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And you thought Jimi Hendrix had long fingers!


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Slim Galland was brilliant and witty musician who played piano guitar and saxophone, but wat h these videos and check out his freakishly long fingers, when he played the guitar he could bar the entire width of a fretboard with just half of his index finger,Watch his ring finger when he plays piano, crazy....







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He did an awful lot of different things including movies ("They used to call me Dark Gable"), running bootleg whisky during prohibition, in USAF in WW2, recorded with Charlie Parker after the war, TV in the 70s, and moved to England in the early 80s.

I was at a great guitars concert (Kessel, Farlow, Charlie Byrd) in the 100 Club one time and he came in to say hello to them. He was about 6'5" too, so he stood out!!



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