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Everything posted by NighthawkChris

  1. Yeah, I see what you're seeing too - especially with Gibsons. It seems like nearly ANYTHING you want to buy today has a price hike... Irritating, yes. What is the reason for this mess, can't say for sure...
  2. I haven't known Gibson electrics like LPs and SGs to be anything other than 12" for many years... When you say it feels like 10", there is a way to actually measure it. It's called a radius gauge. StewMac sells one. Fender makes those 9.5-10" radius guitars. Has nothing to do with the neck shape though whatever the radius happens to be. My advice with your dilemma is either you like the neck, or you don't. Since this seems to make or break it for you, just going to have to hunt trying out guitars in-hand. Find places that allow a return window and that you know won't jack you around when you decide the guitar is a no-go over a few days of really trying it out. In the end, hope you find something you like as you should if you're throwing down "Gibson" money. But hey man, it's only a guitar. They're nice, but it's not everything in life that makes someone happy.
  3. Nah it won’t work at all man - for obvious reasons if you know what an actual LP looks like compared to a NH. The cases of that era do closely follow the body shapes of these guitars, and those 2 guitars really aren’t very similar in a lot of ways. If you use a LP case, you’re packing it in with something else to take up all that unused space or your guitar is clunking around in it - which I hope we agree is not good.
  4. The guy who I referred to that was a loud drummer - understatement - used to pride himself on how loud he’d get… I just remember every snare hit my ear drums reacted and I said enough was enough I need earplugs! I stopped one day mid-song and said that his volume was killing me. After I put in some earplugs it was still loud. He was one of those guys that neighbors could hear from outside the house while the drums were situated in a basement. We definitely had a curfew when we played with this guy… good drummer, just loud!
  5. Nice, I’m jealous haha! They are one of my most favorite bands. I was glad they were in good form still when I saw them back in May this year. When they come back to Detroit I’ll go see them again. Still an active band from what I can tell after all these years too… planning on releasing another album from what I hear which drops next year.
  6. Yeah certain drummers are louder than others. One guy who I played with was so loud it just got annoying. Another guy I played with wasn’t overly loud, but real good - and this was classic rock and such in a relatively small basement. If your ears ring or sting during or after practice, time to invest in earplugs - and good ones at that.
  7. Talking about dads, I have a great one. Always there for my brother, mom, and me - now my family. I’m a dad too and I do my best to spend time with my kiddos for the short time they are little sprouts. Being that I spent my entire life this far with my dad knowing who he is, I consider myself very fortunate. I think when it comes to the parent lottery, I faired pretty well. I know not everyone is as fortunate as me. Didn’t come from a rich family, but we all love each other and help each other out. I just try to be a dad to my kids like my dad was to me. It’s the least I can do. I figure it’s my job to keep giving life to my kids until I can no longer. Teach my boys how to be good people and enjoy their lives. Nothing makes me happier today than to hear my kids laugh and have fun - most of the time haha! Bed time I get a little cranky!
  8. Eric Peterson from Testament. Saw him recently and had a nice collection of Deans displayed on side of the stage.
  9. Life’s too short to spend time doing anything that you don’t enjoy. I mean, I don’t always enjoy work for instance, but it provides for me the ability to do things that I enjoy. But relating this to a band situation, yeah if it isn’t pleasant to partake, then it’s time for a change. Fun is a subjective term. Getting a band together and making it work is really flipping hard. Sometimes it takes years to find out what really works and what doesn’t. But good to hear you and your bud are still playing together. All the best.
  10. Fits most snug in an actual 90s NH case imho. I’ve tried the SG Gibson Gear case before and it wasn’t too bad… Wasn’t as good as the cases the guitars came with, but I’ll bet it would keep your guitar safer than a gig bag for sure. They’re hard to come by these days. A case in great condition I’ll bet would go for $400 or not too far from…
  11. Yeah you know those rings cost pennies to make.
  12. Where is the break at? Does the string snap at the bridge or nut? I’d try to make sure nothing is sharp or abrasive in the bridge or nut slots… or is this a case where it is being stretched from over-tightening? I didn’t get this from the OP
  13. I’d find a practice guitar to experiment with - or some spare wood… either this or do it the way it was intended to route the cavity - with an actual router and probably a jig to 100% align the template where the cavity needs to be.
  14. @Pinch You want to understand the stuff I like, give Testament a listen to. Try The New Order if you want a good sampling. If you like Marty, you’ll dig Alex probably.
  15. What I respect about Megadeth is that they have pretty much stayed heavy metal in the vein I like to listen to. Metallica has not. It’s really that simple for me. But yeah the Marty years were something special. Peace sells and earlier is still listenable to me too… the new stuff is really not that bad IMHO if you want to listen to something metal. I understand though how you feel. I’m restraining from going into Metallica meltdown mode…
  16. For sure it would suck to be taken on this. When I started to get interested in LPs, I bought new from reputable store and along the way, talking with the fine folks here in this forum - and learning a bit about what a fake looks like out of pure interest - I can spot a fake really good. They’re out there… That’s all I can say, so before spending the big bucks for a total POS, do your homework. Those fakes are NOTHING like the way a Gibson should be - like ‘em or love ‘em.
  17. I pretty much learned to play guitar by playing Metallica. I can’t listen to them anymore though. Megadeth is better IMHO since we have that whole Dave-tallica thing that happened - have to stick this one in there. I’m not going to hate on tallica anymore, I just can’t listen to them and enjoy it. Even the old stuff… Not because they can’t play their instruments or anything like that… it just doesn’t have the same ring to me anymore. Megadeth on the other hand… I just think there was better stuff going on in that band behind the scenes while Metallica was becoming a commercial giant.
  18. Even with the Tusq nuts, they aren’t plug-n-play really… you’re doing some filing down and such to make them fit. That’s been my experience with every single one of them I’ve tried out. This is why I just go to someone who can cut a nut from a bone blank. Bone is a great material. The Tusq nuts are really good too, but again, better not sand too much material off of it… I recommend getting a couple Tusqs if you’re going this route
  19. Yeah you replace a nut with a custom filed piece of bone. The more animals parts on my guitar the better I feel
  20. I still would give it a look and I’ll bet you’d be hard pressed to find a counterfeit with a Gibson sized TR nut. I’m not in the business of counterfeit sleuthing but I’m looking there as an easy way to find the truth. You open the guts of a counterfeit, safe bet you’ll find something that looks kinda China special.
  21. Putting $2k into my house would make me feel better. Even paying $2k for a vacation might be warranted because vacation isn’t cheap anymore. But for a couple hours… Bruce’s music also sucks. He sounds like an angry drunk blathering his crap into the mic. Sorry Bruce fans, I think he’s a piece of work.
  22. Speaking of mindless “jam bands”… Phish is another band I just don’t get. I think every sound they have ever made is pointless. Their fans would claim I just blasphemed though. My buddy would just want to “jam” and would record it for a nice pointless 15 minutes of pure crap. I don’t like “jamming” when I play. It’s even worse than fusion jazz because when the guys I played with jam, they played the same rhythm in one variation or another for the entire time. Brutal… Sometimes I’d just stop for a minute or two to send a signal to stop… never worked.
  23. Cool man I never knew the meaning of the song at all. I’m with you though about the band 100%. They are a one album band to me - like Pearl Jam with Ten.
  24. That chainsaw case looks legit, but in bad shape. Guitar looks like fake Gibson though… Just show me what’s behind the truss rod cover and that will remove all doubt.
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