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Everything posted by sparquelito

  1. I must admit, I cannot be objective when it comes to guitar weight. I have owned heavy guitars of all brands and descriptions, and I have owned lightweight ones. I have owned really heavy Les Pauls, and I have owned the ultra modern weight-relieved ones. a. I've never been able to discern any appreciable difference in tone between heavy and light and, b. It's painful to lug around a heavy axe, let alone strap it on for an entire set at a time. Granted, I'm 60 years old, and my back isn't what it once was. But lighter is preferable, in my universe. Same thing with guitar amplifiers, by the way. The lighter the better. Bravo to all the major guitar companies, including Gibson, for offering us so many choices. Vintage heavy, period correct medium-weight, and ultra modern weight-relieved. They are all good to somebody, and we can all hit the music store and go home happy. 🙂
  2. This is an interesting town for Pawn Shop guitars. Huntsville is halfway between Birmingham and Nashville, and for some reason I keep stumbling upon wonderful, dusty, grimy diamonds in the rough. I'm not complaining, that's for sure. :)
  3. My first of its kind, and man oh man, is it interesting. I found a well-used ESP LTD Viper 200B in a local pawn shop this afternoon. I was just sort of goofing around, and so I didn't notice at first the unusually long (27 inch) scale length. I plugged it into a small Fender Mustang amp, tuned it up, and started running thru a variety of tunes. The strings were insanely heavy, but the feel and playability was fantastic. I was blown away by how rich and resonant everything sounded. At some point I realized that my fretting wrist was extended far beyond normal angles . Dummy me, it's a baritone guitar! I paid $160 out the door, and took it home. The black beauty polished up like a new penny, and I have spent the past few hours riffing and stroking on this really impressive guitar. Has anybody else discovered the joys of a baritone guitar, this late in life? What a revelation! Here she is, next to my old LTD B-50 bass. I guess this is now the LTD corner of my music room. More photos tomorrow. 🙂
  4. Welcome, Blacksonex It's great to have you aboard, mate! I have a good friend (locally here in northern Alabama) who plays a vintage Gibson banjo. He's fun to jam with! Looking forward to having you post to the boards, and we would love to see photos of the black Sonex. :)
  5. I have had my eye on that rig, truth be told. But, in the end, I have too many amps as it is, and my gear addiction isn't to the point where I need it in my harem. It seems well-reviewed enough, save for the spring reverb function. I recall that some owners report that it doesn't sound all that great. (The spring reverb, that is.) If they had offered something like that when I was first starting out though.... 😌
  6. I agree, re; Christine McVie. She's one sexy, awesome woman. As far as the rest, I can't really look at it objectively. Musicians and songwriters are people I admire, and really good live performers inspire me to step up my own game. But, as many have stated in other discussion on other forums recently on the topic of politics inside the Aerosmith band, once a band becomes a corporation (or even an industry or a franchise), then all artistry is lost to me. Fleetwood Mac the recording band enjoyed many incarnations over the decades, and they made some wonderful music. But Fleetwood Mac the 21st Century touring carnival show strikes me as a money-making business venture and not much more. (And I'm a HUGE fan of Neil Finn, so no slight to him for answering the call.) Anyway, I'm gonna shut up now. 😞
  7. Married early in life, and we were far too young to be getting married. Did it anyway, against all good advice. That turned out to be a pretty miserable experiment. The silver lining was that it produced our daughter, and she's a real joy. In the end, that union lasted 19 years. I only accumulated three guitars in all those years. Married a second time, almost 21 years ago. This one is going much better. No kids, but plenty of guitars. More than I can count, actually. Again, much better this time around. 😌
  8. I watched all that with great interest, and the 'SRV' video as well, over on the Strat forums. Truth be told, I have tried a variety of string gauges over the years, and 8's are just too slinky. Everything goes sharp for me, even when I use the lightest of touches. 😞
  9. Congratulations valorous sir. Yond is a fine and attractive instrument. Thee shall certes enjoyeth many wond'rful years of making music with such an admirable guitar. 🙂
  10. Welcome, Roxx. It's good to have you aboard, mate. I read your heartfelt review of the Gibson Les Paul Modern with great interest, and congratulate you on your recent acquisition and ownership of that fine guitar. The Sparkling Burgundy top is indeed attractive and impressive! 😊
