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Linda Ronstadt is silenced...diagnosed with Parkinson's


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Okay, don't take this wrong at all.


Linda's a year younger than I am. At our age it's only too likely that "stuff" will happen. At a certain point you realize that you could drop dead or worse at any time - something younger folks also might do, but they recognize far less that fact of life.


Yes, I feel bad for her, but if she's as tough inside as I have a feeling she is, she'll handle it the best she can, even as so many others.


She'll continue to have true value to the true friends and family that she's had in her life prior to date. If that value was positive, it will continue to be; if not (which I doubt), well, that would be itself an example younger folks should consider. I've a hunch she has more than her share of value as a person to those who have cared for her and her personality characteristics other than her income production - or beautiful and expressive voice and vocal technique.


None of us live forever, and certainly none of us are young forever.


I also wouldn't say "she was a great singer." I'd suggest she is a great singer, now not an active vocalist.



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Okay, don't take this wrong at all.


Linda's a year younger than I am. At our age it's only too likely that "stuff" will happen. At a certain point you realize that you could drop dead or worse at any time - something younger folks also might do, but they recognize far less that fact of life.


Yes, I feel bad for her, but if she's as tough inside as I have a feeling she is, she'll handle it the best she can, even as so many others.


She'll continue to have true value to the true friends and family that she's had in her life prior to date. If that value was positive, it will continue to be; if not (which I doubt), well, that would be itself an example younger folks should consider. I've a hunch she has more than her share of value as a person to those who have cared for her and her personality characteristics other than her income production - or beautiful and expressive voice and vocal technique.


None of us live forever, and certainly none of us are young forever.


I also wouldn't say "she was a great singer." I'd suggest she is a great singer, now not an active vocalist.




I couldn't have said it better. Linda will always be a great singer.


I had the opportunity to meet her back in the late seventies at a party in the Hollywood Hills. In addition to having a powerful voice, she had a sweet personality and a great sense of humor. She will always have a special place in my heart.

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:rolleyes: IS/WAS...She can no longer sing, so...ergo, she WAS a great singer...that's all.

Doesn't mean I/we don't respect her, or Love what she gave us, while she was able!

Unfortunately, that part of her life, is behind her, tragic as it is.


Keep the good thoughts, prayers...if you like, for her, and her continuing stuggles...I say!

We have, or have access to, her wonderful music, already. And, I'm greatful for that!


All The Best, and God's Speed, Linda!!



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She noticed the affects years ago, but it wasn't diagnosed until recently. We can split hairs, and it's true we all face doom, and will watch our bodies fail us at some point, that doesn't take away the loss of a great artist being silenced, nobody het as good as she is without having a passion for singing.A songbird that can't sing, even under the most detached clinical observation, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's are the cruelest of conditions.

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Yes, any degenerative disease is tragic. And yes we all are going to die sooner or later, but must of us hope for later.


We notice it when something tragic happens to a celebrity, because they have touched our lives. But when it comes down to it, whether you are a celebrity with millions of fans wishing you well, or if you are a 'nobody', it doesn't matter. You face the disease alone. Your doctors support you, your family supports you, your friends support you and even if you have fans to support you, it's you against the disease.


From my mother-in-laws experience, PD can sneak up on you slowly. What I think is particularly bad about it is that there is no cure, and you have this long degeneration that you know will eventually get to you. We go through life ignoring our mortality most of the time, when you have a degenerative disease, you are reminded of it daily.


Most people actually don't die from PD. When you get to the point where my motner-in-law is, you start falling. My M-O-L falls almost every day. She's split her head open a few times, but we have her apartment fairly crash-proof. Next week she goes into the assisted care facility. The worst part of that is that these places are basically, "God's waiting room". And that's got to be heavy on her brain.


Fortunately Linda has made enough money to afford the best medical care. And although there is no cure as of yet, who knows what miracle medical science might bring. As long as one is still breathing, there is hope.


Good luck, Linda.



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I dunno about saying "former singer" regardless. When a career is what one is, that's what they are, especially if there's a body of work out there.


One might suggest that "singer" ain't genetic like sex - but I'd say that to me it's almost like "parent." One doesn't become a parent at birth, but once it's occurred, it's forever.



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I dunno about saying "former singer" regardless. When a career is what one is, that's what they are, especially if there's a body of work out there.


One might suggest that "singer" ain't genetic like sex - but I'd say that to me it's almost like "parent." One doesn't become a parent at birth, but once it's occurred, it's forever.




Well, "whatever." To me, it's more semantics, than of any real importance, now. What she did,

is well documented, and available to any who want it. She can't do that, anymore, tragically.

But, there was never any disrespect (on my part) intended...just expressing the way it is, with

her present condition/situation. She WAS a singer, and a great one...but, alas, she can no longer

DO that. That's all. :rolleyes:[tongue][crying]


Besides, to me at least, NO "singer" is just a singer, regardless of how great they are! That's

putting a person, who is multi-faceted, in a ridiculous, and very limited "box!" That goes for

any kind of "entertainer," really. A lot of people have a lot of varied talents. We may only

know them, by one, or maybe two...but, that certainly doesn't mean that's all they're capable of.

And, besides...who are we, to put them, and keep them, in that "box," in the first place. [unsure]


Again, IMHO, as always.



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I say she IS a singer, but just no longer sings.


Let's face it..... I don't know if there was ever a better set of pipes than Sinatra....but near the end, his voice and ability to control it were sketchy.


I saw Linda back in about 1975 or so.... sat in the very first row at the Greek Theater in Berkeley.


My brother drew this of her from that day.



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I say she IS a singer, but just no longer sings.


Let's face it..... I don't know if there was ever a better set of pipes than Sinatra....but near the end, his voice and ability to control it were sketchy.


I saw Linda back in about 1975 or so.... sat in the very first row at the Greek Theater in Berkeley.


My brother drew this of her from that day.




Nice Drawing... [thumbup][biggrin]



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1377630361[/url]' post='1417238']

I say she IS a singer, but just no longer sings.


Let's face it..... I don't know if there was ever a better set of pipes than Sinatra....but near the end, his voice and ability to control it were sketchy.


I saw Linda back in about 1975 or so.... sat in the very first row at the Greek Theater in Berkeley.


My brother drew this of her from that day.





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She was not of MY generation but mom played her stuff and I did own her Mariachi album. I was happy to hear her singing music of her roots. To be honest, that's all I really know of her work. The rest I may know but don't know I know.


She had a nice long run career-wise, I just wish she'd not gotten sick so she could retire on HER terms. [unsure]

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She was not of MY generation but mom played her stuff and I did own her Mariachi album. I was happy to hear her singing music of her roots. To be honest, that's all I really know of her work. The rest I may know but don't know I know.


She had a nice long run career-wise, I just wish she'd not gotten sick so she could retire on HER terms. [unsure]


Izzy, check this out.... it simply doesn't get any better, (both the audio and video!)


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