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Everything posted by sparquelito

  1. I pan-sauteed some boneless, skinless chicken thighs with some butter, garlic, and portabello mushrooms. I settled that into a baking dish with some penne noodles, ricotta cheese, marinara sauce, and black pepper. Topped it all off with Parmesan cheese and more garlic. Baked it at 350 for a half hour, and served it up to my bride. She was very happy with her dinner.
  2. Ha ha ha, When my band visits, it's a beer bottle infested brothel for sure! None of us smoke though, so luckily the smoke isn't a factor. Joe, our new drummer vapes, but it's a pleasant smelling vapor that wafts over the cymbals in between songs. :) Yes, this is true. Every time I try to thin down the population, and sell off some guitars and stuff, more and more gear seems to come home in the car with me. :( These are just the cases alone, in the closet with the acoustics and bags of cables, mics, and PA gear.
  3. Pretty loud, especially during band practice. But I can get pretty loud all by myself; It's just me and the wife, no kids, and only one neighbor within earshot. :)
  4. I got to feeling ambitious today, so I did some reorganizing in the music/band practice room. The Alesis drums are happy where they are, but I decided to group all the guitars into their own special corner or spot. The bass guitar corner, with my LTD B50 on the left, and the Fender Aerodyne on the right. The Gibsons (SG and Les Paul) are together now next to an old Gibson guitars poster, above the keyboards. The Teles got their own corner, of course. My new green Danny Matthews Tele there on the floor with Roxie, the Patrick Gentile build on the lower wall, and my Chapman ML 3 Traditional above that. The Sandblasted Strat hangs next to a James Bond movie poster. Make of that what you will. The Acoustic Alley here, with my Takamine above my 12 string Martin. Odds and ends; My ukulele nook, and the Oddball Wall, featuring a locally-built cigar box guitar and my school bus yellow Ibanez fashioned to compliment my Subaru Baja. I have more guitars and amps, at work and in cases, but this was as tidy as I knew how to make the music room become. Thanks for walking on the tour with me today. Cheers!! :)
  5. I enjoy playing clean, tasteful jazz chords on my Gibson SG Naked. The P90's make for some really gorgeous, lush jazz tones. Does it rock out just fine, and snarl like a junkyard dog when distorted? Sure. But it cleans up real nice, yeah buddy. :)
  6. Thank you. I love this Les Paul. It's my favorite of all the LP's I have held or owned over the years. There's a ringing sustain, a harmonic that holds and just never dies, at the end of a song. Clean or dirty, she's rock-solid. :)
  7. We had a band practice yesterday afternoon, just to work on some new songs, and to fool around with some fresh ideas. Had fun with the James Gang song, "Walk Away". I killed it on my Gibson Les Paul Faded. Such sustain for a weight relieved guitar. I loved how it sounded! Our girl singer channeled her best Joe Walsh, our harmonies behind her were really good, and all was fantastic. We are definitely adding that song to our set lists. :)
  8. The consensus is that this is a really good guitar. I don't think you could go wrong by acquiring one. :)
  9. Good morning. Most Kramer solid-body electric bass guitars are well made. As long as the neck is true, the action is smooth and playable, and the electric bits all work, you should not have a problem. A Korean Forum Series bass should go for about 250 Euros in really good condition. Looking forward to seeing pictures!!
  10. Gibson still uses rosewood on the fingerboards of many of their models, including the current (2019) lineup. It is true that they offered pao ferro fingerboards (and some composite ones as well) for a number of years after the unconstitutional US Government raids on their facilities a few years ago, but they never truly stopped using rosewood. Fender, by contrast, chose to go strictly with pao ferro on just their Mexican-made guitars, beginning in 2017.
