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Thanks for the post and the info. I was not familiar with that interview and very glad to see this political persecution of Gibson called for what it was.


I, too, prefer to keep politics out of music-related discussions, as it really is devisive, but I never cease to be amazed at the rabid intolerance of the left when it comes to opinions with which they disagree. Then again, they voted for Obama -- twice. That speaks volumes.

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Hello mods! Can we just have a place to discuss Gibson acoustics? Do we have to listen to Obama derangement syndrome here too? Please just delete the damn thread.




Thanks for the post and the info. I was not familiar with that interview and very glad to see this political persecution of Gibson called for what it was.


I, too, prefer to keep politics out of music-related discussions, as it really is devisive, but I never cease to be amazed at the rabid intolerance of the left when it comes to opinions with which they disagree. Then again, they voted for Obama -- twice. That speaks volumes.

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And with 6 posts no less! Way to make a debut...



Thanks. Glad you liked it.


Since you're apparently one of those "post-counters," let me remind you of the oft-debated quote that "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out (1800 times?) and remove all doubt." Point being, that verbal promiscuity does not necessarily add value or weight to one's opinions.


I came to this forum to discuss guitars with like-interest musicians, not to have to listen to left-wing political rants. Why not just "stow it" and let's talk about guitars? C'mon, the Jameson's on me.

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Thanks. Glad you liked it.


Since you're apparently one of those "post-counters," let me remind you of the oft-debated quote that "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out (1800 times?) and remove all doubt." Point being, that verbal promiscuity does not necessarily add value or weight to one's opinions.


I came to this forum to discuss guitars with like-interest musicians, not to have to listen to left-wing political rants. Why not just "stow it" and let's talk about guitars? C'mon, the Jameson's on me.

Read all 1800 of my posts have you? Familiar with the subject matter the OP posted and the forum battles that ensued surrounding it over the last couple of years? I'd guess not. A dewy- eyed newcomer to to the forum but feeling comfortable enough to call me a fool. Nice to meet you, too. At least the rancor that exists between me and my ilk and some members here was forged over time and many incursions. You might say there's even a grudging respect between us (you might). It took a while and has aged like a fine vinegar. But not you, you hop right in with the wham, bam, thank you ma'am. Well, there's another old axiom that states "Opinions are like axx-holes, everybody has one". I'll be sure to give your future proclamations and observations the intellectual weight they deserve based on your opening salvo. I'll pass on the Jamesons (but I appreciate the gesture). See you in the funny papers.

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(if political insight from Canada can be considered support) immediately jumpedin with equally inappropriate posts - attacking the OP.




I didn't think my comment was "political" - I saw it as a comment on yellow journalism. Last I heard Glenn Beck wasn't running for anything - he's a "journalist".


Jannusguy's original post only referenced his disdain for a specific set of media outlets as well - I don't see a direct political reference in his reply.


(Just to be clear "Rob Ford Nation" is what our now-notorious mayor names his media enterprises - a radio show, a TV show (both now cancelled) and his current youtube channel).


I might be missing a context that is specifically political (not being American & all), but at the time I posted I didn't see it as political, nor did I see it as a personal attack on the OP.

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Read all 1800 of my posts have you? Familiar with the subject matter the OP posted and the forum battles that ensued surrounding it over the last couple of years? I'd guess not. A dewy- eyed newcomer to to the forum but feeling comfortable enough to call me a fool. Nice to meet you, too. At least the rancor that exists between me and my ilk and some members here was forged over time and many incursions. You might say there's even a grudging respect between us (you might). It took a while and has aged like a fine vinegar. But not you, you hop right in with the wham, bam, thank you ma'am. Well, there's another old axiom that states "Opinions are like axx-holes, everybody has one". I'll be sure to give your future proclamations and observations the intellectual weight they deserve based on your opening salvo. I'll pass on the Jamesons. See you in the funny papers.



You sound like a very angry man.


Look, we disagree politically. Fine. I offered to put that aside, buy a drink and get on with talking about guitars. Apparently you're not interested. Fine again.



1) Have I read your 1800 posts? No. I could read the phonebook. It's big, too, but not sure I'd learn much. You seem to think that because you post a lot that your voice is more important than those with fewer contributions. That's baloney. And I've been around way too long to get pushed around and bullied that easily.


2) I'm very familiar with the OP's original subject matter, thank you. Seems to me, however, he was simply trying to share some information about the Gibson company which I, for one, was glad to have. I'm glad that Gibson is standing up to an unreasonable and politically selective, punitive intrusion. More power to them. The "forum battles" over this topic that you refer to matter very little as far as I'm concerned. There are squabbles on every discussion board. Nothing new. Most folks move on.


3) Just checked. No "dew" in my eyes. And "Opinions are like axx-holes, everybody has one". Well, sauce for the goose, don'tcha know.

