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J-45 Vintage goes J-45 Standard stays


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I love my J-45 standard (with the heritage cherry burst) so much I wanted to try it out vs the Vintage so I ordered one online to compare one vs the other. I even imagined keeping both if they were both stellar, though that would have stretched my budget. Anyway, I think I have a superb Standard! The Vintage had a bit more of a cut with the red spruce top but the Standard was warmer, more rounded, and louder.  

I was really surprised to find some cosmetic issues with the Vintage as well. The fingerboard, on one side at the top of the neck, had some rough spots that never should have escaped quality control. There was even a slight dent on the top of the guitar that was strange, but I probably could have lived with if I had been thrilled with the guitar otherwise. 

So, I sent the Vintage back yesterday. If it had been the same price as the Standard I still prefer the Standard but as the Vintage was twice the price, it made the choice easy.  I’m sure I got a great Standard and I’m sure there are much nicer Vintage’s out there, just not the one I received.      cheers. 


Edited by robroy
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I've not found any cases where a guitar that costs twice as much sounds twice as good as another of what is essentially the same model.  Hope you've validated that you should love the one you're with -  searching for The Holy Grail when you may already have it....    Maybe the slight dent in the top was from the last tire-kicker who sent it back.    

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Congrats and enjoy.  It took me a  long time to find the J45 I was finally able to make peace with.   None of them were in any way bad sounding but when that one which is meant to be yours lands in your hands you will somehow know it.  It will be that guitar which no matter how many years you own it every time you pull it from the case and hit a big fat open chord you mutter a  "Wow."  It is like hearing it for the first time again.


Edited by zombywoof
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I know I am blessed to have gotten the Standard. I had a J-45 years ago and it wasn’t in the same league as this one and this recent experience just confirms how good it is  

And it’s interesting that I wasn’t the first one to send that Vintage back. Someone had already taken the plastic film off the pickguard and it was scratched. 

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Intriguing to set up an experiment like that - one get so much wiser after such an A/B.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               And yes, the black nut J-45 Standards are magnificent. Mine from 2010 is preferred over the few TVs I met so far.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Enjoy the slope and play it often

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Beautiful Standard! 

Most expensive guitar are really luxury items, as far as I’m concerned. My last song was recorded with a cheap Fender Sonoran. and it sounded just right. My Gibsons and Martins are better, no doubt, but not THAT much better. I own them because I love them and what they represent, not because they make my music sound any better.


Edited by Lars68
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20 hours ago, robroy said:

I know I am blessed to have gotten the Standard. I had a J-45 years ago and it wasn’t in the same league as this one and this recent experience just confirms how good it is  

And it’s interesting that I wasn’t the first one to send that Vintage back. Someone had already taken the plastic film off the pickguard and it was scratched. 

Since you suspect it was already sent back once was is sold to you at a discounted price or at full value of a new guitar?

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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I did the same comparison back in 2016 with my 1946 J-45, New Vintage J-45  and a Standard.    My Standard was my favorite also because of better note separation, it was actually louder and just had the sound I wanted.  I love Vintage tone don’t get me wrong but something about my standard is perfect.  I’ve played about 10 J-45 standards over the years and never settled until I played this one.  A few strums and I new it was special.   I was very surprised how much my 46 and Vintage sounded alike.   They had the same weight which was interesting.  My standard is a heavy lug compared to them.  I enjoy the aesthetics and weight on the  46 and Vintage but I like the standard tone the best.  Could be we like the Sitka over Adirondack.  I also sent the Vintage back.    I have a 65 J-50 that I love, so I do love vintage guitars and their tone.  I think if the guitar sounds good it doesn’t matter if it’s a Vintage, Standard or 1/2 the price,  it’s good.  I have played plenty of very expensive vintage guitars that sucked in tone and playability as well as new ones or used one.  If it’s good it doesn’t matter who made it or the value.    

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4 hours ago, Gibby46 said:

I did the same comparison back in 2016 with my 1946 J-45, New Vintage J-45  and a Standard.    My Standard was my favorite also because of better note separation, it was actually louder and just had the sound I wanted.  I love Vintage tone don’t get me wrong but something about my standard is perfect.

Yes that’s pretty much my story. I used to kick myself for not buying a ‘49 J-45 years ago but I think now that my new Standard has the tone I have been after all along and without the issues that can come with vintage guitars.  I have a ‘47 lg-2 for vintage tone comparison. The Standard has more sparkle (or whatever!). 


20 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

Since you suspect it was already sent back once was is sold to you at a discounted price or at full value of a new guitar?

I was given no discount on the price. Had I kept it I would have said something  

22 hours ago, Lars68 said:

Most expensive guitar are really luxury items, as far as I’m concerned. My last song was recorded with a cheap Fender Sonoran. and it sounded just right. My Gibsons and Martins are better, no doubt, but not THAT much better. I own them because I love them and what they represent, not because they make my music sound any better.

I mostly agree. Great music does not require a great guitar.  To me though a great guitar inspires me to play more so it’s worth the price  

On 5/21/2021 at 3:27 AM, E-minor7 said:

Enjoy the slope and play it often

Yep, that’s what it’s all about. 


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10 hours ago, Gibby46 said:

I did the same comparison back in 2016 with my 1946 J-45, New Vintage J-45  and a Standard.    My Standard was my favorite also because of better note separation, it was actually louder and just had the sound I wanted.  I love Vintage tone don’t get me wrong but something about my standard is perfect.  I’ve played about 10 J-45 standards over the years and never settled until I played this one.  A few strums and I new it was special.   I was very surprised how much my 46 and Vintage sounded alike.   They had the same weight which was interesting.  My standard is a heavy lug compared to them.  I enjoy the aesthetics and weight on the  46 and Vintage but I like the standard tone the best.  Could be we like the Sitka over Adirondack.  I also sent the Vintage back.    I have a 65 J-50 that I love, so I do love vintage guitars and their tone.  I think if the guitar sounds good it doesn’t matter if it’s a Vintage, Standard or 1/2 the price,  it’s good.  I have played plenty of very expensive vintage guitars that sucked in tone and playability as well as new ones or used one.  If it’s good it doesn’t matter who made it or the value.    

Thanks for sharing this report. I really dig idea of knowing what you want and where you wanna be for then to investigate the variations there. The nuances are often more significant than one thinks - bass-power - clarity - response - depth - etc. - and the individual instruments treat the repertoire we feed them differently. This plus our gut-feeling must be the measure-stick. When severely into that zone of experimentation, the thought of 'a broad selection of acoustics' becomes totally irrelevant.                                                                                                                                                                                                   Though of course bein' able to choose between several basic models is a positive thing. 

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It's all fun and all but there are so many variables among all the variables that this could be a definition of eternity - where navel-gazing  meets hair-splitting watching a dog chase his tail.

In other words there probably isn't and will never be a definitive answer. But, hey, it's a hobby.

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