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J45 Standard or J45 Studio Rosewood???


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Hi guys,

So I’ve always wanted a quality acoustic guitar but due to necessity and budget I’ve concentrated on my electric guitars as I played and recorded with them more and primarily just wrote on my acoustic.  

Finally I’m now in a position to upgrade my acoustic. Plus I’m using acoustic a lot more these days. I’ve always wanted a Gibson acoustic for as long as I can remember but I kept an open mind and went to a local store and tried out Martin’s and Taylor’s. They had a J45 Studio Walnut in Natural and as soon as I picked it up and played it I knew it had to be a Gibson.

I then found another store that had a J45 Studio Rosewood in stock so went there and found they had both a Rosewood and Walnut, both in natural, as well as a Standard. I had ruled the Standard out due to cost so started comparing the Studio’s. It soon became clear that the Rosewood was the superior guitar. The Walnut sounded great but quite metallic in comparison. The Rosewood was a lot warmer. Both great guitars but totally different.

I then made the mistake of trying the Standard just because it was there. Well it’s a beaut. I think it does have a bit more warmth and depth than the Rosewood Studio but the difference isn’t as big as between the Rosewood and Walnut Studio’s, but the Standard is superior. Tbh there’s also a part of me that just wants a “Real” J45 with the burst and all the rest as I’m just a sucker like that.

So my question is does anyone have experience with these two guitars? Is the Standard really worth the extra €600? Bear in mind that internet shopping isn’t an option as I won’t buy without trying the guitar out.








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Only you can decide which sounds best to you and which of the three plays the best for you.  The Walnut studio has (in your words) a more metallic sound.  The Rosewood will be richer in overtones and longer note decay.  The studios regardless of tone wood are a slightly thinner body so that effects tone and volume (less air moving)   The Standard is a mahogany body which has a drier, thumpier tone and faster note decay.  

So you are on the right path going out and playing them all and comparing - but you'll have to decide which is best for you.  Overall though I'd lean toward the Standard for a tried and true Gibson acoustic sound if that is the sound you are looking for.

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I just purchased a j45 studio rosewood. It is a very nice guitar, at the same time it is not a true j45.  Honestly id say its closer to a 000-28 then a j45. Now if you are looking for something that looks like a j45 but want a guitar that has maybe a bitmore clarity(less bass) and easy to wrap your arm around the studio rosewood is worth owning. I dont care for the current std. Model b/c the neck is too thin for me and a graphite nut on a acoustic is just not what id want. I am thinking of grabing a 50's original model for myself b/c it has a full neck and that classic j45 sound, dry and boomy. Anyone here won a 50's original series? Any input would be great since i havent tried one. 

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Thanks for the comments and advice so far guys. It is of course, as it always is with these things, very subjective. You’re advice and experience really helps though. 

One thing I forgot to mention was that the store  had actually got another Standard in stock the day I was in there and when I tried it out, straight out of the box and tuned, I immediately felt that the one that was already in stock that I had been playing was a better guitar. Sounded and played better. Goes to show you how much each one can vary.

I’m lucky that I have a few different models to try out. Every store I’ve been in have said that it’s really difficult to get Gibson’s and Martin’s in at the moment.

I thought both guitars had TUSQ nuts? I know on the Gibson site the material is described as “Black” on the Standard but I read elsewhere it was TUSQ?  Both necks felt pretty comfortable to me and my fingers are pretty long. Though my 2001 Les Paul and 69 SG Junior have totally different necks and I love both.  I think I just love Gibsons in general! There’s no chance of any of my stores getting in and 50’s models or anything like that.

There is always that want to own a real tried and tested classic Gibson. The J45, Hummingbird and SJ 200 just seem to be omnipresent in my mind. Plus I’m a big Beatles nut and the J45 at least resembles a J160E. 

That being said the Rosewood Studio was a fine guitar.

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So i just checked gibson's spec sheet for the j45 std.  The saddle and bridge pins are tusq. As for the nut it just says "black".  I do think gibson could explain this alittle better for us. Is it graphite, black tusq, plastic? Whatever it is, its replacable lol. Let us know what you get and enjoy it.

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The brand, spanking new J45 would definitely sound different. Fresh out of the box, new strings just tuned up and the wood not yer adjusted to the humidity and possibly even the temperature.  Don't discount it.  That said -  I think you will always regret not getting a Standard.  You've set  Gibson as your  'Holy Grail" Brand.  You believe the J45, H'Bird and SJ200 are the  panacea.  (I agree - I own 3 guitars - and that's them).    If you were focused on a Hummingbird and found a "Hummingbird Pro" in the store for 1/2 of what a 'standard"  (aka REAL)  H'Bird costs -  and bought it.   You would have buyers remorse before you got it home.   Guitars are not shoes, hammers or whiskey.  They are not even automobiles,  jewelry or girlfriends.   Musicians have unique relationships with their instruments.   Let us know what you decide.  Welcome !  

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Very well said indeed! There’s nothing worse than guitar regret. I will also go back and try out the second Standard again as it’s has some settling in time. It’s a good point. Thanks for the advice and kind words.

Here’s the article I found regarding the nut. I forgot to paste it into my last post.



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I've owned both the Studio and the Standard. The Studio bird was nice, but was sold within a year. The Standard bird was light years ahead . It has remained the pride of my stable and will never be sold.

Edited by ALD323
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I had a Studio Walnut and it was fantastic. I’ve owned a Standard as well, and currently a J45 TV.

My Studio was real balanced, very comfortable with the thinner body, and recorded like a dream. Great guitar! But I also know how GAS is, and if you have the Standard in your sight, you may as well save the step.

This was my Studio…



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Buying guitars is a complicated thing!!! That just goes to show how much each individual guitar can vary due to Gibsons hands on manufacturing processes. 

I must go back and try out both Standards again as well as the Studios. Thanks.

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20 hours ago, aldiablo said:

Buying guitars is a complicated thing!!! That just goes to show how much each individual guitar can vary due to Gibsons hands on manufacturing processes. 

I must go back and try out both Standards again as well as the Studios. Thanks.

The Standard HB is Mahogany. The Studio HB is walnut. To me there is a mountain of difference in tone....The Standard Hog being warm, rich and emits a delicous humming sound and tone. The Studio Walnut HB..is brighter, less warm, and not as rich as the Standard IMO.

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Yeah that’s exactly what I found when playing them at the store. The Studio Walnut was much more metallic sounding with less warmth. The Rosewood Studio was much warmer and more along the lines of the Standard I thought. Still different of course but definitely more warmth than the Walnut.

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