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Who will get banned first:

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Hmm, it seems to me that one should be an active participate on this forum for a long time before putting up a poll like this. I'm nearing 900 posts and I don't think I've been active enough to put up a poll like this. Many of the people on the list are very knowledgeable guitar-wise and I wouldn't want to see them banned. Also, yes, Neo did get banned and I missed his insights a lot (the man knows a lot about guitars!). I'm glad he's back...

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I picked 'Other' and choose 'The Mick' date='' because he seems to just love arguing, regurgitating/reiterating what another says and all around can't accept when he's been proven wrong by anyone. [/quote']


Ok I'll play


I did argue with you due to your comment that was not relevant to the point at hand and was wrong.

The thread was about modeling vs Tube amps. You mad a statement against JC 120's that they were only used by James Hetfield for Clean. First Amp modeling is not only about overdriven sounds it is also clean tones. Second you claim Eye was proven wrong about him not using one for anything else. And you know this how ? You read it somewhere HA big F'N deal. I've handled their gear. But hay If you read it it must be true. And by anyone you mean you. well your no one to me pal.


So basically what Eye'm say'n is your a Jack A$$.

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Ok I'll play


I did argue with you due to your comment that was not relevant to the point at hand and was wrong.

The thread was about modeling vs Tube amps. You mad a statement against JC 120's that they were only used by James Hetfield for Clean. First Amp modeling is not only about overdriven sounds it is also clean tones. Second you claim Eye was proven wrong about him not using one for anything else. And you know this how ? You read it somewhere HA big F'N deal. I've handled their gear. But hay If you read it it must be true. And by anyone you mean you. well your no one to me pal.


So basically what Eye'm say'n is your a Jack A$$.


Bringing gear onstage because you worked backline at 1 show for them doesn't make you some sort of authority either. I've read it in quite a few interviews where Hetfield says it. I wasn't the one who quoted Hetfield in that thread, my friend did. Maybe he's used a JC120 for other sounds since St Anger, but as far as those previous albums, no.

I had a long night and had read enough of your arguing bs. It's not just me, you feel you have to argue and prove anyone wrong. Tell me, are you a drummer?

I just came in from a wake, once again, I'm going to sleep.


P.S. A cork, real mature buddy, aren't you close to pushing 50?

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I had a long night and had read enough of your arguing bs. It's not just me' date=' you feel you have to argue and prove anyone wrong. Tell me, are you a drummer?

I just came in from a wake, once again, I'm going to sleep. [/quote']


Your assuming too much about what I've done little guy.


Just what arguing bs are you talking about ? Show me.


But I'll argue with you for all eternity now.

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OK this place is going from bad to worse' date=' who cares. This is just one of our regulars with a new profile, I used to get excited about coming on line and reading whats going on in the world of guitars and amps. This place has gotten so frigging lame its just not fun any longer.[/center']


With all due respect, you don't have to come into the Lounge.


How many more times can it be said. If you don't like the song... CHANGE THE STATION!


If you like talking guitars...TRY THE LES PAUL THREAD

If you like talking amps...TRY THE AMP THREAD

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Guitarest, I have nothing but respect for you but, If you are asking for those types of posts to be in the Lounge,

then Yes, I think you are asking too much.

You are smart, and have been here far too long not to know this.


Why do people listen to Howard Stern, , or Opie and Anthony then complain that the show is too vulgar?

Chances are they new that before they ever tuned in.


Controversy. That's why. They want to see what they will say or do next.


The Lounge is no different.


The forum is FULL of guitar posts. The "Lounge" might not be, but that is only one little section out of 18 guitar related sections. The lounge is not even in the guitar section, it in the Welcome section.


If you wanna buy a buy a beach ball, do you go to a 5 star Gibson dealer? No.

If you wanna buy a 54 Gold Top do you go to Walmart? Again, No.

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With all due respect' date='[/b'] you don't have to come into the Lounge.


How many more times can it be said. If you don't like the song... CHANGE THE STATION!


If you like talking guitars...TRY THE LES PAUL THREAD

If you like talking amps...TRY THE AMP THREAD






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OK this place is going from bad to worse' date=' who cares. This is just one of our regulars with a new profile, I used to get excited about coming on line and reading whats going on in the world of guitars and amps. This place has gotten so frigging lame its just not fun any longer.[/center']


No offense but perhaps it would be helpful to view the lounge as an evolving, self-determining entity. It would seem foolish to expect it to remain static as new members join and older members expand their relationships. Sometimes, when something becomes stagnant or stale, it's best to take a break from it or look in other directions for the things that you perceive as lacking here.


I guess it just doesn't make sense to me for someone to continue to come somewhere that they don't enjoy, only to complain about it to others who are, for all appearances sake, enjoying themselves. ;)

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OK this place is going from bad to worse' date=' who cares. This is just one of our regulars with a new profile, I used to get excited about coming on line and reading whats going on in the world of guitars and amps. This place has gotten so frigging lame its just not fun any longer.[/center']


I think I see where you're coming from actually. You joined this forum pretty much when it first opened, and I remember when I first joined here too, The Lounge section was very much about guitars, amps, etc, but having to do moreso non-Gibson. Where lately there's been more a shift where it's become more of a Talk Amongst Yourselves section and there's everything from Politics and Religion being discussed to Who Would You Screw Topics. Since the shift maybe it would be a cool thing for Gibson to add a sub section that's to talk about Non-Gibson (i.e. Fender, Schecter, Jackson, B.C.Rich, Moser, Ibanez, Daisy Rock, Parker, Ovation, Taylor, Martin, etc).

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OK this place is going from bad to worse' date=' who cares. This is just one of our regulars with a new profile, I used to get excited about coming on line and reading whats going on in the world of guitars and amps. This place has gotten so frigging lame its just not fun any longer.[/center']




I agree with Guitarest, and others are correct in saying at end of the day we dont have to read it. What about the new members that want to come here? I cant help thinking that some of the lounge threads turn new members away.


At the end of the day this is Gibson's official forum and it's almost shocking to think how few members there are here compared to other LP forums..


I like to go to the "introduce yourself" section and welcome new members but its a shame that so many of them don't stick around, even when you consider how easy going our Mods are....




I love you all! :-({|=



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