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Why the Extra Inlay?


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First fret inlay is not unusual at all. Here's 3 from the early to mid '60s. (Pre Norlin). Many Epi's also had them.








You´re right about the not unusual, but usually with Gibsons it´s mainly on customs and other exclusive versions. It´s not usual with standards, while my 79 "The SG" has dots only, but has one first fret.



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Well, have a look at Gibsons 78 catalogue http://www.vintageguitars.org.uk/gib78.php and decide for yourself what could be unusual and what couldn´t. I´d still say that neither the type of inlay nor the fact that they start on first fret is what Gibson usually did. Of-course they did build guitars like this but they´re not very common. It´s the only ordinary standard in the whole catalogue that has an inlay other than dot on first fret. And the only one with that size/shape inlay. To me this is what I´d call unusual.



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The crux of neogeoriffic's question is that he thought it was unusual to have an SG Standard with the first fret inlay. As I have shown (and confirmed by your link to the catalogue), it is not unusual at all. These guitars were in production for 13 years (inclusive of '72 and '84).

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It's interesting. The original question was why is there an inlay at the first fret of my '78 SG. But the answer must lie in the SG re-design that resulted in the 1972 model. Were sales of the SG on the decline, prompting an update ? The SG had of course been around for 10 years, and 'vintage fever' had yet to hit the 60's SGs. Gibson probably felt they had nothing to lose by giving the SG a fresh face. Maybe the extra inlay was to give it a classy similarity to it's upmarket brother, the Custom.

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