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loop stations


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Am toying with the idea of a loop station. I dont have a lot of money .

All I want is a simple machine. Maybe to jazz up the usual solo stuff I do. Maybe a voice drum beat , maybe a simple melody line over chords , my playing wouldn't qualify as a 'guitar solo'


If money werent an object I guess I'd just get the rc 300 boss machine , always better to have stuff you never use than features you need and dont have. But would a simple rc20 dobthe job?

Any you guys play with loopers ?

Any pros and cons would be good to hear about.



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Am toying with the idea of a loop station. I dont have a lot of money .

All I want is a simple machine. Maybe to jazz up the usual solo stuff I do. Maybe a voice drum beat , maybe a simple melody line over chords , my playing wouldn't qualify as a 'guitar solo'


If money werent an object I guess I'd just get the rc 300 boss machine , always better to have stuff you never use than features you need and dont have. But would a simple rc20 dobthe job?

Any you guys play with loopers ?

Any pros and cons would be good to hear about.




Great toys... I have a couple of them. I've even used one live as my Jamman delay pedal I use for The Ayetunes has a built in looper.


What I would say is, ye seem to be on the right track, get one with features you think (just now) you wont need rather than buying cheaper then realising you would need/want those features as you get more adventurous.


but, great fun, good practice tool, good creativity tool. Definitely recommended.

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can't help on specifics but until tuesday evening i would have said they all sound like crap. for the first time i saw a guy use one to GREAT effect--solo acoustic player playing in a crowded bar after work happy hour. his use of the loop pedal was perfect--not gimmicky and transparent. wish i noted which one he was using although i'm not really sure it matters as no doubt it's the indian and not the arrow....

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Great toys... I have a couple of them. I've even used one live as my Jamman delay pedal I use for The Ayetunes has a built in looper.


What I would say is, ye seem to be on the right track, get one with features you think (just now) you wont need rather than buying cheaper then realising you would need/want those features as you get more adventurous.


but, great fun, good practice tool, good creativity tool. Definitely recommended.


What's the make of the other one PM?

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It almost is an art to use a looper effectivelly. Ive known a couple local musos that use the looper extensively in activating a rhythm part from a song (on the fly) and then doing tasty lead over it. Takes actually a bit of skill to get timing and co-ordination right without getting your knickers in a knot.


I use it but with pre-recorded bits where I play some lead over, my singer hates it as normally the the volume level might be off a bit and there is a drawback but at least it allows me to do some lead as the lazy bugger hasnt learnt to play basic rhythm guitar to help me out ..


Oh, and I would reocmmend a Jamman solo, I have the bigger Jamman stereo, but i think the solo would do just fine.

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What's the make of the other one PM?


I have the boss AKAI one as well... come to think of it, I have one on a TC electronics job as well.... never used it though


It almost is an art to use a looper effectivelly.


Yes, definitely an art form.


Takes actually a bit of skill to get timing and co-ordination right without getting your knickers in a knot.


Yeah, you need to spend a few hours with it to get the feel then build on the usage skills from there... not too much of a mountain to climb if you have a sense of timing.

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Sorry mate, it's not the boss one, it's an AKAI, the boss one is like a floor multi effects unit... this is the one I mean. http://www.thomann.de/gb/akai_headrush.htm


same as the one KT Tunstall uses so it seems.



She's a wizard on it.

Mind you , she could do no wrong in my eyes.

£140 not a bad price. Would be pushed to get a second hand rc20 for that price

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She's a wizard on it.

Mind you , she could do no wrong in my eyes.

£140 not a bad price. Would be pushed to get a second hand rc20 for that price


It's decent mate, decent build quality and a very pro useable piece of kit.... I only use the jamman as it has the three delays built in as well so its one unit for my live stuff... tidier than having several pedals.


I have a pedals board (pedtailtrain) kicking about with some Boss, EHX stuff and some other bits and pieces from the electric days....

