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It would have given them a fighting chance. Do you know how many were killed in Concentration Camps set up right there in France because they were unable to fight for their freedom? The Advancement of Nazi Germany would have been slowed' date=' and they would have had to use more Material to get a Shorter Distance. Perhaps the Battle of Brittain never would have Happened.


Of course there's more to being a good soldier than being a good shot, but respect for a Fire Arm is sure a good start. I speak from experience on the Marksmanship point. When I was considering the Military as a Young man, it was peace time and there was a huge waiting list, and a good job came up so I never inlisted, but many of my friends did. When they came out, not one of them could shoot better than me and none of them knew as much about their weapon as me. I'd been shooting since I was 5, they never touched a weapon until they joined the Army.[/quote']


Point taken...



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Flight' date='


The Afghani's aren't trained soldiers either...and the've done a pretty good job of fighting all the superpowers....You can't use the French as an example of anything other than uselessness...[/quote']


Your right, but remember they fought the Russians for eleven years.... There is no better training than first hand experience....



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Where is it that you work? If you don't mind me asking?





Home. I am a Graphic Designer, Photographer, Web Developer, I also run 2 small mail order businesses.


That's not one of my photo's by the way. :-)

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Flight' date='


The Afghani's aren't trained soldiers either...and the've done a pretty good job of fighting all the superpowers....You can't use the French as an example of anything other than uselessness...[/quote']


But that's because the know the territory.


And I disagree with the French comment...didn't the French come up with the French Tickler? That has to be worth something.

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But that's because the know the territory.


And I disagree with the French comment...didn't the French come up with the French Tickler? That has to be worth something.

Yeah, but now we call it the Liberty Tickler and we feel "Oh, So Patriotic."

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Reading this insanity makes ME want to set someone on fire and push them out a window, hoping they land in a crowd of widows and orphans, burning them all hideously.

Be it by flame,drug,volt,gun,razorblade,sudden stop @ the end, whatever........the only reasonable reason for suicide is "mercy killing"

Gun control NEVER EVER works, check the history, every attempt has been a miserable failure with a disasterous outcome.

I carry a .45 recolver, or a .44 revolver(depending on what i'm wearing) every day of my life.........never had to use one on a human, but had to dispatch a number of dying animals, i'm glad I was armed, and could end their suffering.

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