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Everything posted by sparquelito

  1. My wife loves that I love guitars. And she encourages me to buy every single one that my heart desires. She's great. I don't trust her. Surely she's up to something. 😐
  2. It comes down to the cost of shipping, then. I could purchase any guitar that you want, Andrew Swann, and then ship it to you via FedEx to where you reside in the U.K. But would the cost of that very shipping make then entire deal cost-prohibitive? And are there import/export taxes that we would be bypassing in the course of the transaction? (Please tell me that's the case, because it just might motivate me to do it anyway.) 😃
  3. This fellow kills me. He flips a lot of guitars, lists them for much higher dollar values than the guitars deserve, and then argues with you when you want to pay fair market value. I have texted him upon occasion, after he offers up this or that guitar for hundreds more than it's worth, offering an appropriate, even generous, amount of money. The guys' response is nearly always, "What are you, stupid?? These are valuable guitars, far above your pay grade! Go back to mommy's basement, you moron!" I really love the write up on this problematic Gibson derelict that he wants a thousand bucks for. I'm tempted to text him, and offer him six hundred. Just to press his buttons. https://huntsville.craigslist.org/msg/d/huntsville-1972-gibson-sg/7327867047.html (And yes, I know what a GIbson SG Deluxe, made between 1971 and 1976, is worth. This particular project-guitar, even as a foundation for a rebuild, is not worth a grand.) 😄
  4. Walking out with my coffee and enjoying the garden. And the work ahead still. 🙂
  5. That was Paul Gilbert and his son Marlon Gilbert dancing around there. I'm under the impression that Paul played all the guitars, bass, and drums on that track. Most impressive! 🙂
  6. You might just have a contrary G string. I think maybe it might be related to my ex-wife. Tell me, does it stay in a sulky mood, sometimes for weeks on end? That would confirm it right there. 😑
  7. Paul Gilbert is one fabulous, weird, wonderful talent. Man oh man. 😃 https://www.guitarworld.com/news/paul-gilbert-werewolves-of-portland
  8. Eric, The guitars are of the same construction, whether they end up sold here in the USA, or exported to Europe. I think it's just that the Europeans are a little more careful with their guitars, while we Americans tend to be more cavalier in the handling of our instruments. Real life examples: Fritz: So, now the stage is nearly set up for ze show. It's time to un-case the guitars and check the tuning. Helmut: Ja, I agree. We must be careful about it, wie immer. These guitars, they cost us many Euros. Fritz: Indeed. I am putting on ze white cotton gloves now. Will you assist me, und den so I will assist you wiss yours. Helmut: Jawohl. I must first uncase my Bosendorfer guitar tuner. It is precise to 0.012 Mhz at Standard Tuning A 440. Fritz: In all things, precision. Helmut: Ja, natürlich! vs: Joe Mac: Hey, hand me another beer, this load-in and set-up is thirsty work. Billy Bob: You got that right. (pops open a couple of ice-cold Bud Lite beers). You wanna tune up the guitars before the first set? Joe Mac: What fer? We're playing Lynyrd Skynyrd music, not dad-gum Tchaikovsky. Billy Bob: That's a good point right there! Say, wanna see my new thing? Joe Mac: What new thing? Billy Bob: I can play the guitar, in between "Big wheels keep on turnin'" and "carry me home to see my kin," I swing the guitar around behind my back, like Steve Vai in that dang old Yankee Rose video! Joe Mac: The **** you say!! What if the strap comes undone? Yer guitar would go sailin', and you'd break the head clean off it! Billy Bob: Aw, what's the odds of that happenin'?? Now, as for myself, I have owned quite a few Gibsons over the years (like SGT Pepper), and I have never once broken a headstock. But the day is young yet. 😬
  9. Gibson. Harley Davidson. Similar business models, in my opinion. 😐
  10. Here are some images from1973, I reckon. http://richzimmermann.com/itemlist/tag/Doug Yankus 🙂
  11. And the headstock rarely snaps off of a Kramer. Just sayin'..... According to Fjestad's Blue Book, your Kramer Pacer is worth around $500 US Dollars today. 🙂
  12. Welcome Chrose1201. Great story, and an exciting acquisition ahead of you. Looking forward to seeing how it all pans out, sir. 🙂
  13. The Les Paul Studio is pretty much a Les Paul Standard, only without the fancy edge-binding and blingy-trim. It's a lesser-priced Gibson Les Paul. It's called the Studio because somebody, years ago, assumed that live stage performers would want all the gorgeous visual bling, and that a studio musician just needed a guitar that worked. To your question about a 2006 Studio versus a 2016 Studio, the answer is no. One isn't necessarily more valuable than the other. 😉
  14. Welcome, Jamco80. We do love chatting about guitars here, that much is true. And telling bad jokes. 😁
  15. This baby seal walks into a club. 😬
  16. I have always loved Clair de Lun by Claude Debussy. My favorite recording was on an old LP (that I still have around here somewhere, I think) by Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops Orchestra. Just gorgeous. Ironically, though I used to watch from afar as my friends played those arcade games like Tetris and Pac Mac, I never played them. Was too afraid of embarrassing myself. I've never once played a video game or computer game either. 😕
  17. The reality is that the market is the market. There is no rhyme or reason as to why this guitar sells for a grand, and this one goes for much more. And that other one is ultimately sold for a bit less. All the guitars that I described earlier are perfectly fine American-made Gibsons. I myself would fancy owning the Les Paul Studio Swamp Ash (LPSA), in Natural Satin finish, made between 2003-2011. The others hold very little appeal to me. But that's just me. 😬
  18. Either way, it's still one of the most beautiful pieces of music I have ever heard. 😐
  19. I thank you for this. Great stuff. 😛
  20. thegreattailz, Could you clarify which models you are referring to? The regular Les Paul Studio (Model LPST) which might be issued in mahogany or Swamp Ash, from 2003 to present? Or the Les Paul Studio Voodoo, made in 2003 and 2004? Maybe the straight up Les Paul Studio Swamp Ash (LPSA) is what you are describing, available in Natural Satin finish, made between 2003-2011. They have have certain similarities, and yet some distinct differences too. 🙂
  21. Q: What does an Alabama gal say after sex?" A: "Get offa me, Paw, you're mashing mah cigarettes!!" 😗
  22. I read a few study summaries last year that indicated that engaging in artistic and musical endeavors (later in life) stimulate the critical parts of the brain that keep Alzheimer's at arms length. Learning a new musical instrument, painting, sculpting, whatever. In short, Buying new guitars = a long and coherent life 😬
  23. I have bought nearly every guitar on my bucket list, though it has taken me quite a few years to get there. There is just one that hangs out there though, haunting me. 😬
  24. In my band, I rarely trade off guitar duties for bass playing, but when I do, I have to make sure I can do justice to the songs. I have three electric basses; 2003 MIM Fender Precision Bass (similar to Brian Wilson's) 2000 ESP LTD B-50 and, a locally crafted home-build fretless bass. All are precious to me, especially the old black LTD. It was a favorite of our dearly departed bass player Bob. (He got off the drum kit to play bass on just a few songs, and when he did, it was a treat for all concerned.) Here's Bob rocking some Steve Miller Band.
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