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Yep...the Boss RC=2 (20) has the basic drum beat sampler and saved rif feature that makes it fun to overlay leads and vocals. Still, if you're older and not particularly tech-savvy, it's challenging to figure out how to access all the features.

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The first one I bought was the Boss RC-2 and I'm still using it : Guitar→RC-2→acoustic amp. I also bought the Boss RC-3 because it's stereo with 99 channels and lot of memory: Main mixer→RC-3→power amp→left and right cabinets

Since I have a mini IPad I found a cheap but well reviewed app called "JamUp" that has a good looper and a lot of other goodies, but you have to buy an apogee interface module to be able to plug an acoustic or electric guitar to your tablet.





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Yeah, I guess stomping on your Ipad might not be good for its health ...



The first one I bought was the Boss RC-2 and I'm still using it : Guitar→RC-2→acoustic amp. I also bought the Boss RC-3 because it's stereo with 99 channels and lot of memory: Main mixer→RC-3→power amp→left and right cabinets

Since I have a mini IPad I found a cheap but well reviewed app called "JamUp" that has a good looper and a lot of other goodies, but you have to buy an apogee interface module to be able to plug an acoustic or electric guitar to your tablet.





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I had exactly the same image in my head that EA got when I read that post :)


Anyone heard of similar interfaces for android phones and things?

I know apple lead the way and all that nonsense but usually someone makes an alternative


They're not apple, BBG, it's 3rd party stuff, but for Apple… Ive tried it last week off with this Strat I picked up, Amplitube is fairly decent for a consumer level product. Will have to test more before I say it's amazing or list its weaknesses. Would love to test the blueboard but don't know anyone with one and no place to try in my neck of the woods.

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They're not apple, BBG, it's 3rd party stuff, but for Apple… Ive tried it last week off with this Strat I picked up, Amplitube is fairly decent for a consumer level product. Will have to test more before I say it's amazing or list its weaknesses. Would love to test the blueboard but don't know anyone with one and no place to try in my neck of the woods.


I meant compatible with apple . etc.


Cheers tho

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Maybe to plug a decent mic into. The inbuilt phone and tablet mics aren't the best. IPhone built in mic one was way better than the one I have now.


I'm liking the look of that little ditto machine. Seems a little over priced when comparing to the only slightly higher price of the boss pedals though.

Food for thought. Thanks

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I've had a few over the years: Headrush, RC-2, RC-300. I'm primarily a string player when it comes to playing live and I like creating weird violin loops in the background. The Akai I liked as an on the fly thing, very easy to get round but I couldn't live with the short loop time available. The RC-2 has been on my board for a long time, and I've never found it hard to use. I did read the instruction book though! The big one I used to have lots of prerecorded stuff on there and used it to trigger ambient textures underneath a song in a psychedelic tinged acoustic project where I was playing guitar.


The Ditto looks really nice though, I like the simplicity of it and the fact you can control features through the foot switch rather than having to lean down and sort things out at floor level if you cock up a loop mid song.

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I've had a few over the years: Headrush, RC-2, RC-300. I'm primarily a string player when it comes to playing live and I like creating weird violin loops in the background. The Akai I liked as an on the fly thing, very easy to get round but I couldn't live with the short loop time available. The RC-2 has been on my board for a long time, and I've never found it hard to use. I did read the instruction book though! The big one I used to have lots of prerecorded stuff on there and used it to trigger ambient textures underneath a song in a psychedelic tinged acoustic project where I was playing guitar.


The Ditto looks really nice though, I like the simplicity of it and the fact you can control features through the foot switch rather than having to lean down and sort things out at floor level if you cock up a loop mid song.



How short is the loop time on the akai ?

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How short is the loop time on the akai ?


23.8 seconds. So you wouldn't exactly be looping 2-3 minute segments through it.... bit I've never had cause to loop segments longer than the spec time so never run into that difficulty, typically I'd be looping a 4, 8 or 16 bar segment.

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