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is this fake?

Gibson Artist

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Supposed to be a Gibson Les Paul Standard 1981. The headstock looks rather large, i know the 70s Gibbys had that on acoustics, not sure about les pauls, never owned a vintage LP. But, judging solely by these pictures would you say this is a legit les paul or a bad fake? The tuners seem to override the serial? I mean, they are right on top of the numbers and I found that a little suspicious so i thought id ask.


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Not the best angle on the overall pic, making the shape look a bit odd. Same with the pic of the front of the headstock. But I’m not seeing any red flags.


I’ve got a couple questions about the back of the headstock - no stamping on the tuners, and the position of the serial number. But still thinking this one is legit.




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Yeah. Looked legit to me at first glance as well. I don't think I've ever seen a fake with a volute. Did a quick reverb search for 81' standards and they mostly all had those exact tuners as well. I also think I can see, if I zoom in closely, the faint grain change / seam indicating a 3 piece neck, something gibsons of the norlin era would have had. The Gibson logo with the dot over the "I" is also correct for that year too. I'm still learning what to look for on Gibsons from different eras but from my studies & reading up on such subjects this one looks good to go to me.

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Guest Farnsbarns

Well, I guess I'm wrong with all that opinion to the contrary. Here's what I see...



one piece neck. Not even wings.


Exaggerated 'open book'


Tuners over serial number?


Tail piece Vs knob alignment.


Excessively wide cutaway.

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I had my doubts until I researched. Appears real to me. How much are they asking?

Trade for my D-28, i just got a little nervous by the tuners kind of being placed over the serial a lil? Makes me wonder if the tuners were replaced or just rushed on when the git was made? i know Gibson cant be perfect, but if you download that photo of the back of the headstock, you can zoom in and see the serial better. Either they put the serial too low, or the tuners too high or a little of both, but im not sure if norlin era was still 81? I know there was some quirks during that period.

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but im not sure if norlin era was still 81? I know there was some quirks during that period.

Yes. Norlin owned Gibson from 1969-1986. That's why you still see the volute and the "Made in USA" stamp on the back of the headstock. All Norlin era additions. See if the seller will send you a closeup picture of the side of the guitar. It is likely a sandwiched body. That's something that also occured alot during Norlin's tenure of ownership. Helpful piece of the puzzle if it is.

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That is a sweet one. Wonder what standards came with back then stock? Burstbuckers?


I don't know. They were just chrome covered humbuckers...at least any stock one I ever saw. The guy that owned this guitar before me raped every guitar he ever owned. I bought it before he could rout it for a third humbucker and a Kahler.

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