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I've been an on and off member for 20 years. I bought the t-shirts, even the denim jacket.


I'll get mad and let it lapse when they overload me with insurance offers, but I always rejoin.


With money.

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I used to have to teach proper disposal of PC parts...

it was not the legal and proper disposal method.

I hear ya.

I've gone from the oilfield where we let people haul off waste to dump on roads to keep dust down - to nuclear power.

I have an idea about proper disposal, I've been through more training than I can remember.

And I can tell you reality is far from the knee-jerk, feel-good, green-weenie bullsh!t we're seeing now.


When we finished construction at my last powerplant and they pulled out all the dumpsters, we had to set up our own trash and refuse service - and we were a Zero Liquid Discharge facility.


Spent TONS of money to get proper cans for batteries, aerosols, wood and paper, metals (separated for scrap) etc...

Then the trash truck comes in one day (I had to escort him from the gate) and he dumped EVERY dumpster into the truck.


Of course, I thought this was a funny thing to do with all these carefully separated waste streams.....

Driver tells me it gets sorted at their refuse transfer station.



A couple months later, I stopped by there and told them where I worked.

Asked to see their process at their big, shiny, new, $$$$$ transfer facility.


A big conveyor belt carries the loads of trash into a big hopper for the landfill.

Two guys are "sorting" it as it moves past them, ostensibly to remove recycles from the waste stream headed for dirt.


They were doing about as thorough a job as one could expect for minimum wage gov't employees.

It ALL goes in the fxcking ground, I don't care what the websites tell you.

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By the way' date=' not anti-gun here. Do people need to have assault weapons? Dont think so. But maybe you can prove me wrong :-) :-) :-)




Do people really NEED corvettes?

Do people really NEED 52" plasma TVs?

Do people really NEED 150 acre front yards?


Well, no... of course not, but....


Ever shot an AK-47? I have... a friend of mine has one in a beautiful glass display case he built for it. They are LOADS of fun on a rifle range.


Sorry... I want to be able to collect assault weapons, too. I want to be able to be licensed to collect fully automatic weapons, if I want. (9mm Uzi can't hit squat @ 30', but WILL turn heads on the range =P~ ) Sure, there needs to be a cutoff. I don't think the average US citizen needs to have a small scale thermo-nuke, for example. No Holy Hand Grenades of Antioch. But we should be allowed to own any number and type of standard firearm, and as long as there are folks trying to take that right away, then we need some one to fight for our right to keep them.



I believe that makes me pro NRA.

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Do people really NEED corvettes?

Not since the 1967 model year.

Okay' date=' the new ZO6 is pretty impressive but give me a big block!





Do people really NEED 52" plasma TVs?


I can afford one, but I see no need.





Do people really NEED 150 acre front yards?


If you can afford it' date=' go for it.





Ever shot an AK-47?

I just sold my last personal AK to my neighbor down the road.

Prices are crazy on those things now!

I ain't paying big bucks for a rifle made like an old plow....


Still have my old Chinese SKS though...





Sorry... I want to be able to collect assault weapons' date=' too.

I want to be able to be licensed to collect fully automatic weapons, if I want.[/quote']

I've long considered getting a Class III license to do the especially ugly weapons.

Hey, if I'm gonna be a gun dealer I might as well offer the entire product line, eh?


(The Liberals will go ape-sh!t when they find out what Class III is....)




I believe that makes me pro NRA.

God bless you, Brother!


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djroge1' date=' your civic duty is complete.


Good job everybody!




Hey, just the other day I rescued several old computer monitors from the desert.

Somebody threw them out on the side of the road [b'](WHY?) [/b]and I knew what would be left if some kids found them.


I was riding home on my motorcycle, so I got the wife's truck and went back to get them.

Disposed of them properly in a construction dumpster just up the road from my house.



I thought CRT monitors were'nt supposed to go to land fills, owing to the nasty heavy metals, and such contained withihn. They're supposed to go to China and Mexico, so they can be dis-assembled by 3rd graders..... properly.

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...I can just as legitimately make the case that the Second Amendment doesn't say anything about an individual's right carry a concealed weapon' date=' own an assault rifle, etcetera....[/quote']


Doesn't say anything about computers 'neither.


Fine don't want' concealed carry? Just wear 'em on your hip for all the world to see.

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"9mm Uzi can't hit squat @ 30', but WILL turn heads on the range "


THAT does not help the cause. ;)


Indiscriminate spraying of lead is irresponsible and dangerous. That is why the 'gangsta' grip is irresponsible and dangerous.... it can't hit squat at 30 feet, but turns heads.

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TommyK... 'twas based on a true story. We were shooting at the local range. There were two or three other folks there shooting as well. Guy on the far end opens up with a fully automatic uzi. Everyone put their stuff down and congregated. It will draw attention.


That is what gun ranges are for, though. Shooting guns. Even fully automatic, hand held lead-spreaders.



Sorry Bow... never had a chance to fire one of those. Would not turn it down, though :-({|=.




I do love shooting. Man. How many months 'til dove season???

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Yeah' date=' but H&K MP-5's are so much more fun. [/quote']

That's the firearm equivalent to a 59 LP reissue, I want one BAD.


And yes, the range is the place for a little nuttiness - within proficient reason.

If the range master doesn't like what you're doing, he'll show you the gate.

All the other shooters will applaud him for it.


I've seen guys who had no clue and asked no questions, then would not accept advice.

I simply put my gun down and step back from the table until they're done, hoping they'll figure it out.




Anything fully automatic does indeed draw attention, that I can assure you all...

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Anything fully automatic does indeed draw attention, that I can assure you all...



I once had a little Jennings J-22 that had been dry fired repeatedly (before I got it) and the breech face had distorted a little over time. Distorted just enough so when it cycled another .22 round it would touch it off... and the next one...and the next one. It was disconcerting to squeeze the trigger, hear BLIP and realize 6 bullets just left the barrel rather quickly.


Sent it back to the factory and for some token amount, $15 or so, they basically rebuilt it.

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That's the firearm equivalent to a 59 LP reissue' date=' I want one [i']BAD[/i].



That was my favorite toy when I was in the Navy.


I can confirm it gets folks attention, especially when they are on the receiving end.:-

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What an intriguing turn this thread has taken. We got Christians, atheists, satanists, at least one well-armed Buddhist. liberals, conservatives, again at least one libertarian and now we're gonna discuss who'd be the better risk with weapons at their immediate disposal. Fekkin' hilarious! =P~ =P~ :D =P~

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