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Why is playing an Epi like....


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actually yes. she's one of my friends (and one of the hottest girls in school x] )' date=' her names anna. the reason i posted her is cause she asked me to name my guitar after her. it's kinda a secret though cause i normaly don't like naming guitars ;)


so i actually find it slightly offensive that guitar junkie compared my friend and my guitar to a bunch of little girls dressed up all silly. if you played my epi you would know it is a great guitar.[/quote']


Hey Hey... you better get on it!

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i;m already going out with my guitar. besides taking peole to movies and stuff all the time is expensive. it's not the summer, i don't have a job right now. i'm currently saving all my money for guitar parts.


besides there is only one girl for me, and she unfortunately has moved to portugal for the nxt two years (whyy?)

besides her music will always be my first love.


ahh nikko all sappy xD

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Ok a lil out of topic but who SAW THIS. The Introduce your self thread was on top of the Webstie Help thread im not going crazy but they were like that for 5 mins now its back to normal. ](*' date=') [/quote']

:) You go document the movements of the introductions thread. The grown ups (well mentally anyway) are talking.

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I like my "fat girls" AND my "high dollar whores"...lol


Personally, I don't mind my friends seeing me "shag a fattie", at least I'm "getting some"...I forget, we ARE talking about guitars too, right?





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I made the mistake of reading the initial post out loud to my wife.


I am now expected to post a comment condemning the post as being offensive. In the interest of a harmonious family life I condemn your original post as being mean spirited and down right evil.


I wont be reading the good posts out loud any more.

P.S. I thought it was funny.



It was so wrong but so refreshingly funny!! ](*,)



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Nikko16 - your friend Anna is double cool:-


One - she looks real nice. And I mean REAL nice. I adore her.

Two - she wants you to name a guitar after her. Neat secret.


As for the taking her out thing.....

.....Steve Stills once sang "if you can't be with the one you love - love the one you're with"

And in Anna's case I would apply that principle without even considering the consequences.

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totally classless Dave' date=' insulted my wife and my guitar at the same time[/quote']



Maybe you didn't see the politically correct version..



You are right I didn't mean to be insensitive to physically challenged people....


So why is playing a Strat like rocking out to EVH? Because it's cool until your friends see you doing it...



Better yet... why is playing air guitar like rocking out to EVH? Because it's cool until your friends see you doing it...





As Tim says Its just a joke son...

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