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Wicked Red Band video


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Here's one featuring Wiced1 on vocals.

The vid quality sucks, but it's a new camera and we haven't figured out all the proper ways to make the vid better. You'll notice the calling me Bub joke in the band is well rehearsed. That's me on the left with the LP playing lead. Our usual other guitarist (Matt) happens to be playing bass on this. He switches off with PJ from time to time.


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Any place where you can store files on a web server. It could be a web site host like MySpace or any other hosting service; the other guitar player in my band uses Apple's MobileMe iDisk (I know nothing about it) and I use Host Department for my web site ($6/mo for unlimited space). There are lots of them out there for cheap so it's generally a matter of finding who is the cheapest for the most amount of space and least amount of down time.

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Wicked1 is supposedly working on a web site' date=' but I have my doubts. My Space I think.



You caught me! I'm not working on a website. I'm using it as an excuse to sneak off to Ecuador while you're sleeping.... ;)

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Hey did you guys get the last MP3 I sent? It had attached the songs "Thank You-Can't You See".

AXE's e mail didn't work and I wasn't sure if anyone got the e mail.



Can one of you please answer this music related question? One of you who get my e mails.

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At the risk of bumping a non approved by the censors thread I would like to point out where my passions for all subjects originate. It is the music that fuels my passion. It is the music that frees my mind for higher conversations that involve heated opinions. It is the music that makes me want to be in the Gibson Lounge. It is our ties with music that makes me think people like me opposed on politics, religion, and other issues can come to gather and still become brothers with common passions.

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I have always enjoyed that tune and it sounded great. I am so envious of you right now' date=' all the practice and playing. I get back into the scene real soon as soon as this leg gets back up and running. Speaking of hows the wifes leg?[/quote']


It's what keeps me sane. Or almost sane. I hope you can get back on your feet soon.

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Soundin' good there, brother. I get what you mean about the "bub" thing. Dude did it way too much in the first 20 seconds of the video. Speaking of which, if you don't add me to your mailing list pretty soon I'm going to call you the "B Word" every chance I get.


Just kidding.


Or am I?

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Actually, I think that was the only "bub" reference of the night. I'm surprised Homz didn't edit it out.


And yeah, we do have a lot of fun. Actually hoping to have a band bbq in a few weeks (assuming Homz & I still have jobs and can afford it) to hang out, have some good food, and play some music for our family and friends. We subscribe to the Guitar Hero philosophy that a band is "the dysfunctional family you choose." I've played with people that I didn't particularly like. It wasn't fun and it shows in your performance.


Anyway, tuckomf (or anyone else), if you want to get added to Homz mailing list just PM him with your e-mail address. We practice/jam on Friday nights and he usually has things ready to go out by Saturday night if he's not working. We've been recording practically every note we play for the last couple of years. Such a great help when it comes to learning what sounds good, what riff worked, what totally sucked... I still hate to listen to myself sing, though.

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Wow' date=' you guys are very good. Just 1 question. How close are xthe xnearest neighbors, and do they mind the jam sessions?


But once again, very good and tight. [/quote']


I don't have any neighbors that are closer then 1/4mile. It's my little home on the prairie.

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