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Ive seen more hate then i mostly see.


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Honestly' date=' I've mentioned before I volunteer sometimes to help with kids with special needs at the rec center here in town.

We don't have many but the few who do really enjoy the time spent with them.

There are also some kids there who are basically of sound mind but have a need for additional attention for some reason or another.Usually from an abusive family or other circumstances.

I only hope our little dem00n doesn't wind up being one of these "other type of kids I see who wind up hurting them self or someone or something like small animals.

I see this type of pattern in his forum behavior and think he needs a steady mentor and solid disciplinary action taken before these violent or self destructive traits become a danger to himself or someone else.[/quote']


You're a good dude, AXE!


And I still stick up for dem00n, even though he has said some horrendous things about me in the past. He needs a friend.

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Hatred (Wikipedia)


"Hatred (or hate) is a word that describes intense feelings of dislike. It can be used in a wide variety of contexts, from hatred of inanimate objects (e.g. vegetables) to hatred of other people, or even entire groups of people. Hatred can lead to much negativity, including violence and genocide.


Contents [hide]

1 Philosophical views

2 Psychological views

3 Neurological research

4 See also

5 References

6 Further reading




[edit] Philosophical views

Philosophers have offered many influential definitions of hatred. Rene Descartes viewed hate as an awareness that something is bad, combined with an urge to withdraw from it. Baruch Spinoza defined hate as a type of pain that is due to an external cause. Aristotle viewed hate as a desire for the annihilation of an object that is incurable by time. Finally, David Hume believed that hate is an irreducible feeling that is not definable at all.[1]



[edit] Psychological views

In psychology, Sigmund Freud defined hate as an ego state that wishes to destroy the source of its unhappiness.[2] In a more contemporary definition, the Penguin Dictionary of Psychology defines hate as a "deep, enduring, intense emotion expressing animosity, anger, and hostility towards a person, group, or object."[3] Because hatred is believed to be long-lasting, many psychologists consider it to be more of an attitude or disposition than a (temporary) emotional state.


[edit] Neurological research

The neural correlates of hate have been investigated with an fMRI procedure. In this experiment, people had their brains scanned while viewing pictures of people they hated. The results showed increased activity in the medial frontal gyrus, right putamen, bilaterally in the premotor cortex, in the frontal pole, and bilaterally in the medial insula of the human brain. The researchers concluded that there is a distinct pattern of brain activity that occurs when people are experiencing hatred.[4]

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If you chill out a bit and grow up a little more dem00n, you'll realize they're just f'ing with ya.


A VERY wise man once said" If you take this forum seriously or your head will explode."


...and for GODS sake, DON'T be another one of those "I'M OUTTA HERE" dudes yet still hang around. If you choose to leave, then just leave. Don't start a thread about it, then hang around to watch the comments.

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If you chill out a bit and grow up a little more dem00n' date=' you'll realize they're just f'ing with ya.


A VERY wise man once said" If you take this forum seriously or your head will explode."


...and for GODS sake, DON'T be another one of those "I'M OUTTA HERE" dudes yet still hang around. If you choose to leave, then just leave. Don't start a thread about it, then hang around to watch the comments.



Arent u a acoutsic dude? Also didnt u quit as well...

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