  11. Wild Bill 212, I sure am sorry that you are going thru this. Some of us have good luck when ordering online, and others have experienced similar situations to yours. As you said, it's a roll of the dice. I myself have never had a bad experience with Sweetwater. I did order my SG from American Musical Supply, but then again, they were the only ones who offered the SG Naked. I got lucky, I guess. Mine was perfect, right out of the box. I'm hoping that, with you, the 3rd time is the charm. Good luck! :)
  12. I prefer to buy in-person. I like to touch, hold, and play every guitar I intend to purchase. That said, I am willing to buy online as long as I trust the seller implicitly. My rank-order of websites I am willing to trust: 1. Sweetwater 2. A tie; Zzounds and American Musical Supply and, 3. Amazon Prime. eBay? Never. Craigslist? Cash only, local only, and in-person. In a very public place. No PayPal, ever. That is all. :unsure:
  13. And this is my 2017 Gibson Les Paul Faded, in the Worn Bourbon finish. I love this guitar!! :)
  14. It's okay to admit you watch The Partridge Family. Nobody here would judge you. :)
  15. I have been lucky. Every single Gibson I own (or have ever owned) has been rock-solid. Current Gibsons: 2018 Gibson Les Paul Faded in Worn Bourbon 2013 Gibson Les Paul Sully Erna Signature Past Gibsons: 1971 Gibson Les Paul Deluxe gold-top 1996 Gibson Les Paul Studio Wonderful, full of tone, and nearly flawless. All of them. Just today we had a band practice, and I played the Sully Erna Signature on all the rock/distorted songs. So crisp, so good!! Everyone present remarked on it, how good-looking and great-sounding that guitar was. I count myself lucky, and very happy. :)
  16. Oh wait; I see know that the CM has the G Force tuning system on it. I'm not that big a fan of such things, come to think of it.
  17. ArtwerkOrange, I can't be objective on this matter, since I have always loved leaving guitars bone-stock. (If I try out a guitar and it's not quite right, I don't buy it.) But for many of the structural/mechanical reasons described already, the mods you desire aren't really suited to the 2015 CM. Do you live anywhere near northern Alabama? If so, I would be interested in acquiring that guitar from you. :)
  18. Frankfurt, 1969-1970, Ich war dort in der Grundschule. Fulda, 1971-1972, Mittelschule. Mainz Finthen, 1981-1984, Als Hubschrauberpilot der Armee. Bad Kreuznach, 1989-1991, Ich habe mich von dort aus zur Operation Desert Storm begeben. Illesheim, 1991-1992, Ein schöner Ort, ich habe es wirklich genossen, dort zu leben. Fulda, 1992-1994, Meine Frau und meine Tochter wohnten in Künzell, während sie dort stationiert waren. Die Familie meiner ersten Frau wohnte in Mannheim Sandhofen, also verbrachten wir viel Zeit dort!B in immer noch Facebook-Freunde mit meiner ersten Frau Cousine Brigitte Wolf :) .
  19. Ich habe über die Hälfte meines Lebens in Deutschland gelebt, obwohl ich Amerikaner bin. (Please forgive my horrible translation.) Das ist meine Gibson Sully Erna Signatur. Oh, und willkommen im Forum !!
  20. I have always found that when I write a song from beginning to end, there is a lot of trepidation and angst over recording it. But when somebody offers me a poem or song lyrics, and asks me, "What do you think, could this be a good song?" it becomes kind of liberating for me to come up with the music. Because the pressure is off at that point. It's not my song after all. I'm just playing Elton John to some friend's Bernie Taupin, or words to that effect. Here's a song with lyrics written by a Facebook friend who I never actually met in person. All I did was run with it, and write/craft/record and play/sing the guitars and vocals, with no fear of pride in ownership. Billy wrote some good lyrics. Sipping On Sunshine, from just four years ago. https://chirb.it/n3fmMm Please feel free to post your examples as well.
  21. For early breakfast, I had some leftover fried chicken breasts. I enjoyed an after-Mass brunch later on with my wife's father and his wife, at a brand-newly-opened local cafe. I ordered a reuben sandwich with a side salad. It was wonderful!!
  22. I just enjoyed a breakfast of cheesy tomato radish soup, with beef smoky links. Later on, when the Wellness Center opens up, I'm gonna go for a cardio swim.
  23. I have my opinions, but to be honest, the writer who responded in this piece (link below) summed it up nicely. Great advice, and I agree with everything he said. :) https://www.sweetwater.com/insync/les-paul-tailpiece-height/
  24. And oh yeah, I have been riffing on this one for the past few days. I love playing Badfinger songs, this one especially. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C53QAuOoSgc
  25. I fooled around for about a half hour last night with a quirky jazz-bluesy original idea in Dm. I want to lay down a vaguely boosted rhythm track with the Sully Erna Les Paul, and then roll in with some lead guitar meandering using the Stratocaster in the neck-middle switch position, and volume and tones set to 5-ish. I have the first few lead guitar lines (see below) worked out, but I haven't decided if this will be the correct notations for the subtle hammer-on, tremolo, or sustain phrasing that I am feeling. I got lazy last night, go figure. But I have learned this one thing; If you get a good idea, either record it or write it down. Because otherwise, the next day, it'll be gone.
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