Nothing more to say, really, on this thread, but guess I'll return the favor and "be sure to give your future proclamations and observations the intellectual weight they deserve" as well since that's apparently the way you want it. Seems a shame, though. We could've been such good friends.

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You sound like a very angry man.


Look, we disagree politically. Fine. I offered to put that aside, buy a drink and get on with talking about guitars. Apparently you're not interested. Fine again.



1) Have I read your 1800 posts? No. I could read the phonebook. It's big, too, but not sure I'd learn much. You seem to think that because you post a lot that your voice is more important than those with fewer contributions. That's baloney. And I've been around way too long to get pushed around and bullied that easily.


2) I'm very familiar with the OP's original subject matter, thank you. Seems to me, however, he was simply trying to share some information about the Gibson company which I, for one, was glad to have. I'm glad that Gibson is standing up to an unreasonable and politically selective, punitive intrusion. More power to them. The "forum battles" over this topic that you refer to matter very little as far as I'm concerned. There are squabbles on every discussion board. Nothing new. Most folks move on.


3) Just checked. No "dew" in my eyes. And "Opinions are like axx-holes, everybody has one". Well, sauce for the goose, don'tcha know.

Nothing more to say, really, on this thread, but guess I'll return the favor and "be sure to give your future proclamations and observations the intellectual weight they deserve" as well since that's apparently the way you want it. Seems a shame, though. We could've been such good friends.

No point in taking this too seriously. It's just jabber on an internet forum. I'm really not that angry. Quite happy, actually. I'll have vodka instead, Thx.

Here, enjoy a picture of some of my guitars and welcome to the forum. Rob


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No point in taking this too seriously. It's just jabber on an internet forum. I'm really not that angry. Quite happy, actually. I'll have vodka instead, Thx.

Here, enjoy a picture of some of my guitars and welcome to the forum. Rob



The fact you're having a wodka only proofs your a communist [wink]


Though I don't have any rights to say anything in this thread, I like to state that my faith in the best democracy on this planet ceases a little more everytime I read a political thread on the forum.


Your problem is not your communist negro president, or whatever you call him, your problem is, that you obviously hate each others guts!


The fact that your elected president or any of his sympathizers get called communist or left wing only proves a terrific lack of political and historical education.


Please get over that this guy got elected, make up some real arguments, why your fellow countrymen should vote republican the next time, instead of calling people names and get caught up in some weird hollow ringing conspiracy theory.


Hope thats enough to get deleted [tongue]

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The fact you're having a wodka only proofs your a communist [wink]


Though I don't have any rights to say anything in this thread, I like to state that my faith in the best democracy on this planet ceases a little more everytime I read a political thread on the forum.


Your problem is not your communist negro president, or whatever you call him, your problem is, that you obviously hate each others guts!


The fact that your elected president or any of his sympathizers get called communist or left wing only proves a terrific lack of political and historical education.


Please get over that this guy got elected, make up some real arguments, why your fellow countrymen should vote republican the next time, instead of calling people names and get caught up in some weird hollow ringing conspiracy theory.


Hope thats enough to get deleted [tongue]

It has gotten pretty bad. We have Rupert Murdoch (among others) to thank for that IMO. It will be interesting to see if the unprecedented hate continues to flourish should we elect our first (white) woman president in 2016. A lot of us on the left could not stand Bush and feel he did severe damage while in office but the current threats of violence, total disrespect for the office of POTUS and racism toward a decent, smart man and his family are at a fevered pitch I never would have imagined possible. Better have another vodka.

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It has gotten pretty bad. We have Rupert Murdoch (among others) to thank for that IMO. It will be interesting to see if the unprecedented hate continues to flourish should we elect our first (white) woman president in 2016. A lot of us on the left could not stand Bush and feel he did severe damage while in office but the current threats of violence, total disrespect for the office of POTUS and racism toward a decent, smart man and his family are at a fevered pitch I never would have imagined possible. Better have another vodka.


At this point, I cannot help but to "weigh-in". As far as disrespect for of the office of POTUS.... As you are so fond of saying...."you reap what you sow"

On the subject of voting for canidates as "firsts".....well, thats just plain 'silly'....sorry!


Leftist love to throw the 'race card' out any time there is discension...Clever little gig that they have designed to push an agenda through... in total concert with the 'mainstream' TV media.


If you don,t believe that there is a concerted effort (by the media) to bamboozle and brainwash than why are they all saying the same phrases and buzzwords as if they have a script? They can effect the mood and attitude of the population with their incessant 'babbling' (economy good-economy bad etc.)


It is certainly effective with the dumb-masses! I do not buy into it.


I have never in my life seen this country so divided. WHY?


Simply put.....Leadership (or lack there-of) and Agenda.


We did not do this to ourselves.....did we?


As far as Vodka.....make mine a double!

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