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Fallin' in and out of love with you....

Buc McMaster

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Unlike many members here, I have but one acoustic guitar. There have been many periods in the past when I possessed as many as 8 or 9 at once.......too much to choose from! But now it's just me and my SJ200, and I find myself falling in and out of love with this guitar. It's a great piece; plays great and sounds like a big ol' Gibson jumbo ought to sound.......and it never changes. But some days I find myself looking at other guitars with a lustful eye and casting distainful glances at the 200. It just sits there. Never complains or reacts to my wandering eye. Old faithful. I take it from the case and look it over, thump the top, look up and down the neck......it's just wood. Bought it some new bridge pins and a saddle, dressed it up with a new set of Imperials and, as if to say 'thank you!', it began to teach me a new style and I'm in love again. It's got to be me that's fickle. The guitar weathers it all.......being thought of as yesterday's treasure, left alone in it's case for a stretch.......it doesn't care. Guess all my past guitars have endured the same and all have gone on to new homes, new situations, new music. The Martin D18V-S, the 000-42, the D-28, the Yairi DY91, the Taylor 714, the 1952 Gibson L5 and so many more. I let the grass on the other side of the fence get the best of me. But I'm getting up in years now and don't play out any longer, so having a good buddy around has a comfort in it. Old Faithful isn't going to change on me.......why should I change on him?


Do you find yourself faliing in and out of love with your guitar(s)?

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All the time. I don't think the guitars change much, I'm just a spoiled brat who has too many guitars and not enough talent. If I'm not having a good day I can blame the guitar and use that excuse to go buy another.


I wouldn't put too much thought into it though. For one, GAS is like death and taxes, it's going to always be there and you might as well enjoy it. Two, on the days when it sits in the corner/case or (like my J200) on the wall, don't think about it. You're just not in the mood for it is all, no more, no less.


I love Chinese food but some days I'm just not in the mood for it. When it's a good day for the J200, you will both know.

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Out of all of the guitars I have owned and then sold or traded away, I only miss a couple and funny thing is, they are both electrics! I don't even really play the electric but I have owned some nice one's over the years. Funny thing, when I finally bond with an acoustic, I won't get rid of it. That has happend twice in the last 15 years, in my Taylor 612C and my Gibson AJ and it has certainly happend for a third time now with the LG1 or I wouldn't be spending the bucks on the neck reset or having the K & K installed. Once I put money into a guitar, I have a tendancy to keep it and I never put money into those that I just can't or won't bond with. My wife was kidding me when I told her I wanted to get the LG1 fixed up and looked at by the tech. She said, well I guess that one must be a keeper then! :D

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Fall in & out of love...

This is the thing I can say me personally with the same words.

Unlike one thing - I have my SJ 200 - My MISTER GIBS - M Y P R E C I O U S... since 09.02.2009

Whish I could say the same as you said after (let's see) some more 30 years of playing on him only if GGGG (Good Gibson God Gives)...

Meanwhile I look at him (M-R GIBS) about 50 times a day. Every time I taka a look at him I feel the raising pride in the middle of my thorax. And I tell myself: "bravo!"

And every time I take a look at him he is doing only one thing: HE SHINES

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I just got off a jag where I played one of my guitars for a week straight, neglecting my others. I try to log in time on each instrument every week. But I go on a jag once in a while. Something clicks with a song, a sound/tone or a feel and bam I'm hooked for days. Eventually these jags play themselves out, so I just go with it. That's one of the nice things about having a collection. Maintenance, uhhh... that's another story. #-o


Buc McMaster - nice - this has the makings of a great thread.

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But I'm getting up in years now and don't play out any longer' date=' so having a good buddy around has a comfort in it. Old Faithful isn't going to change on me.......why should I change on him?



I am pretty much in the same boat. I own one guitar. I will turn 55 in a couple months so except for the occasional open mike I don't play out either any more. I have lately been getting a strong desire for a second guitar, but this is going along with a desire to start playing out more often. I started a guitar kitty a few months ago so I will soon be a multiple guitar owner. I even stopped in a music store today and of all things tried an electric. I have been a widower for the past 14 years so I have no one to stop my insanity. I can act as crazy as a youngster.

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BucMac, You nailed it for those of us one only's! My SJ200 is more versatile than I am - so I figure that getting a second will cut in half the amount of play time on it exploring new things. Got new saddle and pins a few weeks ago - a result of a Colosi related elephant ivory string here. It's not that I fell out of love - I guess I just am more in love. Like getting a new red dress for your GF. I keep trying to convince my non-degreed accountant (wife) that I need a second. She said I can get one when I learn how to play 2 at a time.

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Probably the case that my guitar has capabilities that are light years ahead of what I can do with it, which I will say is a source of frustration at times and I'm sure contributes to the fallin' out of love periods. It was my post, Fortyyearspickn, about the saddle and pins upgrade. (I won't mention the material used to avoid another toss up from the PETA crowd.) The saddle made a noticeable change in the timbre of the instument, for the better. The Imperials were strictly for cosmetics, and they do look better to my eye. There're also easier for these old fingers to get ahold on!


Of the guitars that have come and gone, the only one I probably should have kept was the Martin D-18VS 12-fret dreadnaught. I special ordered it from the factory and waited patiently for about 8 months to take delivery. Alas, my wandering eye got the better of me and it went the way of so many others. That was when I was a single man with money to burn and no responsibilities. Things have changed a bit. Still have money but there's more important places to spend it now that take priority over guitars. So I tweak and fiddle with the J200, falling in and out of love.

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I thought I was guitarded, falling in and out of love with my guitars.....but my style changed....I trade up.....I buy I sell.....life goes on.....currently, I am content with my guitars.....but ......I like to look........so who knows what the future will bring.....lol

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I only own three guitars. I never *loved* the Seagull, but I did, and still do, appreciate it. I have a certain loyalty to it. I love the Gibson. I may not play it every day, but there isn't a single day that goes by that I don't look at it and thank my lucky stars that I own such a gorgeous hunk of wood. I also love my little Epi EL-00, and have such fun with it. It just 'fits' some days. And when I think I love it too much, I haul out the Gibson and strike an E chord, and remember why the Epi is not, and never will be, in the same league with the Gibson! I think I'm the kind of person who bonds with certain material objects, like cars and guitars, and they are sentimental to me. I doubt that I'd ever part with any of the guitars, and certainly not the Gibson. Heck, I still tear up over losing my 1979 Mazda RX7 in a car accident in 2003.

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