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What does Politics have to do with music?


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The 50 Greatest Political Protest Songs of All Time


Before you read the rest of these, please consider James McMurtry's We Can't Make It Here Anymore. Quite possibly the greatest political/socio/economic statement of this century.


1) Strange Fruit - Billie Holliday


2) A Change is Gonna Come - Sam Cooke


3) We Shall Overcome - Pete Seeger?


4) Blowin' In The Wind - Bob Dylan


5) What's Going On - Marvin Gaye


6) Revolution - The Beatles


7) The Times (They Are A Changin') -Bob Dylan


8) Get Up Stand Up - Bob Marley


9) Democracy - Leonard Cohen


10) Inner City Blues - Marvin Gaye


11) War Pigs - Black Sabbath


12) The Great Nations of Europe - Randy Newman


13) Two Plus Two Is On My Mind - Bob Seger


14) We Don't Get Fooled Again - The Who


15) Born In The U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen


16) A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall - Bob Dylan


17) Ohio - Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young


18) Not Ready To Make Nice - The Dixie Chicks


19) Gimme Shelter -The Rolling Stones


20) Fortunate Son - Creedence Clearwater Revival


21) Why I'll Always Be The Man In Black - Johnny Cash


22) Alabama - Neil Young


23) Woodstock - Joni Mitchell


24) I'd Love To Change The World - Alvin Lee and Ten Years After


25) The Revolution Will Not Be Televised - Gil Scott Heron


26) Don't Wanna Be An American Idiot - Green Day


27) any song by Rage Against The Machine


28) Rockin' In The Free World - Neil Young


29) Masters of War - Bob Dylan


30) Ball of Confusion -The Temptations


31) Heaven Help Us All - Stevie Wonder


32) Where Have All The Flowers Gone - Peter, Paul and Mary


33) Money - Pink Floyd


34) London Calling - The Clash


35) Le Marsellaise - The National Anthem of France and the French Revolution


36) Shattered - The Rolling Stones


37) Southern Man - Neil Young


38) Whitey On The Moon - Gil Scott Heron


39) Eve of Destruction -Barry MacGuire


40) Village Ghetto Land - Stevie Wonder


41) In The Ghetto - Elvis Presley


42) Freedom/Motherless Child - Ritchie Havens


43) Bungalow Bill - The Beatles


44) The Last Resort - The Eagles


45) Allentown - Billy Joel


46) Let's Drop The Big One - Randy Newman


47) Feel Like A Number - Bob Seger


48) Volunteers of America - Jefferson Airplane


49) God Bless The Child - Billie Holliday


50) The Battle Hymn of the Republic - Julia Ward Howe

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"We Can't Make it Here"



Vietnam Vet with a cardboard sign

Sitting there by the left turn line

Flag on the wheelchair flapping in the breeze

One leg missing, both hands free

No one's paying much mind to him

The V.A. budget's stretched so thin

And there's more comin' home from the Mideast war

We can't make it here anymore


That big ol' building was the textile mill

It fed our kids and it paid our bills

But they turned us out and they closed the doors

We can't make it here anymore


See all those pallets piled up on the loading dock

They're just gonna set there till they rot

'Cause there's nothing to ship, nothing to pack

Just busted concrete and rusted tracks

Empty storefronts around the square

There's a needle in the gutter and glass everywhere

You don't come down here 'less you're looking to score

We can't make it here anymore


The bar's still open but man it's slow

The tip jar's light and the register's low

The bartender don't have much to say

The regular crowd gets thinner each day


Some have maxed out all their credit cards

Some are working two jobs and living in cars

Minimum wage won't pay for a roof, won't pay for a drink

If you gotta have proof just try it yourself Mr. CEO

See how far 5.15 an hour will go

Take a part time job at one of your stores

Bet you can't make it here anymore


High school girl with a bourgeois dream

Just like the pictures in the magazine

She found on the floor of the laundromat

A woman with kids can forget all that

If she comes up pregnant what'll she do

Forget the career, forget about school

Can she live on faith? live on hope?

