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Is it me or are Conservatives the new "Anarchist Liberals"?

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I was watching Fox news today and all they showed was a bunch of people saying "We are tired of the government" "We want a country for the people by the people" "Democrats are fascist" (Anybody remember the old "Republicans are fascist" cop out?) they even had some guy playing the Jimi Hendrix national anthem what is going on here?


Somebody please explain? Because i can not stop laughing at this.

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After the last 8 years, the Republican party is trying to figure out just what the heck they are and what they represent. A lot of them know what they think they should be, but their representatives haven't been following those guidelines. Personally, I think they're done and we're going to see the emergence of a stronger third party as disenchanted modern, fiscally-oriented Republicans look elsewhere for a party that they actually better identify with, probably the Libertarians (not a bad thing).

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I was watching Fox news today and .... they even had some guy playing the Jimi Hendrix national anthem what is going on here?

Was "that guy" playing an Amber quilt PRS?

Might have been some guy named Ted Nugent.


I saw he was on with Glenn Beck at The Alamo (that's in San Antonio, I-10 west) playing a PRS identical to mine.

As I was walking back in from the garage I heard the SSB playing - figured it was Ted.


Hope I was able to explain, because I can't stop laughing.......


Hey, at least you're paying some attention.

That's better than most people your age.


Good on ya!

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Was "that guy" playing an Amber quilt PRS?

Might have been some guy named Ted Nugent.


I saw he was on with Glenn Beck at The Alamo (that's in San Antonio' date=' I-10 west) playing a PRS identical to mine.

As I was walking back in from the garage I heard the SSB playing - figured it was Ted.


Hope I was able to explain, because I can't stop laughing.......


Hey, at least you're paying some attention.

That's better than most people your age.


Good on ya!




At a boy Con Man, Have you checked me video out mate?

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At a boy Con Man' date=' Have you checked me video out mate?[/quote']



I'm already surfing the web, I rarely chase links from the forum. Waste of time on a frequency of around 98%.


I see you're all over the cut & paste though.


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Anybody who is tired of government should move to Afghanistan or Somalia. You can be free of government intervention there.



are you mentally handicapped? this might be the most worthless comment i have ever seen/heard in a political debate.


i find it ironic that this is the same nonsense spouted by the cons when libs complained about Bush II. and my god how the left cried foul. and yet, here is the exact same response. i'm starting to think this "move to country x..." response is the new version of Godwin's Law.

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It's getting more coverage due to the fact that the protesters this time are people WITH MONEY.


I say they have the same right to take to the streets as anyone else. However they will be judged on a different level.


What gets me is WHY WOULD YOU PROTEST BY BUYING CHINESE TEA AND LITTERING IT.. Yep guess where most of it is grown. Just give them more money F it right.

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The Republican party gasps for air as the tidal forces of irrelevance pull them into the abyss.


Their tea tax party was unfocused and poorly led. The message was totally lost with all the hypocritical fascists/socialist signs. If Fox, Limbaugh, Army, DeLay, Joe The Plumber or who ever was leading the masses had simply said it was an anti-Obama rally then at least they wouldn't have been hypocrites.


I for one will be sad to see the party of Lincoln go. Our country needs many viable political parties.

What is not sad is the departure of the moronic leadership of the Republican party.

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Even Alec Baldwin (colossal moron) still resides in the USA.


There is a big difference between some Hollywood personality spouting some kind of petulant stuff and say the governor of Texas spouting patently unAmerican stuff about secession. Don't pay attention to the Hollywood folks if you don't like what they say. But it is a good idea to keep an eye on anyone who promotes sedition and treason especially if they are in a position of authority.

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