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Everything posted by Dub-T-123

  1. The bridge was made by Schaller and used on Gibson guitars in the early 70s-early 80s. It was called the wide range tune o matic or something like that but most people call it the harmonica bridge those pickups look like replacement dimarzios
  2. That is a classic Chibson. No need for any more pictures, it’s plenty fake Look at the metric bridge, knob layout, the cutaway, the logo, the fact this isn’t even an actual model
  3. I dunno about “we” but I hope you get what you want
  4. Whoa two bengals?! Those are so cute jajsjxkftildbskxcbxbnsisjxnfnfoxjdjsj
  5. Be careful on the internet! You’re talking to a spambot
  6. I have a 2006 SG Standard and the inlays do not look yellow at all like this
  7. I know they’re pricey but anyone here planning on getting a pair? They are exceptionally nice pickups As I mentioned in the other thread, it would be really cool if Gibson sold other “historic” pickups like the staple pickup and Firebird pickup
  8. The slash LPs usually have burstbuckers I think. Could be wrong. The custombucker is used on the historic reissues
  9. This was a smart move. I think Rabs will be stoked to have a steady source of brand new mini humbuckers I may be wrong but I think this is the first time Gibson has the option to buy the Custombucker without the whole guitar. They’re proud of those at about $500 for a pair. I wonder if they’ll sell any other historic pickups like the staple pickup
  10. Those have a carved top of course. You thinking of getting one?
  11. Lol I got confused faces from two boomers who don’t understand that the spam I reported got deleted
  12. Yes the tapered neck is very bad and Gibson really can’t do anything about it until the patent expires on the Pro Player neck. Slash likes bad necks so he had Gibson custom fit bad necks on his guitars. The Slash necks are some of the worst of all. I recommend a Fender Pro Player with humbuckers for Zepplin and hard rock. Those necks are awesome 😎
  13. This is an old thread that got bumped by a spambot.
  14. In 1952 Les Paul’s team of engineers tried to craft an instrument capable of playing Zepplin and hard rock. That is when they came up with the legendary slim taper neck, which was based on the Fender Pro Player series. Sadly, the necks are bad. Jimmy Page had to have the neck shaved on his ‘59 in order to play Zepplin and hard rock. Ultimately he just used a Telecaster with a Pro Player neck
  15. The difference in bending that was described is not a pro or con of fretboard material/finish, it’s bad technique to dig your fingertips into the fretboard Any “tonal” differences are going to be subtle, it’s more of an aesthetic preference
  16. I’m almost as humble as I am good looking. Also iconic 🤩 Turns out I’m a pretty cool guy
  17. Ugh where to begin… I don’t want to be mean but it’s a given that Philip McKnight is not going to make gear sound good… He is not a decent player and he’s extremely bad at using amps and effects. I didn’t watch the video but any philosophy or whatever that he’s got is obviously crap because listen to the results
  18. I’m quite sure my original post was correct if I may toot my own horn. What a smart guy I am! Only certain reissue LP customs have mahogany tops. The non reissue LP customs have a number of appointments which are not historically correct like short neck tenon, weight relief, maple top, etc
  19. That combo of the speed knobs with the robot knob is a subtle but offensive touch 🤮
  20. I am ok with no pickguard, but I think LPs look weird with no poker chip
  21. The only finish I can think of that isn’t crazy toxic would be shellac or wax, neither of which would be practical for a mass produced instrument. Anyway it’s only toxic when the finish is being applied at the factory Any finish being applied at a factory is going to be toxic. The finish will be completely cured before it is even buffed etc at the factory. If it isn’t cured the buffer will gum up the finish
  22. Those are pictures of a real Gibson 335 satin
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