies from Amazon. I'm thinking I'll order a bottle and enjoy a taste test comparison between: Daddies HP Sauce A1 Steak Sauce and an outlier, Heinz 57 Sauce. And I'll use my favorite palate cleanser in between, Aloha Shoyu soy sauce. The test vehicle will be a meat-heavy meal, with steak and chicken hot off the grill. πŸ€”
  22. Forgive me, please. The OP said the cracks were around the electronics cavity. And I had been smoking crack with Hunter Biden and his lawyer just prior to that posting, and I lost my mind, and referenced cracks around the pickup cavities. My mistake. What I should have said was this: KentuckyChrome, In my opinion, cracks around the electronics cavity aren't that big a deal. Certainly not worth replacing a historic mid-1970's Gibson body. I would preserve what you have. Is the guitar in the usual Black finish, or the Natural Mahogany finish? If it's black, that's the easiest of all. If it were mine, I would fill in the cracks with wood glue or Bondo, let it dry, and then sand everything smooth. Hit the body with some nice rattle-can black paint, and I would be in business!! That's what I should have said. But again, I was out of my mind on hard narcotics at the time. It'll never happen again. πŸ˜”
  23. KentuckyChrome, Cracks around the pickup cavity aren't that big a deal. I would preserve what you have. Is the guitar in the usual Black finish, or the Natural Mahogany finish? If it's black, that's the easiest of all. Fill in the cracks with wood glue, let it dry, and then sand everything smooth. Hit the body with some nice rattle-can black paint, and you are in business!! πŸ˜—
  24. I couldn't pick Taylor Swift out of a lineup. And I cannot name a single hit song of hers. PS Get off my lawn. πŸ€”
  25. Welcome, Guitarlife. And congratulations. Glad to have you join the Gibson forums family here. And with such a quality instrument, you are sure to fit right in with even our eldest and most treasured senior members. Me, I could never afford such a thing, and my jealousy is apparent on my sleeve, plain as day. Good luck on your playing journey. Enjoy, and please visit and post often! πŸ˜‰
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