High on Jesus or hooked on dope

When it's way too late to just say no

You can't make it here anymore


Now I'm stocking shirts in the Wal-Mart store

Just like the ones we made before

'Cept this one came from Singapore

I guess we can't make it here anymore


Should I hate a people for the shade of their skin

Or the shape of their eyes or the shape I'm in

Should I hate 'em for having our jobs today

No I hate the men sent the jobs away

I can see them all now, they haunt my dreams

All lily white and squeaky clean

They've never known want, they'll never know need

Their sh@# don't stink and their kids won't bleed

Their kids won't bleed in the da$% little war

And we can't make it here anymore


Will work for food

Will die for oil

Will kill for power and to us the spoils

The billionaires get to pay less tax

The working poor get to fall through the cracks

Let 'em eat jellybeans let 'em eat cake

Let 'em eat sh$%, whatever it takes

They can join the Air Force, or join the Corps

If they can't make it here anymore


And that's how it is

That's what we got

If the president wants to admit it or not

You can read it in the paper

Read it on the wall

Hear it on the wind

If you're listening at all

Get out of that limo

Look us in the eye

Call us on the cell phone

Tell us all why


In Dayton, Ohio

Or Portland, Maine

Or a cotton gin out on the great high plains

That's done closed down along with the school

And the hospital and the swimming pool

Dust devils dance in the noonday heat

There's rats in the alley

And trash in the street

Gang graffiti on a boxcar door

We can't make it here anymore


Music and lyrics © 2004 by James McMurtry

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Fighting soldiers from the sky

Fearless men who jump and die

Men who mean just what they say

The brave men of the Green Beret


Silver wings upon their chest

These are men, America's best

One hundred men will test today

But only three win the Green Beret


Trained to live off nature's land

Trained in combat, hand-to-hand

Men who fight by night and day

Courage peak from the Green Berets


Silver wings upon their chest

These are men, America's best

One hundred men will test today

But only three win the Green Beret


Back at home a young wife waits

Her Green Beret has met his fate

He has died for those oppressed

Leaving her his last request


Put silver wings on my son's chest

Make him one of America's best

He'll be a man they'll test one day

Have him win the Green Beret.

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World’s gone made

Hey the world’s on fire

Food’s too dear and your gas is higher

Got to eat, and you’ve got to breathe

Got no money, well, it’s time to leave


Dow Jones crashes, the cats get rich

See them laughing (?)


It’s a game (big game)

It’s just a game (a big game)


Profit’s in hey, what’s going on?

All this time, it’s the same old song

If you’ve got dough, they’ll lend you more

When you’re broke, you get shown the door

They’ll take your home and they’ll take your car

Make you live in your mom’s backyard


The rich get rich, then get rich some more

Pretty soon, they’ll be all at war


It’s a game (big game)

It’s just a game (a big game)

So who’s to blame?

It’s just a game


Playin games with people’s lives

Who struggle hard just to survive

The world is goin’ up in flames

(?) it’s just a game

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Hey, what's the deal now, don't it feel like something's goin' on

What's goin' down what's goin' around, and I'm gonna get some

What's this I see, a familiar face, and it's coming my way

I said I don't know who it is, it might be you and this just might be my day


Action talks - now action talks and bullshit walks

Action talks - you got something to say

Action talks - start talking, or get to walking

Action talks - or start making your move on me-yeah-yeah


Sure looks nice, but what's goin price, forget the consequences

Let's work it out instead of workin' out

We'll work it over till we get it right

What's this I need, not what's this I like, and can you sent it my way

Till I realized all the innocent lies, it was gonna take my order to make


Action talks - now action talks and bullshit walks

Action talks - we got something to say

Action talks - nobody talkin', ain't no one walkin'

Action talks - no use in puttin' the blame on yesterday


So here's the deal, it looks like it feels, they got it goin' on

What's going down, what's going around,

Why? Where? When and how come?

So the queen forget to lose the president

Don't hear a word they say (**** you!)

