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In the Dumps

Del Nilppeznaf

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She was a deadly guitarist when she was about 8 years old, if I have the right person?


That is a lot of guitar practicing in that playing. Phew.











I decided to practice more, so off I go.....



All of a sudden it sounded like the nutter next door was mowing his roof! He spent yesterday cracking pebbles in half or something. Noisy b********.



So the noise kept happening and I went out to see what it was and it is two (2) people flying ultralight planes up and down - I grabbed the iphone for a couple of shots, but no zoom







Close up:





Couldn't believe it....



Second pic looks like he/she are about to fall off the plane.



back to guitar practice....




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She was a deadly guitarist when she was about 8 years old, if I have the right person?


That is a lot of guitar practicing in that playing. Phew.







I'd love to hear her version of 'Deep River Blues'.

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I'd love to hear her version of 'Deep River Blues'.





Do you think there could be thunder, lightning, bamm, crash, ZAP....



Gone in a puff of smoke?



Angles crying and all that? Emotive performance?



Though I'm sure she could play any single thing she decided to play.




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Do you think there could be thunder, lightning, bamm, crash, ZAP....



Gone in a puff of smoke?



Angles crying and all that? Emotive performance?



Though I'm sure she could play any single thing she decided to play.





That's how I imagine it. Maybe I'm 'Lonely Too Long'. Ah! Young Rascals! D G D G D G D G Bm E Bm E A D G.


There, I've pulled myself out of another rut.


Looks like you could use a slingshot to defend your airspace.

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Looks like you could use a slingshot to defend your airspace.





Funny you mention that, JZ.



I was a master slingshotter when I was a child.......

(The end came when I was demonstrating some prowess in a friend's back garden and the pebble went zap, bang, crash through the shed window....just as the guy's father came home from work.....lot's of yelling and a***kicking and we fled home leaving said sling.........)


Maybe a bit of slinging would get Del out of the 'dumps'?????




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Down in the dumps is an easy thing, maybe just for me it's this way, when I think something isn't going the way & want or deserve it to go. I have to rethink that as fast as I can and start counting ALL MY BLESSINGS in my inventory list. That helps bunches. Also laughing as much, even faked, helps too. On the "hitting the wall" part, if it's all about what you are expecting from the playing. I know I'm not ever going to be any real player of any major substance, and don't want to be a paid player anyway. Not saying that right or wrong cuz many aspire to being pro & paid as a career path. If that's where you want to go, then figure out what you have to do differently and how to get there. If it's improvement for fun, then work on that. More than likely, it's just the dreary gloomy weather as 2 days of that & I'm ready to start listening to the Cymbalta ads (BARFFFF)! [rolleyes] Glad you're perking up today. The older I get, the more I'm grateful to even wake up each day. The rest is just minor inconveniences that I can work with. [biggrin]



It's the Dove with faded steel. https://soundcloud.c...-at-pooh-corner


Thanks for the great song EM!! Loved it. And you were a gonna sell off that Dove ya told me! Don't never, ever do that.



Dan, so sorry about your friend. A very touching song & meaningful too! We do have a lot to be grateful for even thru all the pain that has to come from time to time. And, if we can live every day letting people we care about know that simple fact, it is a good thing. I just read about a poor fellow (24 yrs old) headed from work, at a Box store about 10pm, for a simple drive straight home maybe a mile or two. A drunk (said he was only a little "buzzed" after 6-7 shots) ran a red light & T-boned the driver door of the fellows compact car. He didn't stop cuz he didn't even know he hit someone. The 24 yr old was gone in an instant. You truly just don't know when it's going to be "our time."



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