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Everything posted by sparquelito

  1. This is a good guitar web forum. You people are alright. I don't know if I say that enough. 😐
  2. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field. 😔
  3. I have seen them twice already, in Nuremberg, Germany in 1992, and in Nashville in 2010. Crowded House (Neil Finn). or The Finn Brothers, Finns (with Tim, Elroy, and Liam), or however Neil chooses to travel and perform these days. If he's nearby, I'm going. 🙂
  4. The 'MS' prefix is worrisome, for sure. I have never heard of such a thing. Nor has Gibson, apparently. https://www.gibson.com/Support/Serial-Number-Search
  5. Chris, Try right-clicking on each of the photos that you see on the eBay or Craigslist advert, and select, "Copy Image Address". Then come back here to post, and right-click again, selecting, "Paste" for each image address. The images will display, sir. 🙂
  6. A great guitar, and a fabulous guitar hero! Welcome, and we look forward to many happy conversations. (And of course, photos of your beautiful Tribute.) 🙂
  7. Yep. The Mods and Admins are definitely on vacation. Anybody want to see nude photos of my ex-wife? Now's the time. 🙂
  8. Actually I was blaming myself for (nearly, but strangely, not yet) getting the thread locked. After all, I spoke the truth about unnecessary panic and governmental over-reach in all this. Maybe the Mods and Admins are taking the weekend off. 😘
  9. .....and the thread gets locked in 5, 4, 3, 2........ 😒
  10. The entire coronavirus experience has taught me a lot about the nature of human panic, terror, paranoia, and vindictiveness. And it's been very instructional as well on the topic of governmental over-reach and the impulse for politicians (at all levels, in all nations) to do something, anything, even if it's the wrong thing. In the end, they never really needed to do anything at all, except to issue some health & safety guidance, and then let adult taxpayers and citizens go on about their business. 😐
  11. It's neither finish cracking nor structural cracking. It's SPIRITUAL cracking. God help us. 😔
  12. I do like what I hear from Volbeat, out of Holland. 😐 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptro0vwRMaA
  13. A legendary guitarist and talented gentleman. 🙂
  14. I sawr an old (late 1970's) Texan in the local Guitar Center last year, and played it. Tried to justify buying it, but didn't pull the trigger. Had too many guitars at home. The price was only $230, if I recall correctly. The next day, I decided that I would get rid of a few other guitars on Craigslist pretty soon anyway, and so I went down to GC to buy up that Texan. It was gone, of course. 😞
  15. And that Kramer Assault 220 is one really nice rock guitar! I love it. 😘
  16. Gator makes nice cases for Les Paul-shaped guitars like that. They are good quality. Sweetwater sells them, and I trust Sweetwater. Deluxe version https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/GWLPSBRN--gator-deluxe-wood-case-single-cutaway-electric-guitar Economy version, recommendation https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/GWELPSBLK--gator-economy-wood-case-single-cutaway-electric-solidbody-guitar-case Molded ABS version, really nice, and priced in the middle https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/GCLPS--gator-deluxe-abs-molded-case-single-cutaway-electric-guitar I have some gator cases, and I trust them. I hope this helps. 🙂
  17. The end of the fretboard, the style of sunburst, and the bezel rings around the sound hole look off. Period-incorrect at the very least. Even less convincing is the pick-guard. If you held a gun to my head and said, "Guess, NOW," I would say it's not an authentic Gibson Dove. :(
  18. Well, heck. Sweetwater doesn't carry the Dark Knight. I forgot that the Dark Knight is a limited edition Les Paul marketed only thru Guitar Center. The guitar manufacturers do this all the time. My Fender sunburst Sandblased Strat, for instance, was only sold thru Sweetwater. Would you consider buying a used one, in great shape? We can keep an eye out for one. 🤔
  19. I agree 100%. It's a great guitar, and it'll sell just fine with the mods. 🙂
  20. By that serial number, your father's wonderful old Gibson SG Jr was made in Kalamazoo, MI some time between 1966 and 1969. Fjestad's Blue Book puts her value at $2,250 in American dollars (if she was made in 1969) and up to $2,500 if her vintage is 1966. She is one gorgeous guitar!! 😍
  21. Of the three, the original (bone-stock) is the nicest looking, to me anyway. 😉
  22. I am a die-hard Sweetwater fan. You cannot go wrong there. Guitar Center has been hit or miss, and I won't order anything of substance from them. I certainly won't ever order a guitar from them. My local GC is top notch, or at least it was. It's been closed so long with this Chinese flu thing going on, I'm not sure if they will ever open up again. That Dark Knight is a bad *** guitar, and you deserve a perfect one, (back to the original point). Sweetwater will do right by you. 🙂
  23. WHO WAS YOUR FIRST Me: Styx, opening for KISS, in December of 1975 Unbelievably good. A pivotal, formative experience for me, and my garage band-mates. WHAT WAS THE WEIRDEST Me: Not weird exactly, but memorable in odd ways. Foghat, January 1977. The small pack of us, garage band kids all, were at the foot of the stage, and watching the roadies finishing up with the sound check. I recall clearly one of the crew picking up and tuning guitars, and then giving them a stage volume, full-distortion sound check. He picked up a shiny purple Telecaster (with no pick guard) that Lonesome Dave played later, and he struck a number of crisp, distorted power-chords. I recall thinking, "Holy CRAP, you can get those kinds of sounds out of a Fender Telecaster?" I foolishly thought, up until that point, that only humbuckers could make great, distorted rock and roll sounds. Lonesome Dave played Gibsons Juniors and DC's later on throughout the show, but I do recall that he played that Tele on at least one song. At one point during the set-up, one of my garage band's best buddies, Mike, was examining some of the gear in front of us on stage. There was a neat line of mic cables there, and some sort of connector box or jumper. Mike was touching it, and lifting it to examine the underside. (He was an electronics fanatic, and worked at Radio Shack.) A roadie walked over, squatted down, and asked Mike, "Are you looking to see just how bad you can **** that up??" We all shrank and turned red. The roadie set everything right, stood up, dusted off his hands, and walked away. NAME THE FIRST ONE YOU NAILED Me: Close tie, I'm Eighteen, by Alice Cooper or Hot Blooded by Foreigner. 😑
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