They come together as one and maybe get the job done

Instead of blaming yesterday


Action talks - action talks and bullshit walks

Action talks - you got something to say

Action talks - no use in cryin', no use in whinin'

Action talks - no use in puttin' the blame on yesterday

Action talks - no blamin' yesterday, say what you mean

Say what you mean

Say what you mean, say what you mean

Start talkin', start talkin', start talkin'

Say what you mean, you got a lot to say, you got a lot to say

Say what you mean, nobody's stoppin' you, nobody's stoppin' you

So tell me, what the **** did you say?

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By Homz

October 4, 2007


I am war. I am pain.

I bring sickness every day.

Walking beside me; the vain,

the insane, power hungry whores of by gone days.


I am war. I can’t complain.

Rivers of blood alive in my name.

Walking beside me; the politician, the banker,

the contractor keeping alive the eternal flame.


I’ll never, never, never fade away. No I’ll never, never, never fade away.

No fa-a-a-de away. No fa-a-a-de away.


Speak about me if you must.

Knowing I am a part of your lust.

I quench the thirst of dirty old men.

I start the fires when the news is thin.

I make heroes and I make fools.

I make a living off breaking the rules.

I won’t let you down when it’s time to kill.

Just so you know I will never, never, never get my fill.


I’ll never, never, never fade away. No I’ll never, never, never fade away.

No fa-a-a-de away. No fa-a-a-de away.


I am war. I don’t change.

I have gone by many names.

If your in need of a pick me up.

Feel free to look me up.

I won’t be hard to find.


I’ll never, never, never fade away. No I’ll never, never, never fade away.

No fa-a-a-de away. No fa-a-a-de away.

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The Rehab song.

By Homz

March 16, 2007



Well I tripped on the high road and fell off the path.

I lied to my future and lied about my past.

Pour another drink and I’ll meet you at the bottom of the glass.

Never done much right, aside from being half assed.


I wallow in a pool of self pity and shame.

I ate lots of pills that don’t even have a name.

Some days I wake up and don’t know who to blame.

They say only the crazy think they are really sane.


So pour another drink and pass me a white, wont you.

Burn some weed and I’ll break a promise or two.

Kick me in the head when I get out of line.

Think maybe I hit the bottom, but then I’m never on time.


I woke up in a ditch just the other day.

Crashed my car a tree got in the way.

So I lye in a pool of my own human waste.

Have you got something for the pain, I would really like a taste.


So pour another drink and pass me a red, wont you.

Burn some weed and I’ll break a promise or two.

Kick me in the head when I get out of line.

Think maybe I hit the bottom, but then I’m never on time.


I like to watch porn and drink cheep wine.

Out of seven deadly sins I’m working on nine.

I play my guitar until 3am.

I take another swig and do it again.


So pour another drink and pass me a blue, wont you.

Burn some weed and I’ll break a promise or two.

Kick me in the head when I get out of line.

Think maybe I hit the bottom, but then I’m never on time.

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My favorite... warrior bard...


I find it interesting that minstrel and the early term for samurai both mean,

in effect, servants at the court...


The minstrel boy to the war is gone,

In the ranks of death you'll find him;

His father's sword he hath girded on,

And his wild harp slung behind him;

"Land of Song!" cried the warrior bard,

"Tho' all the world betrays thee,

One sword, at least, thy right shall guard,

One faithful harp shall praise thee!"


The Minstrel fell! But the foeman's chain

Could not bring that proud soul under;

The harp he lov'd ne'er spoke again,

For he tore its chords asunder;

And said "No chains shall sully thee,

Thou soul of love and brav'ry!

Thy songs were made for the pure and free

They shall never sound in slavery!"

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I always liked...


War, Huh, Yeah

What Is It Good for

Absolutely Nothing

Uh Huh ahah


War, Huh, Yeah

What Is It Good For

Absolutely Nothing

Say It Again Y'all


War, Huh, Look Out

What is it good for

Absolutely Nothing

Listen To Me


Aaiiaaahh War!


