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in the bottom right corner you can see Surfpup's "Baby Fat" boost pedal, lol... he makes good stuff.


Man, you make that SG look like a travel guitar. What are you like 6' 12" or something? [biggrin] I look a a bit more like Angus Young behind my SGs. :rolleyes:

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nah just 6' 5"


Well, now I'm really glad you like the stuff I made for you. [biggrin] Seriously though I need to make some more of those boosters. All I've been making lately is attenuators.


BTW, is that pic of your SG after the strap pin move you mentioned? It looks like it's being very well-behaved on the strap.

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Well, now I'm really glad you like the stuff I made for you. [biggrin] Seriously though I need to make some more of those boosters. All I've been making lately is attenuators.


BTW, is that pic of your SG after the strap pin move you mentioned? It looks like it's being very well-behaved on the strap.

Surf, yes I had already moved the strap lock pin up. The SG hangs just right. The Baby fat pedal is great. Juice box too. Money well spent.

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and playing live one year ago for a local holiday season light up night. Temps dropped all day and a blizzard moved in. Playing guitar in the teens is not easy.


You're telling me! Played a spring festival in college in Michigan. First band of the first day with everyone still in wool coats. The strings felt like stiff razors going into my finger tips.

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and playing live one year ago for a local holiday season light up night. Temps dropped all day and a blizzard moved in. Playing guitar in the teens is not easy. I know I'm not playing a Gibby but cool pic anyway!



good shot with the Firebird. have wanted one of those for awhile now.

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