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I don´t believe this is a 61 SG


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I agree - its a '63-'65


Its had the original nylon ABR-1 saddles replaced with non original steel saddles.


and I'd run for the hills due to:


See pic #2 & #4 = Major Body Crack under controls and Jack where it apparently fell off the strap and bounced on the floor one too many times


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not a 61. i would agree it is more likely a 63 to 65. i would like to know what the pot date codes are. i also would like to know how he can say it has no breaks when he has 5 close up pics of the crack on the back side of the headstock... right at the point where they break.

the serial number makes it look like a 61, but we all know about gibson serial numbers. there are some things that make it look like a 61, but plenty of other things that say "no".

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The serial number is right for a '61, but that doesn't always mean anything.


I'd like to see the pot codes, but I do think that it's a '61 if the pot codes match.



It's been refretted.

Truss rod cover has been replaced.

Those are huge cracks by the pots, and they go through the body- if they haven't separated before, they might in the future.

The chipping on the bass side of the neck joint is indicative of impact or movement, and would worry me- you can't really see the treble side too well either.

I think that it had the sideways Vibrola originally.

The finish is really faded out and cracked.


This guitar is worth maybe 1/2 of what he's asking for it, if that much.


The only thing that saves it is that the PAFs and pots/caps appear to be correct.


His pictures and text SUCK, and his private auctions make me suspicious too.

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Well, with the old ones, you never know. However, I'd like a good close look at the area covered by the vibrola. If it's a real '61 or '62 the odds of it having the Maestro/Deluxe are very slim. I'll betcha' there are holes and a very faint outline in the clearcoat of one of the old hideous sideways vibratos if it's really a '61. Wouldn't bother me too awful badly anyway if I were thinking of purchasing such an item, the Maestro's a step-up from the horrid spring-machine after all. Decent looking old girl either way. And hey, '61 through even early '66 is the stuff you want anyway, so it's all good!



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Looking at this auction made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.


The guitar is beat to crap, and it's had some alterations.


The first thing I noticed was that the heel joint is all wrong. The second was that the strap peg is way off center.


If you look close, you can still see tool marks in the wood where the heel joint has been rounded and blended into the neck profile. This should be a square shouldered jount, not smoothed into the neck profile. The finish in this area lacks the checking that is present on the rest of the guitar also. It's probably had a neck problem at some point to boot. There are cues that point to some refinsh work around the entire neck/body joint.


Why the strap button is off center, I have no idea.




The crack in the body at the control cavity is from a hard knock, like being dropped from a good height. There has never been a problem with "stress cracking" in that area of SG bodies. That's BS.


I wouldn't touch this one with a ten foot pole at that price. I might offer $2,000, if I had to have it.

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Not at that price...


Hey, I didn't say I'd pay THAT much for it! :D I'm not spending that kinda' scratch on ANY "used" guitar...lol (anyone else get tired of hearing "vintage" applied to beat-to-hell old guitars???)


She'd need an overhaul before I would show her off for sure. I just meant she has potential...as a restorative/redux piece.



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Can someone please explain what the hell purpose those sharp metal points protruding from the vol & tone knobs serve? They seem like a senseless and dangerous addition to an otherwise perfectly executed design. One could easily prick their fingers on them. I guess they serve a purpose "if you want blood."

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Can someone please explain what the hell purpose those sharp metal points . .


They were standard on all Gibsons until around 1980


They indicate where the Knob "number" is - and intended for more precise control for the player, compared to Fender.


I remove them - they hurt!

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It looks genuine to me, but it's just so beat up and altered.


Looking at the pics again, it appears the entire back of the guitar was refinished at some point. The seller seems oblivious to the issues, and that's what scares me.


I'd want some really thoroughly documented provenance before I'd pay anything near the asking price, and there'd have to be some pretty famous names associated. This seller seems to have zilch.


edit - The strap button screw was probably broken off during one of the knocks that busted the body, and the remedy was to put the strap peg back in a different position instead of trying to remove the broken off screw.

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