I despise

'Cause it Means Destruction

Of Innocent Lives


War Means Tears

To Thousands Of Mothers Eyes

When Their Sons Go To fight

And Lose Their Lives


War, Huh, Good God Y'all

What Is It Good for

Absolutely Nothing

Get Say It Again


War, Huh,WoahahwoahahLoah Lord

What IS It Good For

Absolutely Nothing

Listen To Me


War, In Ain't Nothin' But a Heart Break

War, Friend only To The Undertaker


Ooooh, war

It's an enemy to all mankind

The point of war blows my mind

War has caused unrest

Within the younger generation

Induction then destruction

Who wants to die

Aaaaah, war-huh

Good God y'all

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Say it, say it, say it

War, huh

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Listen to me


War, huh, yeah

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing


War, huh, yeah

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Say it again y'all

War, huh, good God

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Listen to me


War, it ain't nothing but a heartbreaker

War, it's got one friend

That's the undertaker

Ooooh, war, has shattered

Many a young mans dreams

Made him disabled, bitter and mean

Life is much to short and precious

To spend fighting wars these days

War can't give life

It can only take it away


Ooooh, war, huh

Good God y'all

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Say it again


War, whoa, Lord

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Listen to me


War, it ain't nothing but a heartbreaker

War, friend only to the undertaker

Peace, love and understanding

Tell me, is there no place for them today

They say we must fight to keep our freedom

But Lord knows there's got to be a better way


Ooooooh, war, huh

Good God y'all

What is it good for

You tell me

Say it, say it, say it, say it


War, huh

Good God y'all

What is it good for

Stand up and shout it


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As is proven here on a daily basis politics, religion, nationality, race, and etc. etc. have everything to do with music. The guitar the very symbol of rock and roll has a long history of bucking the established norms. What would music or the guitar by extension be without politics. It would nothing. So to simplify; the next time things get heated and you feel like starting "The lounge of moral conformist" please look at your old album collection and consider what that collection would add up to with out all those radical, political, crazy a$$ free spirits who don't think you can separate the music from the politics.

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As is proven here on a daily basis politics' date=' religion, nationality, race, and etc. etc. have everything to do with music. The guitar the very symbol of rock and roll has a long history of bucking the established norms. What would music or the guitar by extension be without politics. It would nothing. So to simplify; the next time things get heated and you feel like starting "The lounge of moral conformist" please look at your old album collection and consider what that collection would add up to with out all those radical, political, crazy a$$ free spirits who don't think you can separate the music from the politics. [/quote']



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How about Boom! by System of a Down?


I've been walking through your streets

Where all your money is earned

Where all your buildings crying

And clueless neckties working

Revolving fake-lawn houses

Housing all your fears

Desensitized by TV

Overbearing advertising

God of consumerism

And all your crooked pictures looking good

Mirrorism, filtering information for the public eye

Designed for profiteering

Your neighbor, what a guy.







Every time you drop the bomb, you kill the god your child has born-







Modern globalization

Coupled with condemnations

Unnecessary death

Matador corporations

Puppeting your frustrations with a blinded flag

Manufacturing consent is the name of the game

The bottom line is money

Nobody gives a ****

Four thousand hungry children leave us per hour from starvation

While billions are spent on bombs

Creating death showers







Every time you drop the bomb, you kill the god your child has born-









Why must we kill our own kind?


Every time you drop the [bOOM!]

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As is proven here on a daily basis politics' date=' religion, nationality, race, and etc. etc. have everything to do with music. The guitar the very symbol of rock and roll has a long history of bucking the established norms. What would music or the guitar by extension be without politics. It would nothing. So to simplify; the next time things get heated and you feel like starting "The lounge of moral conformist" please look at your old album collection and consider what that collection would add up to with out all those radical, political, crazy a$$ free spirits who don't think you can separate the music from the politics. [/quote']

Political and Religious Flaming is less annoying than the Multiple Personalities that have sprouted over the last couple days. Poorly acted out characters with little substance and no background. I've played Dungeons and Dragons with better Character Actors (oops, I just admitted I played D&D).


Anyway, I don't see why we can't argue politics, it's the Offense for The Sake of Offense I was all for being against.

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