  11. Any band who has lasted as long as Aerosmith did (notice I didn't say, "as long as Aerosmith has)" with all the original members has my respect. It's sad when there's a falling-out, and the business gets in the way of old friendships and alliances. This slight to Joey Kramer seems shabby to me, but then again I don't know the whole story, nor any of the ins and outs of it. Luckily, I'm not that big of an Aerosmith fan. So I'm not torn up about it. Yes, I saw them live in Germany back in 1990, and it was great. Yes, our band plays Sweet Emotion on occasion, and it's always a crowd-pleaser. But I never got that into Aerosmith, and I only ever owned one LP by them (Draw The Line). I think there are a certain number of band of this generation who really aren't 'bands' so much as business ventures that go out on the road every few years just to make a bit of money. :(
  12. That is an unexpected sight!! Ah well, it's probably because that particular plank hauler, the 1961 Bentley Saloon S2 (Continental Flying Spur) is comparatively rare. You can find five or six of them still working the lumber yards between Brighton and Belfast, but most of them have been retired from construction service. Shame of all shames, one or two of them have been seen actually transporting ladies and gentlemen to the theater, and so on to the homestead. Tut-tut. What a waste of good, solid, reliable service vehicles! 😞
  13. Tell me about it, brother rct. I know your pain. In late January 1977 I was invited by a good from from high school to go to Montgomery and see Elvis Presley in concert there. The date of the show was going to be 16 February. My bud and I were rock and roll fans, and I was more of a KISS devotee while Tyler was a Judas Priest fan. His parents had four tickets, and he didn't want to go by himself, with his parents, and so I gladly agreed to go. You know, Elvis's star had faded a bit, but it would have still been really nice to go see him. Long story short, I bailed out of the trip, because of work requirements or maybe some nonsense involving my girlfriend/future ex-wife. Weeks later, later on in February, I caught up with Tyler, and asked him how it went. "Man oh man," he said, "You know, Elvis is kind of fat and older now, but you should have heard him SING! He was killing it, and the girls and ladies were loosing their minds, screaming and crying, and throwing panties and hotel room keys on the stage at him. I have never seen anything like it, ever!" I felt like a real dumb-*** for having not gone. Six months later, Elvis Presley was dead, and I was an ever bigger dumb-*** for having passed on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I don't live life with regrets, in general, but that was a big one. Merciful Evans, please tell your friend Tim this much; It's never too late to learn to play guitar. I know plenty of people who regret never taking it up, and once in their middle age, they feel like it's too late to become a guitar student. I can assure Tim, and others, that learning to play an instrument later in life can be a wonderful and therapeutic thing. Studies have shown, you may have read, that people who engage in new, artistic, creative endeavors later in life can actually stave-off the effects and symptoms of Altzheimer's disease. There's something about challenging those portions of the brain involved in creative pursuits that stimulates nerve ending growth and cerebral goodness. I swear I'm not making this up. 🙂
  14. I have been using the Primo Slinky's on my last few restrings. Loving them. 🙂
  15. My Ibanez jazz box. Man, she's a lot of bang for the buck. 🙂
  16. Awaiting the arrival of the cold front and associated thunderstorms, low level wind shear, and the odd tornado. The vehicles are all topped off with ethanol-free gasoline, the generator has been treated likewise, and run-up for a full function check. The trash container and recycling container are in the garage, and the back yard chairs are stacked into the wrought iron garden fence enclosure. The wife and I have our survival supplies (ID's, handgun, shotgun, water, smart tablet, storm radio, and MREs) in the closet on the northeast corner of the house, and we are prepared to hunker down in there with the dogs. Most importantly, the guitars have been taken down from the wall, lovingly waxed and buffed, and then put into cases and gig bags. I sure hope nothing happens to those guitars. 😯
  17. Never heard of him before this particular monologue, but I must say that I agree with his criticisms of the Hollywood elites. :)
  18. I think there is a date/time limit on the photo-sharing site I use. I'll check it out after I get off work this afternoon. :)
  19. You can order a nice , accurate scale I use this item. You can get one from Amazon for just under thirteen bucks. 🙂 https://www.amazon.com/Etekcity-Multifunction-Stainless-Batteries-Included/dp/B0113UZJE2/ref=asc_df_B0113UZJE2/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167138605841&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12592446511262142611&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9012699&hvtargid=pla-313185157826&psc=1
  20. If the OP were weighing his options on a non-Gibson semi-hollow body, my Ibanez AVS10A Artcore Vintage weights 7 lbs, 8 ounces. She's a 24 ¾” scale guitar. Just for comparison's sake. 🙂
  21. Digger, You have always been a 'glass is half full' kind of guy. It's one of the many things that I admire about you. Glad to hear about the house surviving. Good on you, mate. 🙂
  22. All my thoughts and prayers, Digger. Hoping that your homestead and your other guitars survive the wildfires. Do ye have insurance, in case the fires get to the house? 😕
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