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Guess Who's Back?


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No, not Eminem, but good guess! :)


It's me.


I know I've been gone a long time, but a lot was going on in my life and I needed to get away for a bit. I was busy helping my husband with his Dad's estate, then we tried (unsuccessfully) to start a family. The latter hit me pretty hard and bad, I was in a funk and just couldn't pull out of it. I'm still pretty angry, but trying to get going forward.


Part of this going forward thing involved me getting a serious case of the "F- it's" and doing some things for me. II've always been the good daughter, good friend, good girlfriend (which turned into good wife three years ago) and took care of everyone else and did what everyone else wanted. I came to the conclusion a month before I turned 42 that it was time for me to take care of me and do what made me happy for a change, I tried doing things everyone else's way and it didn't work. The only thing that ever really made me happy or that I was confident at was singing. So I signed up for a Talent Show. I sang "Rolling In The Deep" by Adele. I started off a little squeaky in the beginning because the adrenaline got the better of me, but overall I think I did pretty well. I'll try to post the video later. I didn't win, but I didn't care. Why? Because I did what I love and I had a blast, so much so that I'm doing it again next year and plan on doing others as the opportunities present theselves. I'd ultimately love to be in a band, but don't see it happening.


Hope everyone here has been doing well. I look forward to catching up on what I've missed.



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Hello Rosemarie, and welcome back. [thumbup]


In my opinion you're on the right way in every respect. Clinging to plans won't work with things one can't enforce. We can't make but only let them happen, no more and no less. Relaxation and recreation are the most important requirements to accomplish personal aims planted deep inside our souls.


The call of our natural abilities is joined to having fun following it. It is like with making music. Performance is about playing, not working. There has lots of work to be done until the fun starts, but then comes the moment when you are ready.


You are ready now, Rosemarie!

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Naahhh, us neither. You can't spend what we do on guitars and gamble!


Only thing I am confident of is that the value of my investments and guitars are going south.


Life hurts sometimes. Glad you are moving forward.

When's the next talent show, open mic, or whatever?

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Only thing I am confident of is that the value of my investments and guitars are going south.


Life hurts sometimes. Glad you are moving forward.

When's the next talent show, open mic, or whatever?


No sure, I'm on the lookout, though. It's tough because I have to look for stuff on the weekend because I don't drive and husband works nights. I'm not letting that bother me, though, I'll take what I can get! :)

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Don't give up hope Annemarie. I have a friend, he's English has an Italian wife and they live in Italy. They tried all the treatments but she could not get pregnant. Then at 42 she had a boy six years later another, even more of a surprise. You do right to change your life perhaps you and your husband should take a holiday. Who knows, I wish you peace and joy from a cold sunny day in England

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Don't give up hope Annemarie. I have a friend, he's English has an Italian wife and they live in Italy. They tried all the treatments but she could not get pregnant. Then at 42 she had a boy six years later another, even more of a surprise. You do right to change your life perhaps you and your husband should take a holiday. Who knows, I wish you peace and joy from a cold sunny day in England


Hey, Fretplay!


Thank you very much for the well wishes. I wish it was as easy as that. I had to have my tube tied 15 years ago because I had over a 60% chance of passing on the condition I have to the point that my kids would have been born completely blind, profoundly mentally retarded and with a kidney tumor that would have killed them before the age of 5, so the deck was kinda stacked against us.


If it's any consolation, it's getting cold here in The states, too.


Cheers and thanks again for the kind thoughts! :)

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=D> =D> =D> You did very great, Rosemarie! [thumbup] The only problem is that the capture cuts out early. [mellow]


Keep on doing your thing, girl! :)


Thanks, capmaster! :)


I think my husband was more nervous than me! I just wanted to get out there and go. I wasn't really nervous, the adrenaline kicked in quicker than I thought it would, but I found some breathing exercises on the same website I've been training my voice with to help center me better before I go out. Just looking for the next competition to try it out with! :)

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Hi Rosemarie, welcome back. Sorry to read of your set back.

Sometimes in life the path we want to follow doesn't always go according to plan but it can and does lead to different possibilities. You are doing really well in being positive and expressing yourself in a creative musical way [thumbup]

I watched your video and you have a powerful soulful voice. =D> =D> =D> Looking forward to more of your perfomances.


kind regards, Emma :)

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Just listened to the performance and I have to say that was great!

Before I watched it I was wondering why you mentioned the breathing excercises lessons but afterwards it became crystal clear.

With such a dynamic range and expressiveness at your beck and call such control is vital! Great stuff................[thumbup]


Really enjoyed that. Thanks for posting and best wishes for the next show!



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Guest Farnsbarns



Just listened to the performance and I have to say that was great!

Before I watched it I was wondering why you mentioned the breathing excercises lessons but afterwards it became crystal clear.

With such a dynamic range and expressiveness at your beck and call such control is vital! Great stuff................[thumbup]


Really enjoyed that. Thanks for posting and best wishes for the next show!




I'd missed that completely. Some evening viewing planned for me!

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Here's a link to the video from my performance




Nice job! Keep it up you go!


Was in Stone Harbor this summer and we decided to come up the Ocean Drive to get home, went through Avalon and Sea Isle for first time in more than 20 years.



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Thank you all for the encouragement, it means a lot! :) I think, for the most part, since I knew the song was about hurt, anger and regret that I had to channel those feelings into it. The feelings I was using weren't so much about a relationship, but more with the things that I had gone through leading up to then. I know it sounds a bit hokey, but I think singing is a bit like acting wherein you are telling a story (through music, in the case of singing) and the feelings in the story need to be conveyed through the singer (the music sets the tone for the story, but the singer conveys the feeling and intensity of the feeling through their voice). Like I said, I know it's hokey, but it's how I've always seen the part that a singer has in a band.

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